YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :An Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living Contention of Socrates

Essays 211 - 240

Cultural Values in History

the end of the Gita, Arjuna says "The delusion is your grace I have recovered my wits. Here I stand with no more doubts....

Plato/Apology of Socrates

Clouds by Aristophanes. Reasonably, Socrates points out that the character in the play speaks nonsense and should not be confused...

Jury Member Speaks Out on Socrates’ Innocence

brought against me, and with my earliest accusers, and then with the later ones" (Plato, 1961, 18b). First, Socrates has been acc...

The Argument that Abortion is 'Wrong'

and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child. But the Lor...

Justice Discovered by Socrates in Books Two and Four of The Republic by Plato

offer a profusion of pleasures... injustice pays better than justice" (364b). Next, Socrates appeared to shift gears and direct t...

Trial of Socrates

The only manner by which to acquire good statesmen and lawgivers, according to Socrates testimony, is to assure their individual a...

Socrates and the Need for Philosophers

this pint he is, in essence, pleading for his life and states, "I dare say that you may feel irritated at being suddenly awakened ...

The Republic by Plato and Justice According to Socrates

with sickness, or the pilot who helps friends against "the perils of the sea" (Plato Book I). He then inquires into "what sort of ...

Forms and Recollection in Phaedo by Plato

leg only" (Plato). If this were true, if there were only one process in regards to life-death, then everything would ultimately co...

Piety and Socrates in Euthyphro by Plato

(4e). Intrigued by this conclusion, Socrates implores Euthyphro to share with him his definition of piety, distinguishing betwee...

Socrates' Influence

charges of impiety and corruption of youth by by those who wanted to restore democracy to Athens ("Socrates," 2003). While this ph...

Open Mindedness and The Republic by Plato

a weapon to the hands of a madman is obviously unjust. Taylor (2003) comments on how this refutation of Cephalus position demonstr...

African American Imagery in the Nineteenth Century

or by those whose paintings are still recalled and researched. It indicates that although some struggles to free African Americans...

Family Differences and Cultural Values

Such a person would not have felt any need to leave his beloved homeland, and his sons desire to do so would have been traumatic f...

Teens and Abortion

means of not getting pregnant and should perhaps be the first option for teens, and anyone else who does not want to get pregnant,...

The Wealthy and American Criticism

"aggregate" was benefiting in this period, however, others were flailing desperately in the ever-deepening economic waters just tr...

Randy Roberts and James S. Olson's A Line in the Sand, the Alamo in Blood and Memory

he was God" (6). As each man is introduced by the authors, such as William Barret Travis, the leader of the Texans; Davy Crockett,...

A Review of an Organ Donation Article Review

afraid to donate organs for various superstitious or religious reasons. Some fear that their participation in an organ donation pr...

Truth, the 'Examined Life,' and Socrates

new ideas. The body supplies the means by which knowledge can be attained, for it is necessary, according to Plato, for things an...

David Hume's 'Miraculous' Philosophy

Hume presented his arguments in a pair of treatises that are still considered required reading for any student of Western philosop...

Socrates, Human Nature, the 'Good Life,' and Plato's Gorgias

interlocutor" which is consistent with the importance he places on self-knowledge as a way to attain good and happiness. Callicles...

Human Cloning Debate

real-life scenario does not produce a fully-grown replica, as one so often sees in the movies, but rather suggests that a human ba...

Are Democratic Priniciples Universally Applicable?

by the Western Enlightenment where one writers and philosopher after another philosophized on such concepts. Democratic principle...

Phillips/Socrates Cafe

pundits or the mainstream media happen to be handing out at the moment. This is a process that rekindles a "child-like--but by no ...

A Glance at Lesbian Characters in American Cinema in the 60s, 70s, and 80s

high over the legendary kiss between two women portrayed in Morocco. Society was simply not ready for an open acknowledgement of ...

Perception and Communication

With proper communication, individuals and organizations are able to share information, analyze situations and to set goals (Nelto...

Unpopularity, Societal Disapproval and a Socratic Dialogue

David: So you can be popular? Allen: Yeah. David: Why do you want to be popular Allen? I know everyone wants to be popular in h...

Social Engineering and Predatory Crime

social engineering. Judging from the rampant crime rate that afflicts our nation today, however, additional criminal law is very ...

Piaget, Bandura & Erikson: Adolescent Psychology

of an individual and his or her environment, experiences and relationships dictate the overall growth process. Indeed, certain cr...

Our Undervalued Water Resources

in some ways more concerning since they are harder to quantify and control. Nonpoint pollution occurs during rainfall and snowmel...