YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :A Comparison of Two Literary Protagonists

Essays 901 - 930

The Literary and Film Versions of Alcott's Little Women

are pleasant individuals who go through many different dilemmas, relatively simple dilemmas in the beginning. They become friends ...

Gerard Manley Hopkins' 'God's Grandeur'

Generations have trod, have trod, have trod; And all is seared with trade; bleared, smeared with toil;...

Virginia Woolf's Literary Themes and Styles in Three Works

which you are now for the first time entering?"(Woolf). And, even in the modern era, most women still find this to be a certainty,...

Contemporary Hero Mother Teresa

Beyond ordinary or normal human ability, power, or experience" (, 2004). Applying this we can look at the way she c...

Examples of Post-Colonial Strife In Literature

the British rule has officially ceased. And so, through his personal experiences, the character of Camagu mirrors the turbulence ...

Uses of Propaganda in Oronooko by Aphra Behn, Spectator Number 69 by Joseph Addison and A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift'

take a closer look at where it is headed in the overall scheme of existence upon this earth. Through his use of syntax...

Adult Literacy and Early Development of Language

In fourteen pages early literacy and language development are considered in terms of adult literacy, the policy of Welfare to Work...

Fyodor Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov and the Character of Ivan

all-knowing, loving God. In the chapter entitled, "The Brothers Make Friends," Alyosha and Ivan are talking and Ivan goes off on a...

Comparative Analysis of George Orwell and Virginia Woolf's Literary Styles

satisfying sexual or intimate relationship because of it. She essentially lived a life wherein she was torn between the desire to ...

American Author William Faulkner's Life and Writings

gloried in the proud history of the plantation South that secured a place of honor for the aristocrat, and yet he abhorred the opp...

Literary Genres Modernism and Postmodernism

it stop, nights in bed, drunk, when you knew that that was all there was" (Hemingway 13). He is a man lost in a world with no dire...

"Political, Philosophical, Religious, Cultural, Social, Literary and Artistic Value of 'Poem of The Cid"

the field against the three thousand Moors; and such was the valor of him that in a good hour was born, and of his standard bearer...

Money and Daniel Defoe's Moll Flanders

that he wants to pay her for any liberties he has taken with her. We, the reader, clearly see this as something of a payment to a ...

James Joyce's Portrayal of Alienation in Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

through the trauma he suffers when he is forbidden to play with Eileen Vance because she is a Protestant. Stephens mother, who is ...

Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys and Social Alienation

were outcasts from the beginning largely due to her mother Annettes social displacement as a native of Martinique. The memories o...

Intellectual Development and Don Quixote, The Mali Epic of Son Jara, and The Epic of Gilgamesh

regard to the acceptance of reality, issues of morality and, perhaps above all, the concept of divine judgment and human guilt. I...

Sins of Macbeth

of fairness, arguing that because Macbeth suffers the most he is paying for his sins, it does not make sense because Lady Macbeth ...

'A and P' by John Updike and 'The Man Who Was Almost a Man' by Richard Wright Compared

aftah he done worked hard all day" (Wright 860). As the author wastes no time in revealing, Dave "is frustrated by social control...

Temporality and Lord Byron

and writers in his extensive travels (Lutz 23). Linking him to traditions that span back to Odysseus, Harold is essentially in sea...

Prince Hamlet and Willy Loman in a Consideration of What Makes a Tragic Hero

condition involves the paradoxical feeling on the part of the spectator that what has happened could not have happened otherwise, ...

Tragedies Like That of Princess Diana

charities was remarkable. She was coming into her own, moving out of the extremely heavy shadow cast by the royal family (particu...

Submissive Gender Roles in Sula and Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison

planned any of it, but he had to know that one day, after Macon hit her, hed see his mothers hand cover her lips as she searched w...

Los Angeles Literature

Chandler was famous for his evocative descriptions of L.A.; the heat and light, the flowers, traffic, noise and above all the vivi...

'Eugenie Grandet' by Honore de Balzac

In three pages this essay considers the 1833 novel by Balzac in an overview of plot that also includes a discussion of the protago...

The Feminist Literary Works of Mary Wilkins Freeman

are powerfully illustrative of the claim that many female writers of the time used the ghost story as a means of examining, indire...

Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children

end it is buried when the bulldozers level the area. Rushdie has his main character, Saleem, comment on the significance of the sp...

Sylvia Plath's 'Above the Oxbow'

is characteristic of Plaths works. "Back of the Connecticut, the river-level Flats of Hadley...

Steinbeck's Use of Foreshadowing in, Of Mice and Men

of the most blatant uses of foreshadowing is when Candy has to shoot his dog because it bit the Boss. Candy says that a man should...

Literary Representations of King Arthur's Death

the beginning, the play of the sword, and the final passage of Arthur. Malory and Tennyson: The Beginning In Malorys version o...

The Street by Ann Petry

financially running a vegetable store. Lutie ponder their situation, "Who would have thought that this old Italian couple...would ...