YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :A Philosophy Basic Overview

Essays 61 - 90

Ralph Emerson's Statement 'One Must Be an Inventor to Read Well'

In four pages this essay analyzes Emerson's quote and the philosophies that inspired this outlook....

John Dewey's Educational Philosophy

of education is determined by the many forces struggling against each other during any given era, forces such as political, religi...

First Meditation of Rene Descartes

Most people like an ordered existence. It makes them feel comfortable with the real uncertainty of life. Descartes made "doubt" a ...

Socrates, Aristotle, and Their Philosophies

In five pages this paper contrasts and compares the philosophies of Socrates and Aristotle with virtue concepts being the primary ...

Theories of Plato versus Confucius' Analects in Lun Yü of K'ung Fu-Tzu

In eight pages this paper discusses social reformation in a contrast and comparison of the philosophies of Plato and Confucius....

Children with Special Needs and Education

In three pages this paper discusses special needs children and includes the personal philosophy of the writer regarding educationa...

Mission Theology

his baptism, Jesus mirror the words of Isaiah 42:1, which state, "Behold my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul del...

Basic Principles of Production Management

This paper consists of five pages and provides a production management overview as well as a discussion of its basic principles. ...

Cost Accounting by V. Daniel Hunt

This 5 page paper discusses Hunt's book and provides an overview of basic cost accounting procedures and considers the importance ...

Overview of the Koran

In ten pages this Koran overview includes such topics as the Prophet Mohammad, revelations, and basic Muslim principles. Six sour...

Hinduism's Basic Tenets

In three pages Hinduism's basic tenets are considered in an information overview with insight into the religious princiiples provi...

Metaphysical Civilization And Its Discontents by Sigmund Freud

In fifteen pages this essay examines Freud's work in a basic overview and then offers a comparison between the society Freud was w...

Senior Citizens and the UK's Mental Health Act of 1983

In thirteen pages the United Kingdom's Mental Health Act of 1983 is discussed in a basic overview with concentration being the imp...

The Process of Personality Development in Children

10 pages and 14 sources. This paper provides an overview of the basic process through which a child's personality develops. This...

The Three Major Religions and Healthcare

This 7 page paper gives an overview of the basics of the major religions and why nurses should study them. This paper includes Jew...

Difference Between Enrichment and Fortification

This 3 page paper gives an overview of some basic foods that have been enriched of fortified. This paper includes the difference b...

Michael Molloy's Experiencing the World's Religions

In five pages this essay refers to Molloy's text in an overview of the reasons for religion creation by societies along with a bas...

Overview of Karate

In five pages karate is considered in an overview of history, theory, and basic martial arts techniques. Four sources are cited i...

Supply and Demand Economics

the equation remains constant then the demand will increase to 25,000, so in pence we can then reduce this to 100 = 25,000 or 1Pn-...

Ending Access to Tobacco for Children in California

California and Smoking in the Nineties In 1988, California residents passed Proposition 99. The law increased the tax on ea...

Different Views on Chaos Theory

7 pages and 7 sources. This paper provides an overview of the basic elements of chaos theory and relates them to views of their a...

The Major Shifts in Practices in Management Accounting

among those as highly cognizant of precision in values as accountants by nature and by training tend to be. Instead, activity-bas...

Company Overview of Electronics for Imaging, Inc.

In five pages EFI is examined in a basic overview of the company, its operations, and its international position. One table is in...

Peter Balakian's Black Dog of Fate

In eight pages an overview of the text's basic elements is presented along with an assessment of the 1914 Armenian genocide impact...

Marta Traba's Conversacion al Sur

In three pages the themes and major points of this text are considered in a basic overview that also emphasizes the importance of ...

Child Development and Semantics

5 pages and 6 sources. This paper provides an overview of the process through which children acquire language. This paper relate...

Cosmetics and Estee Lauder Companies

In fifteen pages the cosmetics industry is considered in a basic overview and then Estee Lauder is discussed in terms of analysis ...

Characteristics of Human Service Systems

In eight pages this research paper discusses how child abuse can be prevented through the use of the FDCS human service system in ...

The Christian Science Church

book that described her new beliefs entitled Science and Health, which was published in 1875. In 1877, she married Asa Gilbert Edd...

Comparing Theories of Max Weber and Karl Marx

haves and the "have nots." He saw the divisiveness as wrong, and something that had been propelled by capitalism and not something...