YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :California Gangs

Essays 121 - 150

The History of California Native Americans Prior to 1900

of peoples in the area, as settlements were logically more concentrated around water. Members of all groups were particularly dev...

California's Catholic Missions

In five pages California's Catholic missions are examined in terms of history and the system's present role. Five sources are cit...

Los Angeles Pollution

In five pages this essay considers statistics relevant to Los Angeles, California's smog problems. Four sources are cited in the ...

Southern California's Organic Farming Pros and Cons

organic application so they are well equipped to make informed decisions about their food source (Anonymous, 2002). In educating ...

Carey McWilliams' Factories in the Field

which it comprises today. This utilization of western lands actually didnt start until relatively recently in U.S. history, in fa...

Affirmative Action in Academic Institutions in California

academic affirmative actions programs in allowing affirmative action to be part of the enrollment process. While there is no ques...

Energy Crisis of the State of California

that SDG&E wound up contracting with a power plant at rates that were much higher than those of other energy distributors in Calif...

Image Appeal of California

consideration. What Walt Disney gave to the world was not necessarily a tangible gift; rather, it was a permission slip to ...

U.S. Society and the Impact of Immigration

there was much dissension among Americans and their government at that time was due to the fact that more than twenty million immi...

Long Beach, California's Department of Health and Human Services

who is responsible to whom (Department of Health and Human Services, About, 1998). Each Bureau has an overall manager who reports ...

San Marino, California's The Ellesmere Geoffrey Chaucer Manuscript

The illuminated first page of "The Knights Tale" can be viewed at The student resea...

California's 2002 Gubernatorial Election

had gotten credit for reforms in education, but he is largely blamed for the states $24 billion deficit, as well as for the energ...

California's 2003 Gubernatorial Recall Election

hit with a severe energy crisis, driving costs up while the residents of the state suffered rolling black-outs (6). Davis was cri...

San Francisco, California's Grace Cathedral

in their 20s and 30s. The Grace Cathedral, in all honesty, seems to touch on every possible activity one could imagine. The Laby...

California's Young White Males

one more campus for the University of California system (Malveaux, 2001,p.32). The prison building has disturbed the sensibilitie...

Lydia Chavez' The Color Blind California's Battle to End Affirmative Action

gives certain people preferential treatment. Interestingly, this book reveals, with significant candor, both sides of this now co...

California's Fuel Crisis

In eleven pages this paper examines the national fuel crisis with the emphasis upon California residents and the state's economy. ...

Restaurant and Travel Review of California's Cold Springs

Miners flocked to the area when a successful dig yielded some gold. Due to this influx of people a small town cropped up, includin...

A History of California's Stanford University

This paper addresses various historical issues relating to Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. This eight page paper ha...

California's 1999 8 Hour Day Restoration and Workplace Flexibility Act

This paper consists of five pages and examines this 1999 AB 60 legislation passed by Gray Davis, former governor of California. F...

Hypocrisy and Controversy Surrounding California's Proposition 187

In eight page this paper considers various cases and contradictions as they pertain to the extremely controversial Proposition 187...

California's Gubernatorial Campaign Between Dan Lungren and Gray Davis, the Issues, and the Media

In five pages this paper examines this gubernatorial contest in a consideration of the political campaign role of the media. Five...

Testing the Validity of California's Proposition 227

The writer suggests an experiment as a research project, in which the object is to test the validity of California Prop. 227, whic...

Japanese Market for the Sale of California's Zinfandel Wine

In fifteen pages this paper examines a California Zinfandel wine Japanese overseas marketing plan in a consideration of such issue...

Mt. Diablo, California's Habitation of Wild Boar

(Hazebroek et al 632). Contrary to populate thought, the Sus scrofa will not simply pursue habitats that provided the greatest foo...

California's Campuses and Sexual Harassment Awareness

In fifteen pages this paper discusses the college campuses of the state of California in an assessment of sexual harassment awaren...

California's Evolution

of the United States of America, one can see that extraordinary changes are in its history. II. History of California It was ...

Comparison Between a Preliminary Case and One Decided by California's Supreme Court

In five pages this paper examines how a similar judgment in a preliminary case regarding liability in a shopping center parking lo...

Medical Law in California California Compassionate Care Act

the belief that only God has the right to end a life. Assisting a patient to die is usurping the position that rightly belongs to...

California's Fruitvale BART Transit Village Project

Those measures would frame what would become known as the Transit Oriented Development Project and would ultimately result in a pr...