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Essays 271 - 300

Poem Analysis: Convergence of the Twain by Thomas Hardy

This 4 page paper is a detailed explication of Thomas Hardy's poem Convergence of the Twain, which describes the Titanic sinking....

Symmetry of 'The Tyger' and 'The Lamb' by William Blake

The symmetry or balance represented by these two poems by William Blake is analyzed in a paper consisting of four pages....

Educating God's Lost Flock in 'The Lamb' by William Blake

In four pages this paper discusses how William Blake educates others on the gifts from God humans possess in his poem 'The Lamb.'...

'Cherrylog Road' by James Dickey

In five pages an explication of this poem is presented. There are no other sources listed....

Guidance of the Angel Raphael in Paradise Lost by John Milton

In ten pages this paper analyzes the guide role of the angel Raphael in the epic poem Paradise Lost by John Milton....

Analyzing the Epic Poem 'Beowulf'

In four pages the classic Medieval poem is analyzed. There is no bibliography included....

Analyzing the 1863 Poem 'My Life Had Stood - A Loaded Gun' by Emily Dickinson

In five pages the symbolism of master and slave is applied to the destructive marital relationship described in the poem....

Poetic Works of Emily Dickinson

In five pages some of Emily Dickinson's poems that celebrate her passion for nature are examined....

Heroic Greek Definition in 'The Iliad' and 'The Odyssey' of Homer

In seven pages the classical Greek definition of hero as revealed in the epic poems of Homer is discussed....

Langston Hughes’ Theme for English B

that everything he says is truth and thus at this point his analyzing is only supporting that truth. He assumes, or infers...


(VII). In this he is telling Beowulf that he had many apparently noble men claiming they would get rid of the beast but they drank...

Shelley’s Ozymandias

the poem involves the power of antiquities, of ancient history and of those relics that are left behind after someones time and er...

Whitman: "Song of Myself"

except "en-masse" (Morace). Whitman refers to equality again in Section 5 when he says "...all the men ever born are also my brot...

Piercy: “The Secretary Chant”

a "reject button" and she is pregnant with a Xerox machine (Piercy). The last lines of the poem give the reader the point: "File m...

The Dinner Party by Amy Lowell

11). After this section the dinner party clearly moves to the Drawing-Room wherein a woman who sits with fire reflecting her jewel...

Wordsworth’s Nutting

his poem and essentially relying on words that are descriptive and are simply part of his experience with nature. In this it is pe...

The Second Coming by Yeats

that second coming, beginning with a sense of hope, but finished with a sense of fear or dread: "The Second Coming! Hardly are tho...


girl, outcast, forlorn/as thrown her life away?"). But the poet is adamant that both parties, the man and the woman involved in th...

Martin Espada: Heart of Hunger and Imagine the Angels of Bread

could be brought to an end. Espada is really calling for a revolution: He says that "This is the year that squatters evict landlo...

Richard Cory

people have other people that they look up to in an envious manner, believing that someone elses life is far better than their own...

"If" by Rudyard Kipling

1-2). Kiplings expertise with rhythm and word choice within the framework of the poems structure also constitute a feature that ...

Death in Jorge Manrique's 'Coplas'

different than the perspectives of the world at the time. Near the beginning of Manriques poem he states, "Let none be self-delud...

Pablo Neruda: Walking Around

being a man./ And it happens that I walk into tailorshops and movie/ houses/ dried up, waterproof, like a swan made of felt/ steer...

Theodore Roethke’s “My Papa’s Waltz”

often simply a reality that was accepted as part of life. It did not necessarily make people angry or bitter or resentful in a con...

Walcott's A Far Cry from Africa

this there are opposites that indicate the narrator is confused and lost and in something of a frenzy to find some balance, and id...

A Review of the Poem As Watchers Hang Upon the East

A 4 page review and explanation of the poem by Emily Dickinson. 3 sources....

'Answering the Unanswerable' by Nancy Willard Analyzed

It does not love flesh. It leaves a ring of cold in the wound." On the surface of this particular stanza,...

Douglas Robertson's Wake Up Australia

however, and we begin to feel that the poem will clearly focus on some political argument. He then introduces the word "white" ...

Sylvia Parker's 'Motherlove' Analyzed

in her eyes./ Maybe/ I will never be able to forget that and become someone different and better to my child. Connotation One ...

Theme for English By Langston Hughes

This essay analyzes the meaning of Langston Hughes' poem "Theme for English B." Three pages n length, two sources are cited. ...