YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :An Examination of Homelessness

Essays 271 - 300

Examination of Code Switching

In ten pages code switching is examined in terms of description of interchangeably using two languages, examples, as well as cultu...

Stock Market Examination Through Various Indices

(Brain PG). The NASDAQ 100 and Russel 2000 Indices will be compared but it should be noted that these are just two of many averag...

Examination of Cocaine and its Effects

In five pages this report examines cocaine in terms of its effect both on the individual as well as society. Seven sources are ci...

An Examination of Pre Civil War Texas

In five pages the economic development of Texas and its resistance to slave freedom are considered within the context of Campbell'...

Examination of Autism

In five pages autism is examined in a general overview that includes condition description, diagnosis according to criteria establ...

An Examination of The Theory of the Leisure Class

all, a class of people set higher, financially and socially, than others who must somehow struggle and work for a living. Veblen f...

An Examination of American Liberalism

of family and womens traditional place within the social structure. Additionally, the growth of immigration and the slave system ...

An Examination of Automatic External Defibrilalator

caused by a temporary blockage in the flow of blood to the heart. When ventricular fibrillation occurs, the heart stops beating a...

Cells and Journal Articles' Examination

The article presents the reader with some very good presentations in that it is specifically addressing one particular endeavor in...

An Examination of American History from 1865 until 1920

as some type of punishment. According to Burkin (1999), the question of the black "freedmen" was also a thorny one. Some politic...

Examination of Cardiovascular Disease

the current trend toward the modified food pyramid; once top-heavy with animal flesh, the new version touts the combined physical ...

Examination of 'The Wife of Bath and the Mediation of Privitee' and Essay Response

In the end of the essay the author notes, "She expropriates herself: she makes of herself a sign, she publishes herself, as if she...

An Examination of Irish Ornamental Art

can tell that ornamentation is a large part of this model. The Irish often added spirals and curves. One might look at these as co...

Examination of Environmental Justice

river, or a waste dumping site was not attractive, but it was cheap. Some moved in saying it was a place to start, and somehow n...

Examination of Campaign Finance Reform

current drive for campaign finance reform faces long odds across the country, as well as in Wisconsin, and Missouri, states that...

Examination of International Law

In eight pages international law is defined and its purpose is explained in a consideration of sanctions with independence for Nam...

Examination of Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography

enables one to find or make a Reason for everything one has a mind to do." I have picked a selection from the autobiography to sh...

Financial Examination of Home Depot

In five pages this paper presents a financial examination of Home Depot in a consideration of solvency, profitability, liquidity a...

Two Topics Under Examination, Racism and Homosexuality

The writer develops two differing topics in this paper. The first is a response to a 1994 article entitled The Biological Evidence...

Examination of Cybervoting

"some familiarity" (Searle PG) with the "fragile nature of individual freedom and democracy" (Chess 259). Indeed, the very concep...

Anne Trapnel's Report and Plea and The First Examination of Anne Askew Compared

In a paper consisting of 5 pages these works are compared in terms of the similarities and differences in the ways these women app...

A Human Rights Examination

that has these things may just consider it business as usual. Universal definition of human rights The overall definition ...

An Examination of Selective Immunoglobulin Isotype Deficiencies and Agammaglobulinaemia

were widely available, many children affected with XLA did not live through their first decade. The less common alymphocytotic ty...

An Examination of Anti Oppressive Training Schemes

In a paper consisting of eleven pages learning styles such as those of Paulo Freire are applied to anti oppressive training scheme...

Examination of Compulsive Gambling

addiction was a disease of the spirit, disease of the soul; disease of attitudes; or a scientifically defined disorder which cou...

Examination of Computer Viruses

In eleven pages this research paper considers computer viruses and their consequences in terms of societal effects, costs, future ...

Examination of Enron

for the scandal that ultimately occurred. "The contributions dwarfed what was at stake for Enron. In its energy trading in Calif...

Gardens of Versailles Art History Examination

itself" (Covington, 2001, p. 90). The gardens mirrored the "air of grandeur" that French royalty itself sought to embody (De Nolh...

An Examination of George Orwell's Animal Farm

the animals and they all break out, running to the house where the food is kept. Mr. Jones discovers what has happened and he trie...

Examination of Bioterrorism

have been a number of instances of the IRA targeting British politicians, for example - but because attacks on civilians can be mo...