YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Comparing Utopia and The Prince

Essays 181 - 210

Good v. Evil in Mihailovich Dostoevsky's The Idiot

In five pages this paper examines how this conflict is thematically portrayed in Prince Mishkin's nature. One source is listed in...

The First Part of Henry the Fourth by William Shakespeare and the Relationship Between Henry Percy and Prince Hal

In five pages this paper discusses the rivals Henry 'Hotspur' Percy and Prince Henry 'Hal' of Wales and their relationship as feat...

Heroism and Hamlet by William Shakespeare

In 5 pages this paper examines the concept of heroism in a character analysis of Prince Hamlet, King Hamlet, Fortinbras and Claudi...

Life Celebration of Hamlet

In six pages this paper argues that Shakespeare's play was not about the misery of life but rather was a celebration of it in the ...

Is Power a Condition of Capacity or Coercion?

In five pages this paper uses The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli in support of the argument that power is a condition of capacity r...

Religious Statues of Ancient Times

god Ningirsu, and Umma, with its god Shara. And begins as follows: "The god Enlil, king of all lands, father of all gods, determi...

Hamlet is Not Mad

In five pages this paper examines the behavior and speeches of Prince Hamlet as presented in William Shakespeare's famous play and...

Machiavelli's The Prince and Qualities of Leadership

many have said that Napoleon, while a good military strategist and fair leader, had hidden motives. He wanted to make the Bonapart...

Machiavelli's Views on Gender Differences

This paper discusses Machiavelli's views on women, gender, and politics as demonstrated in The Prince. This five page paper has tw...

Political Goodness and The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli

has the most direct appeal to many amoral leaders of today. Some psychologists find in his works deep insights as to the nature of...

What Went Wrong in the United States According to the Writings of Plato, Karl Marx, Lao Tzu, Niccolo Machiavelli and Frederick Douglass

The writings of 'The Republic,' 'The Communist Manifesto,' 'Tao te Ching,' 'The Prince,' and 'Narrative of the Life of Frederick D...

Corporate Management According to Lao Tzu and Machiavelli

In two pages this paper examines how to run a company by applying the theories contained within the Tao te ching and The Prince. ...

Transcending Daily Life Through Meditation

In one page this paper examines how daily life can be transcended through meditation with the Buddhist example of Prince Siddharth...

Ends and Means in The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli

In five pages this paper considers the 'ends justifies the means' position of author Niccolo Machiavelli in The Prince. Three sou...

Henry the Fourth, Part I by William Shakespeare and Prince Hal

In ten pages this paper presents a character analysis of Prince Hal as featured in William Shakespeare's historical play within th...

Understanding The Prince Through Machiavelli's Letters To Vettori

This paper discusses the correspondence between Vettori and Machiavelli in terms of how these letters can lead to a further unders...

A Nervous Splendor Vienna 1888/1889 by Frederic Morton

of the work, the principal figure is Rudolf, the crown prince?progressive minded, brilliant, personable?he represented the empires...

Role of Hamlet That Actors Aspire to Play

Kevin Kline, after being encouraged by the legendary Joe Papp, chose to "do Hamlet" and received great critical accliam. During t...

Machiavelli and Socrates and the Notion 'All Men Should Act Justly'

In a paper consisting of three pages Socrates' philosophy that men should always act justly is in stark contrast to Machiavelli's ...

A Tour of the Louvre

In five pages this research paper celebrates the passions of art and politics revealed in various displays of Romantic and Neoclas...

The Prince and Niccolo Machiavelli's Interpretation of Truth

In four pages this paper examines how imagination, power, and truth are represented in The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli. There a...

Prince Hal's Maturation in Henry IV, Part I by William Shakespeare

In six pages this paper examines Prince Hal's maturity in this Shakespeare historical play in an analysis of the roles played by F...

Analysis of William Shakespeare's Henry IV Speeches I.ii.185-192-I.ii.1-9

In five pages this paper presents an analysis of King Henry and Prince Hal's speeches in terms of tone and metaphor in a contrast ...

Machiavelli's Relevance to Modern Politics

This paper analyzes the various political theories of Machiavelli's The Prince in terms of manipulating beliefs, the use of rhetor...

Virtue and the Political Thinking of Niccolo Machiavelli

In five pages this paper examines the leadership construct and the idea of virtue as it is featured in The Prince by Niccolo Machi...

Government Theory of Niccolo Machiavelli

Concerning war for example, Machiavelli (1515) writes: "With us there is great justice, because that war is just which is necessa...

PR Power

take a proactive approach, taking Harry to a drug centre where addicts were, taking a very different approach than would have trad...

Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince and Human Nature

the ultimate goal or greater good." In essence, he is arguing, according to Oldham, that the end justifies the means and that any ...

Politics, Human Nature, and Machiavelli

a prince should behave and when behavior is justifiable. The author also to an extent addresses the nature of man. At least one ca...

Machiavelli's Beliefs Regarding Fear and Love

seems to possess a great deal of truth. According to Machiavelli, the conventional wisdom is that a prince "should try not to ins...