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Essays 841 - 870

What It Feels Like to Be a Woman: A First Person Essay

act in a gender-specific way. Actions are not necessarily indicative of gender. I am a woman and I decide how a woman acts. I act ...

"Children Placed At Risk For Learning And Behavioral Difficulties" - Brief Analysis

be learned about keeping children with the potential of being categorized as at risk out of the statistical pool by prescreening a...

What is Religion

to the heart of "religions purpose and meaning" (Idinopulos). In other words, the "study of religion is not the same thing as the ...

George Lukacs: Narrative or Description?

the audience; in another, its from the stage itself; and in still another he considers it during a performance, depicting "scene c...

An Experience in Critical Thinking

their introduction to "A Crack in the Mirror: Reflexive Perspectives in Anthropology" Barbara Myerhoff and Jay Ruby (editor) obser...

Microculture/A Middle School Classroom

demands of life" (Wilms 606). The emphasis in this system was regimentation and standardization, and to a certain extent, its cult...

Popular Culture: Forging a Distinctive Identity

Each of these distinctive elements of society sprang from the pressing need to forge a distinctive self identity. Each was fed by...

“Victim or Vamp: Images of Violent Women in the Criminal Justice System”

Women who commit acts of extreme violence are considered an anomaly in our society. Those who do commit such acts, consequently, ...

An Analysis of Media Violence and its Impact on Children and Teens

There is no doubting the fact that the media sometimes incites violence (DuRant, Champion and Wolfson, 2006). The media is in fac...

In Pursuit of Small Government

to negotiate with governmental powers ultimately ended in the form of the Revolutionary War in which the colonies won their indepe...

Delayed Government Response Times for Natural Disasters: A Proposed Solution

to this devastated area were, at least at first, characterized more appropriately as a series of errors and delays than as an effi...

Contemplating the Diet Monster

in terms of physics, i.e., take in fewer calories than burned in exercise and the individual will lose weight. Then, there are tho...

Wright/Armageddon in Waco

presents views that see the tragedy at Waco as entirely due to the mistakes of government agents in handling the situations and no...

Observation of a Mall

to the music, as well as some people who are actually shopping, offer a cross-section of Durhams population. For example, there ar...

Article Review, Software Development Study

when the user-participants were not allocated any developmental responsibility, the participants nevertheless felt a significant i...

Hannibal Lecter as Hero

a woman-suit out of women (using their skin)-the ultimate in objectification" (Vorndam). Lecter is initially contemptuous of Starl...

File Sharing and CD Burning: Personal Experiences

from the computer for music I actually paid for it and agreed to only have the capability of burning it 5 times before it was void...

Unilever in Brazil

and Camperio already had an 81% share of the market. Each of these brands has its own individual market position within the laundr...

A World Where Money As We Know it Will Be Obsolete

we never seem to have enough of it in our pockets when a particularly critical opportunity for purchase arises. Money in its ioni...

Narration and Storytelling

Since the very beginning of human civilization, Story Telling has been an integral part of it" ("Narration: First person vs. Third...


In this paper, well be presenting some literature dealing with Afghanistans reconstruction, then well analyze it, based on what th...

Non-Clinical Director Functions

properly, nursing staff is highly aware of this lack. Research into nursing staff retention has found that the quality of housekee...

Holy Water

As they enter, the dip finger tips of their right hand into a font of water that has been consecrated by a priest and they make th...

An Observation of an ESL Classroom

were encouraged to ask questions about pronunciation and vocabulary meanings. Each of the groups was asked to identify any words ...

Effective Leadership Characteristics And Traits

to learn (American Library Association, 2007). These leaders have never been afraid to say they "dont know something but Ill find ...

Personal Observations & Assessment

had grasped the concepts inherent in the founding of the United States, my class staged a "Constitutional Convention," with studen...

New York State and Federal Government Budget Process

the President must request funds for discretionary or appropriated programs because these fall under the authority of the Senate A...

Baby Boomer's Autobiography

baby boomer, you must have been born in any year from 1946 through 1964 which has been recognized as a period of increased birth r...

Frank Herbert's Statement on Knowledge and Embarking on a College Career

will have to work to assimilate. Not understanding something is nothing to be ashamed of, but many people would rather sit silent...

Cultural Identity and Intercultural Communications

what African American men cannot do, rather than what they can do. 4. Bill experienced White stereotyping of Blacks, and offered ...