Essays 301 - 330


the end, most likely killed by her stepfather, a Hispanic, through sheer ignorance and neglect. The fact that no one seems to no C...

Trimbur's Call to Write/Narrative of Frederick Douglass

the chapter that addresses writing profiles of specific people, Trimbur writes, "This impulse to describe, to analyze, and to unde...

Creating a Saint

ages. In fact, both accounts contain detailed descriptions of the deaths, which are very similar. In addition, throughout both acc...

At Risk Students and Writing Instruction

In eight pages this paper examines at risk students and various techniques for writing instruction including metacognition, writin...

Four Idols of Francis Bacon

In five pages the 17th century philosophy of Francis Bacon is examined within the context of 'four idols' and argues in favor of h...

Dietetics Field Writing

facets of nutrition geared toward dietary improvements (Snelling and Snelling, 1989). Finally, dietetic educators are nutritional...

Project Progress Report and Assessment

be referred back to when in doubt of strategic direction. The date for the outline mission statement was set as the middle of Febr...

Theological Writing

falls into this category (Malcheski, 2002). The essay is not necessarily objective in that the writer is attempting to argue for a...

Changing the Scottish Evidence Rules

be heard. The opposite to this is an inquisition system, where there are not different sides, but the aim of finding the truth. Al...

Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain and Character Development

adventurous spirit that is within man, and certainly within Huck, that allows him to pursue adventure with such fervor. Of course,...

Writing Challenges

work following the writing will also help ensure all points have been added and may trigger some more ideas. Once the work is wr...

Thurgood Marshall and Brown v. Board of Education

This 7 page paper is a first-person exercise, written as if Thurgood Marshall were the author, in which he writes about himself an...

Autobiography/Growing Up in Poland

I still take my responsibilities very seriously. Throughout my childhood, my parents had chores for us and household responsibilit...

The Art of the 19th Century Poetic Manifesto

confused his contemporary readers, which often obscured from them his intent (Abrams 59). Therefore, neither Coleridge nor Blake ...

'Writing in Images' and Cinema

In three pages cinema is defined as 'writing in images' with differences between visual and written texts considered along with fi...

Due-on-Sale in Michigan

"Except for a residential window period loan, a lender may enforce a due-on-sale clause in a real property loan in accordance with...

A Graduate School Admission Essay in Nursing

nurse and accepted a position working at Abbott Northwestern Hospital. After working in this field, Ive seen the educational adva...

Expository Writing - Lesson Plan

writing needs to be clearer or more interesting. Teach students to consider these questions: Does the reader need to know somethin...

Loren D. Estleman: Writing Style

on a fateful September day. The aftermath of this watershed moment - inclusive of the ever-present criminal lures that only capit...

Nutrition and Exercise in the Treatment of Mental Illnesses

is vast, the most common being depression and anxiety. There are few comprehensive definitions of mental illness, one of the best ...

Does Studying Literature Improve Individual Writing Skills?

medical surgeon needs more than just the study of human anatomy to perform. However, it can be argued that although it takes more ...

The Art of Essay Writing - A Review of Progress

Writing essays is both an art and a science. The writer looks at the progress of a students essay writing skills over a set of th...

Plan to Rehabilitate an Old Building into a New Restaurant

The paper, written in the style of an essay, looks at the way in which an old building may be converted into a new restaurant. The...

Frank Smith's Writing and the Writer

their expression not only interferes with composition but creates the least favorable situation in which to develop transcription ...

Dickens and His Life

would never come true" for his father was arrested and then sent off to prison for failing to pay a debt (Anonymous Charles Dicken...

Creative Essay 'I Never Said I Was Martha Stewart'

getting ready to leave. "I cook all the time at home." I simply rolled my eyes at him. He nodded knowingly. "Oh, I get it....

Should the US Drill for Oil in Alaska?

a minimum. He points out that the protection that the oil companies have "provided for wildlife" at their drilling sites at Prudho...

Nursing Education - Concept Mapping And Critical Thinking

mapping. This is not a new approach but it is one that has gained a great deal of attention in the last several years. Concept map...

Media Article's Depiction of Diversityle

of the news item is that companies that specifically target ethnic groups can enjoy great success. However, the point is stressed ...

In Style Magazine Articles' Mixed Messages

ask him to make them beautiful but he states that "I cant help but wonder if these women realize how attractive they are - before ...