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Essays 391 - 420

Socializatoin and Doctrine of Christianity

In five pages Christian doctrine is examined and its significance in terms of norm and societal more development as well as social...

Comparative Analysis of Floods in the Epic of Gilgamesh and in Genesis

olive branch, proving that there is land above water once again. A rainbow appears in the sky as a sign that God will not...

Native Americans and Religious Evolution Over a Century

The full circle evolution of Native Americans in terms of religion during the past century is examined in this paper consisting of...

Fantasy Literature for Children and Spiritual and Christian Symbolism

In seven pages George MacDonald's The Princess and the Goblin and C.S. Lewis's The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe are compared ...

The Issue of Censorship and Applying it to Modern Literature

5 pages and 6 sources. This paper provides an overview of the application of censorship principles to the books of J.K. Rowling. ...

Medieval Iberia Readings from Christian, Muslim and Jewish Sources and Religious Identity

In five pages this paper examines how in Medieval Iberia, Christians, Muslims, and Jews endeavored to establish their own religiou...

Faith of Dante Alighieri in Divine Comedy

In five pages this paper discuses how within the poetic narrative Dante reinforces the Christian faith attitudes and also embraces...

Medieval Spain and Treatment of Muslims

surrounded by Arabs who believed in God at the time, but things were strained. He saw a great deal of turmoil and destruction. Of ...

Ethics and Morality Basis in Biblical Law

In five pages an examination of whether Christian law is the basis of ethical and moral law or the other way around is discussed i...

Christian Eucharist Interpretations

In 5 pages the Christian Eucharist is interpreted with the emphasis being upon the transubstantiation ritual doctrine and its sign...

Women's Christian Temperance Union

were given the freedom to support and speak about those issues you could. If you could not, support all planks of the platform, t...

Galatians 6:17, Paul's Epistle

educational influence on his way of thinking. In this way, he is establishing a basic parameter from which to discourse on the dif...

Paul's Christian Understanding and Faith Message in the Corinthians First Epistle, Chapter 15

as an example to those sinners. His central message preaches the truth that the grace of God is still available and attainable fo...

Christian Themes in the Surrealist Paintings of Salvador Dali

themes, brought to life in his symbolistic style of painting. These paintings are characterized by meticulous draftsmanship and ...

Christian Views of George W. Bush

In five pages this paper discusses George W. Bush's Christian views and his distancing himself from powerful religious public figu...

Remarkable Life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer

In six pages the amazing life of Christian humanist Dietrich Bonhoeffer is examined. Five sources are cited in the bibliography....

Christian Democratic Union and the German Political Party

In ten pages the connection between the Christian Democratic Union and the German Political Party is examined. Nine sources are c...

Elizabeth A. Johnson's Women, Earth and Creator Spirit and a Response

environment. This is because theology has classical pictured humanity as being above the earth in the universal hierarchy rather t...

Competition for Christianity

In a paper consisting of 5 pages works such as 'Notes from the Underground' by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, 'Brave New World' by Aldous Hux...

Verse Exposition of 1 Corinthians 1:5

In this essay consisting of 5 pages, the long letter written by St. Paul for instructional purposes is considered as reflection of...

Great Britain and Early Christianity

In eleven pages this paper examines the Christian origins of Great Britain in a consideration of the Romans, Pope Gregory, St. Aug...

Christian Boltanski's Art

of Christian Boltanski, who was just beginning to how his group in solo and group exhibition, but many had not. A few of those who...

Legal Book Reviews as Norval Morris Might Perceive them

This paper discusses how noted legal scholar Noval Morris would review the texts Basic Concepts of Legal Thought by George P. Flet...

Freedom as Conceptualized by Christianity

In fifteen pages Chapters Eight through Ten of Corinthians, Paul's first Epistle, are studied in an examination of how the Christi...

Life and Work of Christian Metz

In six pages the film criticisms of Christian Metz are considered in therms of his theoretical elements and continuing influence. ...

China and Christianity

one more thing that has plagued groups around the world, and that is religious persecution. In fact, a conservative lobbying group...

Death and Philosophical Perspectives

In 10 pages death is examined from the philosophical perspectives of Foucault, Heidegger, Nietzsche, modern deconstructionalism, a...

Theology of the Old Testament

In thirteen pages this paper examines Child's Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments: Theological Reflection on the Chris...

Christian Homes and Abuse

In this paper consisting of ten pages the abuse that occurs within Christian homes which are considered on par with general norms ...

J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

In four pages this paper defends the book fundamentalist Christians demanded be banned as a valuable text. Three sources are cite...