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Essays 181 - 210

Economics and Political Influences in Sport

may be akin to saying to the leading fast-food chains, such as McDonalds, Burger King KFC etc, and telling them that they will all...

Overlapping Governmental Authorities

This paper discusses several issues about governments. Topics include how separation of powers can sometimes overlap and cause con...

Tibetan Buddhism and Gandhi's Satyagraha

BC and embarked on numerous expansionist campaigns. He later turned to Buddhism and, repenting of his earlier policies of violent ...

Answering Questions on International Political Economy Issues

war as being "characterized less by its immediate causes...than by the extent and the stakes involved," so that the "inevitable co...

Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number from a Political Perspective

belly dancer with no political experience, as Vice President (Stevenson, 1998). It quickly became obvious that the aging and aili...

Liberals and Conservatives, Pro and Con

varies considerably from the twentieth century definition quoted above. Regulation, of course, is typically implemented by govern...

Conflict Management, Negotiation, and Cultural Differences

and resolve conflict. Conflict is a normal event when people are involved in anything where they may be strong differences of op...

Northern Ireland Conflict

In five pages a history of the Northern Ireland conflict is examined regarding the influence of religious, political, and socioeco...

UK Politics, Individualism, Nationalism, and Neo Liberalism

In six pages this paper discusses paradoxes in the United Kingdom political arena with various conflicts examined. Four sources a...

Healthcare and Cultural Conflict

In a paper consisting of 7 pages the necessity for cultural diversity in the U.S. healthcare sector is discussed with the inclusio...

The Korean War and the 38th Parallel

objectives are the total annihilation of the enemys military ability and occupation of his territory. In the Korean War, the poli...

'Third World' Sierra Leone, Africa

In eight pages this research paper examines the historical, economic, and ethnic background of Sierra Leone and what it reveals ab...

Overview of the Bloodless 'Glorious Revolution'

In five pages this paper examines the 1688-1689 conflict dubbed the Glorious Revolution to overthrow James II as the discord betwe...

Historians on Political Conflicts and Sexuality

such larger societal issues also had a profound impact on more intimate sexual issues and determinants of sexual behavior and atti...

Continuity in the Culture of African Americans

5 pages and 5 sources. This paper relates the concept of cultural continuity as it can be applied to a view of the African Americ...

Communicating Across Cultural Lines

With more diversity in industry every day, cultural issues come into play in addition to other barriers to smooth operation. This ...

Cultural and Political Autonomy Preservation Struggles of Native American Leaders

the Europeans who had invaded Native American lands. The English to whom we most often attribute the negativities of history in r...

Endangered Species Conservation, Cultural, Economic, and Political Constraints

interacts with another, as well as what governs overall cultural behavior. According to Berkes (1993), "traditional ecological kn...

Getting Real with Diversity and Leadership

2001 at its Fayetteville, North Carolina call center (Hold the Phone, 2002). DiversityInc Magazine rejects euphemism, whit...

The Top 5 Global Media Companies: Ownership, Corporate Linkage and Political and Cultural Implications

the Western world. Most of this ownership, in fact, rests in the United States. The corporate connections of these media...

Skirts; Culture and Influences

than limited to only fashion, opening up a wider variety of influences. This Turkish-Cypriot, was actually born H?seyin Ca...

The Importance of Cultural Skills in Reaching Multicultural Students

chief factor in effective learning in a multicultural classroom. The hypothesis can be presented that:...

Cultural and Political Influences on Human Development

This 3 page paper gives an overview of human development. This paper includes how cultural values and practices, public policies, ...

Islamic Integration in the West: Cultural and Political Barriers

material gain and technological advancement, while Islam is typified as highly traditional and driven by moral values rooted in an...

Brazilian Culture and it's Influence on Business

ended than the monchronic and not tied to a set timetable, many task as seen as being able to be completed and it is the completi...

Political and Cultural Influence on the Employment Relationship in India

and Townsend, 2002). In addition to this, where an employee is injured at work the employer has an obligation to provide adequate ...

Chicago Pizza in the Czech Republic

for there to be many cultural differences. Being fluent in the language may serve to create understanding, but alone it will not ...


Some years later, Hofstede added a fifth dimension, that of Long-Term Orientation. LTO determines the degree to which a society em...

Cote d’Ivoire’s Postcolonial Cultural and Political Changes:

to protest a pro-French plantation owner policy, and on the strength of his growing popularity at the grass roots level was electe...