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Essays 1 - 30

World History Questions

In twenty four pages several questions pertaining to world history are answered and include Catal Huyuk and Jericho Neolithic citi...

World War I - Causes and Effects

support that does not contain any expressed or implied limitations; an agreement to offer unlimited aid. Significance: In the cont...

Overview of Experimental Economics

In five pages the contemporary world's utilization of experimental economics is examined in this overview of its history and varie...

Japan and U.S. Second World War Occupation

of nature. These two factors can be seen in the both the practice of calligraphy., and its design images. In attempting to find ...

Studying History and the Importance of Nation States According to Von Ranke

This paper discusses von Ranke's views on studying world history and the global importance of nation states in a paper consisting ...

Paint and Art

one author that Hubert is "Credited with inventing oil painting" and "was so idolizes for his discovery that his right arm was pre...

American History

experience in the war for a soldier other than seeing battle, worrying about home as it became vulnerable, dreaming of freedom and...

From the Invention of the Automobile to the Kent State Massacre

1. How did the mass production of the automobile affect...

The Possible or Probable Causal Factors for the First World War

5 pages and 6 sources. This paper provides an overview of the possible or probable causal factors for the first World War. This ...

'Reason as the law of the World' According to Hegel

In five pages this paper examines Hegel's philosophy within the context of the statement 'The sole thought which philosophy brings...

Asia and Western Expansionism

The ways in which modernization in Asia was influenced by Western expansion are examined in five pages with references made to She...

Avian Flu: A Student's Perspective

to the human population as well. Interestingly, biotechnology plays both a positive role and a negative role in this potent...

Discussion Questions on American History

In a paper of four pages, the writer looks at American history. Discussion questions are answered in short essays about civil righ...

What is Hinduism?

adherents and the West. Features of Hinduism Many Hindus endorse the idea of a transcendent God that exists "beyond the universe,...

Boeing vs. Airbus: The Question of Government Subsidies

of the latter company. Boeing, on the other hand, has relied more on internal strategy to keep the company afloat. The battle ha...

Qantas Early Development

Arthur Baird joined the pair - McMaster as a source of funding and a link to wealthy potential investors, Baird as aircraft mechan...

Interview/Living through World War II

out. You didnt know what the future might bring, or if they would survive. "Did you get married during the war?" I asked. "No, ...

Is Health Care A Right Or Privilege

pain, our pursuit of happiness is certainly limited. In effect, we are deprived of the most fundamental of all fundamental rights ...

The World and US Social Injustice

The author asks the question of how can the US hope to intervene in the world's problems with discrimination and prejudice when sh...

School And The Real World

algebra teach us to think analytically and history, as much as most students dislike it, really helps us to become more global and...

Four Questions on God, Man, Life and Death and Religious Philosophy

In six pages this research paper examines the philosophies of the world's most influential religions and how each answers these 4 ...

Contrasting Views of Karl Marx and Mahatma Gandhi

Satyagrahi must be fearless and always trust his opponent, "for an implicit trust in human nature is the very essence of his creed...

Promoting Democracy Through Imperialist Power?

to the extent that, for instance, the dominant party can dictate the terms of trade to its advantage; more broadly, cultural persp...

Six Statistical Essay Questions

would first explore the geographic location collecting the data through interviews and observation, and then generate a hypothesis...

Is Christian Doctrine Responsible For The Modern Ecological Crisis

develop a relationship with nature that emphasized the unity between man and nature and man must pull away from the thought it cou...

A History and Sociological Overview of Prostitution

society. Therefore, it was imperative to the churchs position of power to eradicate this opposition. The early church did not, how...

Supply Chain Management at Carrefour

Belgium (History, n.d.). Carrefour went public in 1970. Promod?s created the convenience store format in 1977; the two merged in...

Internet History and ARPANET

This research paper is on the history of ARPANET, which was the world's first heterogeneous computer network, and how it contribut...

In Search of Jesus

Jesus was found in the Temple teaching Priests and Scribes about the law (Scott, 2000). At age 30, Jesus began His ministry. He g...