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Essays 1 - 30

Women's Defender Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz

library (Oregon State, 2006). By the time she was six years of age she had read everything in his library (Sor Juana Ines de la Cr...

History's First Feminist Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz

who "led an extremely worldly existence in the convent" (Mack, 1996, p. 13), defiance of the system was a way of life. She was qu...

Seventeenth Century Works of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz

no father to pay a dowry, few choices were available to her. Juana could be the wife of a poor man, the mistress of a rich man, or...

Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Her Tone and Style

Convent of the Discalced Carmelites; however, this order proved to be too severe for her, as she became ill and left within three ...

Sor Juana De La Cruz

well as Spanish (Sunshine for Women, 1999). Robinson indicates she taught herself to read from the age of 3 (Robinson, 2006). When...

17th Century Life of Sor Juana de la Cruz

In eight pages this paper examines the life of what may well have been the first feminist in the Americas. Five sources are cit...

Comparison of 3 Stories and Passion v. Reason

It is interesting to note, however, that Molieres inspiration did not come from Corneilles comedic tendencies, but rather upon the...

The Writings of Three Mystics

This 15 page paper discusses the way in which three religious writers, Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz, Martin Buber and Teresa of Avila...

Comparison of Sor Juana Inez de la Cruz's The Divine Narcissus and Luis de Gongora's Polyphemus and Galatea

and transform his blood into a river, which flows down the sides of the volcano, Mt. Aetna, into the sea at Catana. De la Cruzs T...

L'attente de Vladimir sur Godot

continuellement interrompu par Estragon. Il ne finit jamais lhistoire. En dautres termes, il doit continuer ? attendre Godot, o? G...

Artistic Portrayal of Women

altar, they represent Jesus human and divine natures. Believers are also called to be the light of the world. In the Smoking Flame...

Documento de Ropa Campesina Medieval

al parecer a mucho del tiempo (, 2005). los "capotes de la zalea y los sombreros y los mittens de lana fueron usados e...

Early French Modern Society and a Hypothetical Debate on the Status of Women and Men at the Time

woman. She was portrayed as being virtuous, committed to her family, and obstinately determined to succeed in her tasks. Davis nee...

Early Modern Society of France and Men's and Women's Status

a patriarchal world would be a gross understatement and one that would also be staunchly supported by the likes of both Bertrande ...

French Artist James Tissot

Although he served in the Franco-Prussian war, he was also accused of being part of the short-lived Paris Commune. Consequently t...

A Review of The Princess of Cleves

An 8 page essay reviewing the novel by Marie de La Fayette. This so called women's novel provides interesing insight into French h...

Barbara Walters and a Theoretical TV Symposium on Women

In three pages this paper discusses a theoretical TV symposium regarded on the presentation of women in literature and thoughts on...

Miguel de Cervantes' Don Quijote de la Mancha

In five pages this story is examined in terms of its male and female characterizations. Four sources are cited in the bibliograph...

A Reading of Don Quixote de la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

imagine the author mocking him in the following description, "Having quite lost his wits, he fell into one of the strangest conce...

The Death of Artemio Cruz by Carlos Fuentes

the morality, or immorality, of his actions. He does, of course seem to realize that much of what he lost, long ago, was lost when...

A Critical Look Into The Los Angeles Mass Transit System

thousand riders stepped up to take the car-less journey, significantly cutting back on the amount of vehicle emissions and traffic...

A Celebration of Los Angeles

to come to terms with the exoneration of the policemen who beat Rodney Smith during the riots of the early 1990s, but in a complet...

La Belle Epoch and Decadence in Against Nature by J.K. Huysmans

In six pages this paper examines the novel in a discussion of its portrayal of decadence and its impact upon La Belle Epoch....

Spanglish en Espanol

instrucci?n del vocabulario para los lectores inesperados est? a a) inculca un sentido del encanto y el entusiasmo y b) establece ...

Puerto Rico Idioma

relaci?n con el espa?ol y el ingl?s. Esto puede deberse al hecho de que se encuentran extendidos en muchos estados de la naci?n y,...

Nineteenth Century Art and Modernity

During the nineteenth century, all aspects of European culture were affected by the advent of the Industrial Revolution and the ad...

A Literary History of Texas' Independence Movement

Erasmo Seguin, father of Juan. The elder Seguins actions were motivated by his identity as a Texan, rather than as a Mexican citiz...

Garcilaso de la Vega's Poetry and Love

as the vital key, where one sings to their beloved in life and after death, supporting themselves within a delicate and austere sc...

Jean de la Fontaine's Fables

outward recognition. Why do Fontaines epic fable poems work? Primarily, one could state that they work because they embody unive...

Consciousness in Olympia by Manet

another nude he had done. The fact that Manet was surprised at the reaction to his work, and considering that Manet was consider...