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God's Word and The Bible

already been met, and the number met appear to far outweigh those remaining. However, the main message of St. Johns writings are ...

Answering the Question 'Did Jesus Christ Say That He is God?

In seven pages history is examined in order to answer this question that contends Jesus never at any time asserted he was the Mess...

Exgesis on Deuteronomy 26:1-11 Bible Studies

In six pages an exegesis of this passage is presented in terms of the movement out of Egypt and into the promised land with God's ...

Pre Christian Concept of God and Mystery Cults

In eight pages this paper examines the pre Christian Mystery Cults that emphasized God's 'mysteriousness' and discusses its myths ...

Themes of Order and Disorder in Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales

A paper illustrating themes of spiritual order and disorder in the prologue to Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. The author dr...

Hong Xiuquan, Christian Theology, and the Taiping Rebellion

The attempted overthrow of the Qing Dynasty by 'God's Chinese Son' Hong Xiuquan, the Taiping Rebellion, is described in three page...

Writing and Speech in Novels by Camara Laye and Ousmane Sembene

In one page this paper examines Third World Africa in a contrast between written language and oral tradition as represented in G...

God's Existence

In nine pages this paper discusses the philosophical and theological 5 proofs of God's existence but the lack of understanding tha...

Old Testament and God's Nature

In five pages God's nature is examined in Exodus 34, verses six and seven. Three sources are cited in the bibliography....

Contemporary Religion and Plato

In six pages this paper compares contemporary religious views with Plato's philosophical concepts with God's existence, morality, ...

God's Goodness Philosophically Examined

Plato's Euthyphro is employed in this paper consisting of eight pages in order to explore the roots of godly piety and this tutori...

Great Literary Works, Experiences, Lessons, and Hope

In 10 pages this paper examines the shared theme of the determinants of one's identity as revealed within 'God's Pocket,' 'Tumblin...

Teleology and Proving God's Existence Through Reason

thought and action are connected, bringing to mind the view of science and how it demonstrated the same evidence. Character...

Aristotle's Original Theories

coined until Aristotle contributed to it, the concepts were there in the past. Thus, in such concerns, one might say that Aristotl...

Comparison of Spinoza and Hume

was that pleasure was immediate gratification but the greater good would be realized by a life lived based on principles as the go...

Gender Roles and African Women in African and French Literature

This paper examines the depiction of African Women in Camara Laye's The Dark Child and Ousmane Sembene's God's Bits of Wood in fiv...

Twentieth Century Christian Theology and 'Holiness'

possess it?presumably "attribution of qualities like thankfulness, courage, and chastity" are ruled out (Geach 333). According to ...

Frank Gaeblein's In the Pattern of God's Truth

In two pages this book is examined in a discussion of God's word and the interpretation of truth. There are no other sources list...

An Examination of Atheism

In ten pages this research paper presents arguments on God's existence both pro and con and discusses beliefs of atheists. Eight ...

God's Treatment of Mankind in 'Paradise Lost' by John Milton

In five pages this paper examines God's views and treatment of mankind as depicted in 'Paradise Lost' by John Milton. Two other s...

African Writers V.Y. Mudimbe, Sembene Ousmane, and Mariana Ba Compared

which was published in 1960, Ousmane examines the topics of race and class in two distinctly political ways. One approach that he ...

Differing Opinions of Aristotle and Plato

In eight pages this paper examines how the views of Aristotle and Plato on God's existence, poetics, and forms concepts differed. ...

Belief in God in Hinduism and Buddhism

reverence that can only be achieved through understanding the esoteric aspects of the three worlds. "The experiential and devotio...

God and Saint Augustine

In a paper that consists of five pages St. Augustine's concept of God is explored along with a consideration of its rationale in o...

Ephesians and the Gentiles' Adoption

deal with the removal of the Jewish-Gentile barrier, also carry within them the promise for the removal of other barriers which ke...

Book of Daniel Analysis

In a paper consisting of twenty five pages the Old Testament's Book of Daniel is extensively analyzed and presents the argument su...

Maya Angelou and Malcolm X, No Comparison?

For many, a comparison of the gentle grace of Maya Angelou's poetry with the fiery prose of Malcolm X would be difficult. Yet, as ...

God's Existence According to Rene Descartes

In five pages this report examines Descartes' First Philosophy regarding nature and God's existence as featured in his First Medit...

Analogical Language, Aquinas, and Adler

In a paper containing 5 pages the usefulness of analogical language in theological inquiries is evaluated by incorporating the the...

Kant, Aquinas, and Others on the Existence of God

In six pages philosophers such as Immanuel Kant and Thomas Aquinas are incorporated into a series of student submitted questions a...