Essays 1 - 30

Assessing WACC; Case Study

these costs need to be considered in the cost that is paid for capital as a whole. The cost of capital is a combination of all of ...

WACC, NPV, and IRR Project Assessment

In five pages calculations for weighted average cost of capital, net present value, and internal rate of return are illustrated in...

Secondhand Car Sale Case Study

Buying a used car is a transaction which is covered by the Sale...

Academic Article Publishing Suitability

In seven pages this student supplied case study assesses an academic article's suitability for journal publishing....

WACC Assessment

any calculation is that there are a number of choices to be made, all of which may be correct. The first consideration may be the ...


This is not to suggest that families cant be trendy or countercultural. But the problem with anything trendy or countercultural is...

Investment Assessment

This 3 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student as assesses the use of CAPM and the ways that the case study firm ...

Ameritrade Case Study

demand of a product in relationship to the level of change in price. The usual pattern will be that as the price of goods or servi...

Student Supplied M6 Case Study

from another". It is with this difference we can look to how culture may be important when it comes to communication, as it is the...

Student Case Study on Evaluating Investments

In ten pages this student supplied case study provides a tutorial on such calculations as IRR, NPV, WACC, and costs of equity and ...

Marriott Hotels and Capital Structure

In fifteen pages a Marriott Group student supplied case study is examined in terms of corporate goals and accommodating financial ...

The Case of the Solar Trash Compactor

already. The market is large, in 2000 there was a total of $1.2 billion spent on trash receptacles, and in 2001 $2.1 billion was s...

Medical Law

In order to determine whether or not the consent form signed is valid we need to consider the concept of informed consent. The con...

Improving Diversity Recruiting

or social reason to pursue diversity. A tool supply company will pursue greater diversity solely because it is good business sens...

Newborn Ltd

any competitive advantage is that you to stop. It appears that Newborn Ltd has a fairly strong business model, and have a p...

Creating a Survey Questionnaire

and audiences as to their legitimacy" (p. 179-180). Some of those characteristics are that qualitative research * "Takes place in...

Literature Review and Case Study on Family Therapy

addition to the alcoholism. She is a compulsive shopper and gambler. One of her twin daughters, Sarah, is pregnant and claims that...

Ethics for Business Research

sure treatment is safe before administering it has also restricted the way those suffering may be helped for example AIDs patients...

Sex in Advertising Journal Article Reviewed

In three pages this paper assesses the supposed marketing power of sex in advertising as presented in a journal article study....

Smith's 'Power and Spirituality in Polio Survivor A Study Based on Rogers' Science' Article Reviewed

the individual as a complete system with identifiable and separate segments. Neumans system theory has been widely studied and us...

Investment Assessment Questions

would make sense that the risk premium will need to be higher, twice the risk cam be argued as twice the requires return, If this ...

What is a Case Study and What is Case Study Methodology?

can be used to test they are also very able to generate new hypothesises which may be tested in the same research or lead to furth...

WACC and NPV for Gilliermo

option, a broker option with the final strategy being to retain the existing strategy, effectively making no changes. In order t...

Capital Budgeting at Wal-Mart and Target

there is the need to maximise the use of the resources. These will include capital that is available and also borrowing facilities...

AOL and Time Warner Company Financials

that of Control Video Corp (Alsop, 1997). The aim of the company at this time was to be an online company that specialised in the ...

Writing a HRM Case Study

of potential concern in order to first identify the relevant factors which can be used to identify the issues that need attention ...


and in person, was Seth Horkum. The problem here, however, is that Stephen was unable to gather any background research on him. Th...

Acaria Communications and the Potential Closing of a Call Centre

the ultimate aim of a firm is to create profit for the shareholders or owners. The gross profit margin is the gross profit as a pe...

Case Study on Shell Oil Company's Sustainable Development

others) through an annual document known as the Shell Report. By 2001, the data in the Shell Report had three levels of...

Human Resources Case Study

for his actions if he was simply acting in self-defense; and 2. Does the companys policy of zero tolerance for fighting mean that...