YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Biography of Ernest Hemingway

Essays 121 - 150

Spain: “The Sun Also Rises” by Ernest Hemingway

people. In the United States there is no such thing as a real bullfight, or the bull runs that take place in Spain. It seems, when...

Critical Analysis: The Old Man and the Sea

the novelette" (Bruccoli; Hemingway; Baughman 121). This critic was responding to a statement made by Hemingway wherein he claimed...

Sun Also Rises/A Banned Book

of raucous, unchecked hullabaloo, drinking binges that last from morning to night..." (Scalero 489). Hemingways heroes spend their...

Heroes and Ernest Hemingway

series of misfortunes, but the hero endures, because it is this constant facing of death that defines life. The code hero makes ...

J.D. Salinger, Raymond Carver, and Ernest Hemingway

write about" (Anonymous Brainstorm Page IV-A, 2002; iv-a.htm). Also as mentioned, his stories were not always, if ever, truly h...

Literature, Ceremony, and Ritual

by Gertrude Stein was a term she gave to a generation of men and women whose experiences in World War I undermined their belief in...

Gender Roles and the Impacts of Cultural and Social Inflences

doesnt let this bother her in the least (Hurston, 1999). Interestingly, despite Janies assertiveness and her obvious independen...

Great American Author Ernest Hemingway

first publish Three Stories & Ten Poems in 1923 in Paris ("A Chronology" PG). In 1926 , the well known work The Sun Also Rises wou...

Robert Jordan as a 'Hemingway Code Hero' in For Whom the Bell Tolls

those standards of conduct which generations before World War I appeared to accept as adequate and perfectly satisfactory" (Meyers...

3 Short Stories About Growing Up

She has been given the opportunity, or so she thinks, to finally live a life that is solely hers. There is a powerful sense of fre...

John Keats and Ernest Hemingway

desperation or dismay of the narrator whereas Hemingways story leaves us to infer the desperation, but the ending is very similar....

Soldier’s Home/Krebs and Passivity

to indicate how these experiences had changed his internal landscape, and changed a vibrant young man into someone who is both pas...

Heroes and Heroines in the Works of F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway

gained on the Italian front. Although Hemingway delicately avoids telling us precisely where the wound is, we know it is around hi...

3 War Novels and Self Realization

and womanizing, punctuated only by bouts of warfare. It would be inaccurate to say that Frederick really believed in the war at ...

Short Stories as They Reflect the Life of Ernest Hemingway II

In nine pages this paper examines how the life of Ernest Hemingway particularly his wartime experiences are reflected in his short...

Heroes in 3 Stories by Ernest Hemingway

In six pages this paper examines the depiction of heroes in the short stories 'Hills Like White Elephants,' 'Soldier's Home,' and ...

Fascinating Hero Ernest Hemingway

In eight pages Ernest Hemingway, the larger than life man and his works are considered in this exploration of heroism. Five sourc...

Comparative Analysis of Three Short Stories by Ernest Hemingway

having their baby. His act was accomplished so quietly, no one knew it had happened despite the fact he was lying on the bunk abov...

A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway Mirror's the Author's Life

description would be a scene from Ernest Hemingways classic 1929 novel, A Farewell to Arms. The eyes that survey the bloody scene...

Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway and the Portrayal of Women

for her money, but resents her for the power it has given her and the lack of ambition he himself embraces. He feels he has paid ...

American Literary Symbolism

353). Symbols present another layer to a story, as well as another realm for questioning. Who or what is "Young Goodman Brown" t...

U.S., Social Corruption, and Morality on the Decline

In six pages this paper examines America's declining morality and also considers social corruption and the breakdown of the family...

Ernest Hemingway the Man and His Writings

This paper consists of five pages and includes a biographical sketch of Ernest Hemingway, details on his work including frequent t...

The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway and Modernism

In 5 pages modernism of the 20th century is defined and then applied to this American novel by Ernest Hemingway. There are 3 sour...

Contemporary Literature and the Maintenance of Identity

In five pages this essay examines maintaining identity in the first 50 years of the 20th century in a consideration of such litera...

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway

In five pages the life of Ernest Hemingway is analyzed within the context of what The Old Man and the Sea reveals about the author...

Soldier's Home by Ernest Hemingway and Harold Kreb's Inner Conflict

not, be constrained by his parents domestically centered world. Krebs, for his part, has seen much more of the world--especially ...

Selected Short Stories and Their Representation of Gender Conflict

In five pages the short stories 'The Catbird Seat' and 'The Unicorn in the Garden' by James Thurber and 'Hihlls Like White Elephan...

'Tip of the Iceberg' in the Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway

In five pages 'Soldier's Home' is the primary focus of this examination of the 'tip of the iceberg' theory articulated by Ernest H...

Masculine Identity in Literature Questions Answered

close, as truly intimate with his wife as he is with this group of friends. Nick does not run away from his responsibility, but th...