YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :American Blackface and its Origins

Essays 61 - 90

Cause & Effect/Sexism

children (Briffault, 1927, p. 1415). This was the rule across Europe until the coming of Christianity and patriarchy. Patriarcha...

Holton/Forced Founders

describes the motivation of the landed-gentry, that is, the wealthiest 10 percent of the population, he also addresses why small f...

Immigrant Views on Being American

own. Throughout the novel, Yezierska shows how Sara has absorbed the American values. For example, she steadfastly rejects the J...

African Americans' Involvement in the American Revolution

This essay uses research to discuss the experiences of African Americans who enlisted in the British army in order to obtain their...

American Liberty, 1820-1877, Overview of Issues

This research paper/essay discusses various issues in American history pertaining to liberty. This includes the factors that led u...

Health Education Professional Organizations and their Websites

This research paper offers an overview of the websites for the following health education professional organizations: the Society ...

Piven, Goldfield, and Greenstone on Politics and the Role of Labor

In ten pages this report discusses the analysis offered by these theorists regarding American politics and the influence of organi...

An American Genocide

Western expansion. This expansion was regarded by White Americans as Manifest Destiny, while Native Americans viewed it, and right...

Hispanic Cultures in the United States

Mexican Americans living in various states, such as California and Texas, that have likely been living in that state since it beca...

Native Americans and Government Policies

they were always taken advantage of in one regard or another. The native inhabitants of this country at the time of...

Edmund S. Morgan/American Slavery, American Freedom

to describe the experiences of the early colonizing efforts. This description includes social, political and economic factors, whi...

Blacks' Relationship to Whites/Sociological Analysis

this was the stance of antebellum Southerners who saw slavery as a functional and crucial part of their economic system. Propon...

The Evolution of Laws Protecting Archaeological Resources and Native American Graves

the varied cultures of the Native American that has developed over time symbolizes "oppression and the pervasiveness of racist pra...

Early American History Law Contradictions

independence brought the final break with Britain (Holton, 2000). Further, it was the refusal of these same individuals to joint t...

Barbara Novak/American 19th Century Art

"Death on the Pale Horse (1802), oil sketch on canvas, Allstons analysis relates something of his own romantic vision. He writes t...

Racism in Contemporary America

investigations that "successfully demonstrate the unfairness that only Affirmative Action can begin to redress" (Bradley 450). Spe...

Literature of the New American Republic

commentators argued throughout the 1820s and 30s that there should be works of literature to match "emerging political greatness o...

Article Analysis: American Indian Societies

good for them. One of the best approaches to this subject is in Vine Deloria and Clifford Lytles excerpt, The nations within, whi...

Scott R. Sanders, The Common Life

ties to his community. Examination of Sanders points show that individualism is not the problem. Sanders begins his essay by des...

Care at the End of Life and Cultural Variations

(1997) observes: "Involving the family in hospital care, maximizing the family as a resource, and creating an environment where h...

Racism from an Asian American Perspective

of racism, of course, are not limited to the U.S. History has proven, in fact, that multiethnic and multiracial societies in gener...

The Closing of the American Mind by Allan Bloom

The writer analyzes the book The Closing of the American Mind by Allan Bloom, which argues that American culture is deteriorating....

Public Health Outreach for Pregnant Women for an African American Population

15 pages and 19 sources. This paper considers the importance of public health outreach for women who are pregnant, especially wom...

American Minorities and Culture

in these traditional groups try to retain their language and keep their heritage alive to an extent. Their native languages of cou...

The Health Care System in the United States and Access by Black Americans

have deleterious effects on the health outcomes of the residents in these areas. Many researchers have arrived at the same conclus...

Counselors' Codes of Ethics

that introduces concerns that differ somewhat from the client bases and environments found in other organizations....

Experiences of Immigrants

In five pages this paper contrasts and compares the immigrant experiences of the Native Americans, Mexican Americans, and African ...

The Business World from a Literary Viewpoint

pictured as giving them a chance to live as equals with everyone-no upper classes-everyone doing as he or she pleased. Sinclair...

Mexican American Communities and the Implications of Alcoholism

In eight pages this paper examines how the Mexican American community is affected by the social problem of alcoholism with compari...

The History of Black America as a Component of American History

5 pages and 3 sources. This paper outlines the different elements of Black American history, with a focus on the significant role...