YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :An Analysis of Our Second Amendment Right to Bear Arms

Essays 61 - 90

Basic Human Rights Undermined by the Human Rights Act of 1998's Margin of Appreciation

may be seen as conflicting. However, the effectiveness of the Act given by the margin of appreciation may be argued to undermine t...

Global Human Rights Problems and Violations

partly because violations of human rights were protected by the doctrine of state sovereignty and partly because the Cold War made...

The Right to Symbolic Speech

our right to freedom of symbolic expression have been based on the actions of students. It might be posited that as a group stude...

3 Supreme Court Cases on Affirmative Action and Equal Protection According to the US Constitution's 14th Amendment

the founding fathers wrote have done so in an attempt at fairness. They have gone with what appeared to be the mainstream thinkin...

Burning the Flag - A Constitutional Right

rants in which nothing is resolved and people become progressively angrier. In order to address the issue, taking a strictly legal...

The Fourth Amendment and Airport Searches

Abstract This paper examines some of the impacts the Patriot Act has had on our rights as US citizens....

US Constitution's 14th Amendment

not be questioned; and 5) Congress is equipped with the authority to enforce aforementioned provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment...

The Fourth Amendment and Airport Security

at the store. A reasonable belief that something is awry can requisite a search. Also, in some cases, searches are allowed on a ro...

U.S. Supreme Court Case of Hoffa v. the United States

on appeal to the Sixth Circuit Court (349 F2d 20). The Supreme Court in this case ultimately had to make a...

Issues of First Amendment Law

In the first of these cases, Board of County Commissioners v. Umbehr, a trash hauler in Kansas had his contract terminated because...

Overview of the 1865 to 1877 Era of Reconstruction Following the U.S. Civil War

became tenants and landlords (Ruef and Fletcher, 2003). Slaves who escaped this fate were still unskilled and had to take jobs f...

Analysis of 3 Legal Issues

adverse to removing them from the law abiding citizen, who often needs a gun to protect himself from the very criminal element of ...

Sixth Amendment of the US Constitution

the right to counsel under Miranda, where there is a necessity to be clear and unequivocal, an invocation of the Sixth Amendment r...

Fair Use Doctrine and the Rodney King Videotape

of communications between Holliday, KTLA and the national networks, the outcome was that two days later the images had been transm...

The Fourteenth Amendment

the objections of the womens movement, the amendment passed with the inclusion of the offensive and unjust focus on male voters. ...

The Role of the U.S. Constitution in Business Regulation

attempted to do via court action (Lester, 2008). Before it opened the club, Barnett "filed a civil rights lawsuit in U.S. Distri...

Reflections on the First Amendment

burned an American flag, so although he did not literally speak, his act is still a form of protest. The facts are these: during t...

Case Study; Freedom of Speech and Satire Criticizing a Company

attentions to flaws, such as unfairness, stupidity and existing vices. The first amendment has been found to protect the use of sa...

Supreme Court Case of the State of Florida v. J.L.

In one page this Supreme Court case is examined in terms of the 14th Amendment and state sovereign rights regarding citizen protec...

5th and 14th Amendment Applicability of Palko vs. the State of Connecticut

In five pages this paper examines this case in terms of the rights guaranteed by the 5th and 14th Amendments of the U.S. Constitut...

Civil Liberties' Protection and the U.S. Bill of Rights

Thomas Jefferson this should be a task of the federal judiciary, James Madison also agreed that a system that utilised independent...

U.S. Religious Freedom

In six pages the U.S. church and state separation is examined in an overview that argues how the rights guaranteed by the 1st Amen...

Media Law and People v. Larry Flynt Film

around the Supreme Court Case of Jerry Falwell v. Larry Flynt. A few months prior to Hustlers magazine interpretation of the prin...

Explosive Issue of Gun Control

In three pages the explosive arguments for and against gun control are examined in a consideration of advocacy and a protection of...

Public Opinion and the US Bill of Rights 1st and 2nd Amendments

In five pages this paper examines public opinion pertaining to these controversial first 2 amendments of the American bill of righ...

4th Amendment Rights and the Practice of Search and Seizure

In ten pages this paper discusses the rights guaranteed by the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution in terms of search and seizu...

Comments on Freedoms

This essay discusses several articles that deal with freedoms. Topics include: the responsibilities of parents, music censorship, ...

Civilian Recording and Constitutionality

This research paper investigates literature that pertains to the constitutionality and the violation of First Amendment rights tha...

Student Privacy Concerns Should Not Trump Effective Safety and Security Measures

This paper argues that student safety trumps Fourth Amendment rights when it comes to campus security. There are four sources in ...

Fourth Amendment Rights

This paper summarizes Fourth Amendment rights and focuses on the Supreme Court case of Payton v. New York. Four pages in length, f...