YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Agape Love Views of Paul Tillich

Essays 31 - 60

An Examination of Four Love Poems

so strong, that Browning anticipates that it will follow her after death (line 14). Scottish poet Robert Burns also relied...

Literary and Poetic Examples of True Love

even to the edge of doom" (Shakespeare 9-12). In the end he claims that if he is wrong then he never wrote and no man ever loved. ...

A Response to 1 Thessalonians

a mixed population of Greeks, Romans and Jews with more Greeks than the other two (Johnson, 1998). Paul began his ministry there i...

Imagination Paralysis in Six Degrees of Separation by John Guare

In five pages this paper discusses imagination paralysis in a consideration of Paul's theory regarding Holden Caulfield in J.D. Sa...

An Overview of 2 Corinthians

you know the depth of my love for you." Other scholars believe 2 Corinthians is actually a fourth letter that Paul wrote to them (...

Verse Exposition of 1 Corinthians 1:5

In this essay consisting of 5 pages, the long letter written by St. Paul for instructional purposes is considered as reflection of...

Christian Life/Sanctification and Epistle to the Romans

as a servant of Christ Jesus, who was "called to be an apostle" (Romans 1:1)(This reference and all subsequent references refer to...

Paul's Conversion - Acts 9:1-19; 21:1-21; 26:12-18

important to be childlike but not as na?ve as children (Smith htm). It is important to realize that everyone, regardless of age, ...

Willa Cather's 'Paul's Case'

down, pistol in hand, and he had cried out in time to save himself, and his father had been horrified to think how nearly he had k...

Evangelium vitae/Nos. 78-105

to freedom and responsibility" (EV 83). In this regard, he stresses the pivotal position of the Sacraments, as a means by which hu...

St. Paul's Trip to Rome

have been because Paul had already been in prison for two years and Festus knew Paul was innocent of the charges levied against hi...

Existentialism, God, and Man’s Purpose

The philosophy of existentialism originated among late nineteenth century philosophers such as Keirkegaard...

Paul Gauguin's Noa Noa

the Tahitian people. Noa Noa is the private journal and daily sketch book of Gauguin during his time there, though it is highly f...

Humanism and Existentialism

whatever they become, defining their being through a projection of what they foresee of themselves in the future....

Paul Celan's Poetry and the Holocaust

He continued to publish regularly throughout the 50s, winning great public recognition and awards, if not peace of mind." These pa...

Paul Shepard's Nature and Madness

on behalf of those who embrace the concept of "green," including clean air, food and water, nothing much has really changed, eve w...

Paul Johnson's Modern Times

created the modern political zealot--and his crimes--so the evaporation of religious faith among the educated left a vacuum in the...

Ephesians 4:1-6

were called-(5) one Lord, one faith, one baptism; (6) one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all (Ephes...

Poe’s Tell-Tale Heart

he so closely identifies with him, which is precisely Poes point-the narrators is not normal, but is quite insane. The point of ...

Jesus' Attitude Toward Women Versus Paul's Attitude

their contributions are told in any great detail. Then Jesus began His ministry and it is clear even from the short tales that His...

Transience and Elasticity of Love

characters and their quest for happiness, despite the fact their lives are typically mired in chaos and confusion. Carver presents...

Psyche, Cupid, and Plato's Definition of Love

between Psyche and her other two sisters was that Psyche was appreciably more beautiful than they. By all accounts, the sisters we...

Shakespeare, Love, and Loyalty

In five pages this report examines the plays Love's Labor's Lost and A Midsummer Night's Dream in terms of William Shakespeare's d...

Comedies of William Shakespeare and Love

In ten pages this paper discusses the obstacles to love in the comedies of William Shakespeare including All's Well That Ends Well...

Erich Fromm's The Art of Loving

to what love really is because they approach it from the wrong perspective. They believe that love is something to be found house...

Sonnet 116 by William Shakespeare

of gaining knowledge in a sole purpose of gaining friends. As the book progresses, Charlie goes through dramatic changes mentally,...

Sonnet 138 by William Shakespeare

In four pages this paper examines the symbolism in terms of how a couple's aging love is represented in the sonnet....

Existential Psychology and Existentialism

In twelve pages this research paper considers existential psychology and existentialism in an examination of definitions and writi...

Love Defined

In four pages this paper asks 'What is love?' and attempts to define this complex question....

Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

This 5 page paper examines some of the themes in Tolstoy's classic novel of love, betrayal, social ostracism and death....