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Essays 1 - 30

Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Pagan and Jewish Women

In five pages this paper contrasts and compares Pagan women with Jewish women in ancient Greek and Roman societies in terms of the...

Social Status of Women in the Ancient Societies of Greece, Rome, and Mesopotamia

Emperor Valentinian issued a written order to Pope Damasus I requiring the Christian missionaries to cease calling at the homes of...

Women in Ancient Greece

conceive was thus a serious problem" (Women in the Ancient World). Now, of course one could also argue that this was a patriarch...

Ancient Greece and Women's Roles

Artemis, and her hair was cut. For the next several months the bride was taught the domestic duties she would perform for the rest...

Positions of Women in Ancient Greek and Roman Civilizations

exercise, even participating with men at times, indicating that there was not a great deal of difference in the way the men and wo...

Comparative Analysis of Ancient Greek Women and Contemporary Culture

This paper examines the limitations which continue to exist in terms of women's roles in ancient Greek society and in the present ...

Ancient Greek Woman's Life

Greece, 2004). Eleni supposed her husband would do the same, but given that she had never met him she couldnt be sure. She was d...

Women in Ancient Greece by Sue Blundell

expected to appear in the public sphere, being confined to the household, Blundell notes that they do appear in the artwork and li...

The Position of Philosophy and Women in Ancient Greece

system in ancient Greece wherein a woman had a protector (kyrios) or one who watched over them. This was either a brother or their...

Ancient Islam and Greece, Religion, Culture, and Science

was the force that recovered the information (Mathematics, 2005). In essence, in ancient times, "Scholarship supported science in ...

The Ancient Art of Rome, Greece, and Egypt

history. The Greeks were the first to truly follow Egypt in presenting art and representations of symbolic figures in art histor...

Ancient Greece's Tragic Heroes Agamemnon, Achilles, and Hector

their lives? These are some of the questions we will consider as we look at these men in action in Homers Illiad. Tragedy Accord...

Ancient Greece's Pre-Socratic Philosophy

In five pages this report discusses the pre Socratic ancient Greek philosophy of seventh century BC Ionia. Three sources are cite...

Ancient Greece's Stoic Philosophy

In fourteen pages this paper examines the Stoic school of philosophy that developed in ancient Greeks in a consideration of the ph...

Comparing the Empire of Ancient Rome with Ancient Greece

to Egypt would also pay homage to some Egyptian Gods such as Isis and Horus. In Britain and Gaul there is evidence of the Romans m...

Society of Ancient Greece and Women

This paper examines how women in Ancient Greek society were portrayed in a comparative analysis of the plays Lysistrata by Aristop...

Ancient Mythology of Greece and Rome and How Women Were Treated

While women in Greek and Roman mythology were strong of mind and spirit, they were not allowed to express their inner most beings ...

Women of Ancient Greece and Rome

And, in terms of using their sexuality, "They do not share their couches with their husbands but with the other men who happen to ...

Women of Ancient Greece and Rome

of their bodies and exercise often, sometimes along with the men, and sometimes by themselves" (Anonymous Legal Status in the Gree...

Men and Women of Ancient Greece

For entertainment, men tended to engage in a variety of activities, mostly involving drinking, wrestling, horseback riding, and ga...

Mythology of Ancient Greece and Rome and Women

who played an important role in how Greek and Roman society viewed women. The paper then discusses various mythological works and ...

Ancient Greece and Roles for Women as Portrayed by Homer

and also provided insight into the character when she brazenly broke with firmly held tradition. For example, in Homers Iliad and ...

Ancient Art: Egypt and Greece

animals as these jars were possessed of lids which were in the form of "human, baboon, falcon, and jackal -- representing the four...

Pottery of Ancient Greece

of vase painting was the Protogeometric Style wherein Wikipedia (2007) notes, "Indeed, it is one of the few modes of artistic expr...

Dying a Slow Death by Blankets - Lysistrata

thing. CLEONICE (wearily) And is it thick too? LYSISTRATA...

Mythology and Women

represent the important roles of women. The contrast between mythological women and mythological men represents the complexity of...

Purpose of the Chorus in the Tragedy Theater of Ancient Greece

In seven pages this essay analyzes the many functions served by the Chorus in ancient Greece's tragedy theater. Three sources are...

Merger of Democracy and Imperialism According to Pericles

Athens up as the shining example of democracy saying: "Let me say that our system of government does not copy the institution of o...

Dysfunctional Families in Antigone and Oedipus the King by Sophocles

not have written them. Sophocles wrote "Antigone"(c. 442 B. C) and "Oedipus the King" (c. 425 B. C.) among numerous other works. ...

Discussing Justice and War A Hypothetical Dialogue Between Hector from 'The Iliad' and Socrates from Plato's 'Republic'

you not, such as you are, get your following together and sail beyond the seas? Did you not from your a far country carry off a lo...