Essays 1 - 30

Xerox Case Study

was in difficulties. This gave an effective reason for the change to take place and meant one of the main barriers to change was o...

Xerox Case Study; The Move to Selling Solutions

This 5 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Xerox need to move from a company supplying hardware to supply...

Xerox's Transformation

Apple has stolen its technology (Funding Universe). Other copy machines began flooding the market I the 1970s and 1980s. IBM wa...

The Way Forward for Xerox

firm that had already made significant changes and had been more successful in integrating acquisitions. Xerox have not had a high...

Case Study on Xerox Corporation

but a wider range of services. These were services the company offered, but by changing the focus to documentation the customers m...

Xerox's Eureka

In ten pages Eureka's information systems at Xerox are examined in terms of how it increases social capital, productivity, and dec...

Student Case Study on WOI Western Oceanography Instantiate Case Study

project is projected as taking part in four phases over a period of eight weeks. Mission Objectives The mission is convert the W...

Psychological Studies' Case Study on Mental Representation

timed in regards to their responses, Rosch reported that "response times are strikingly close to ratings of typicality" which mean...


This is not to suggest that families cant be trendy or countercultural. But the problem with anything trendy or countercultural is...

Xerox Capital Costs

will use a simple example of the calculation of weighted average cost of debt (Xerox, 2001). This can then be applied to the Xerox...

Information Management at Xerox

this places any support functions at a disadvantage as it is less able to fulfil the perceived role without the necessary power (M...

Demand Forecasting and Xerox

when. A more accurate model to use would be the Simple Exponential Smoothing method. Here, the forecasting team would look at pa...

Ethics for Business Research

sure treatment is safe before administering it has also restricted the way those suffering may be helped for example AIDs patients...

What is a Case Study and What is Case Study Methodology?

can be used to test they are also very able to generate new hypothesises which may be tested in the same research or lead to furth...

Writing a HRM Case Study

of potential concern in order to first identify the relevant factors which can be used to identify the issues that need attention ...

Cost of Capital and a Marriott Case Study

would need to invest in opportunities that might yield less profit. Cohrs, however, is tied by the fact that whatever he decides a...

Case Study on Flight Time

not developed a business plan. Indeed, the first time that this appears to occur is when an accountant is brought in to make the p...

Bonsize Plant Hormone Marketing Case Study

be somewhat doubtful as to the results they will get with the product, it was decided that television marketing would be important...

Transfer and Accounting Costs Accounting Questions

costs, these are a total of 520,000 and as such will need to be divided by the number of units manufactured, indicating the way t...

Secondhand Car Sale Case Study

Buying a used car is a transaction which is covered by the Sale...

Student Case Study on 3 Dimensional Printing

Ely Sachs, Mike Cima and John Preston of MIT, Yehoram has a presentation that shows the MIT people how the there dimensional print...

Student Case Study on Business and Personal Risks

The current competencies are research and development only. Selling this on has been limited with single purchasers. This means th...

Case Study of McDonald's

In eight pages a company case study of McDonald's includes financial performance, marketing mix, strengths and weaknesses, and glo...

Future Accounting Projections and Medical Care

In five pages this student submitted case study projects future medical accounts with Microsoft Excel and analyzes how they may be...

Student Submitted Case Study on Tendered Proposal Reviewing

In five pages this paper examines a security contract proposal tendering as reviewed by the NRC company in this student supplied c...

Academic Article Publishing Suitability

In seven pages this student supplied case study assesses an academic article's suitability for journal publishing....

Fast Food Success and Kentucky Fried Chicken

In ten pages this paper presents a KFC case study that includes an executive summary, strategic and SWOT analyses, and strategic i...

Case Study on Fictitious Company Empirical Chemicals' Strategy

In seven pages this student provides fictitious company case study examines Empirical Chemicals' corporate fragmentations through ...

Case Study on Leadership Styles

In ten pages this paper presents a case study on introducing change to a company in a consideration of various styles of leadershi...

Student Case Study on International Borrowing

In five pages this student submitted case study discusses foreign currency borrowing considerations by a company in an examination...