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Essays 1 - 30

Concept of Family Integrity

In seven pages family and family integrity concepts are defined and issues of privacy are also examined. Eight sources are cited ...

The Transformation of the Family Culture Changing Family Concepts

5 pages and 8 sources. This paper relates the changing views of the family in modern culture, including the redefining of the fam...

George A. Reker's Counseling Families

parents hold down full-time jobs are the rule rather than the exception, and as Rekers has observed, this creates problems among b...

Integrity: A Key Quality in the U.S. Army

of that abuse to his superiors. As horrific as the problem was, it can be contended that a series of critical decisions spanning ...


of integrity illustrates characteristics that are all but required in the military. A military individual is expected to put thems...

Andrew Cherlin's Introduction to Public and Private Families

we spend most of our personal lives, it is within this context that we make decisions about personal concerns, like whether to mar...

The Resiliency and Pathology of Black American Families

5 pages and 5 sources. This paper relates two different perspectives on the African American family in the modern era, one based ...

Sociological Concept of Family

In twelve pages this paper examines the theories of Stacey and Popenoe regarding the family from a sociological concept with Afric...

Vietnamese Life and the Importance of Family

living and the dead ("Some Aspects of Vietnamese Culture in Child Rearing Practices" vietfam.html). There is a strong bond betwee...

Family Therapy and Dysfunctional Families

both parents exploit the children and treat them as possessions whose primary purpose is to respond to the physical and/or emotion...

Overview of Family Health Nursing

says that families have been sorely neglected as a great deal of nursing practice continues to focus on individuals (Denham, 2003)...

Insuring Integrity in the Prison System

The effective apprehension, trial, and incarceration of criminals are predicated on integrity at all levels of the criminal justic...

Immigration Policies That Are Positive

In nine pages this paper supports nonrestrictive immigration policies and those instead that reinforce family values and democrati...

Seven Reasons Integrity is Important

by a strong set of values resolves issues before we even really think about them. A person cannot really be a good leader withou...

Assessing Fortitude An Operational Proposal

9 pages and 6 sources. This paper considers the concept of fortitude and the ability of hospital personnel to assess fortitude. ...

Families Should Decide Own Health Goals

to individuals connected by a blood tie. However, to be a "family," members must "live in close contact, care for one another, an...

An Essay on Integrity in Academics

This is an essay of one page that defines and discusses the concept of academic integrity. There is one bibliographic source cite...

Integrity: What It Is, and Why It Must be Part of Our Lives

of integrity be morally wrong? If integrity means standing up for ones beliefs, and if those beliefs are condemned by others, then...

Three Early Family Therapy Theorists

Three family early family theorists/therapists are discussed in this report: Virginia Satir, Carl Whitaker, and Salvador Minuchin...

Techniques of Family and Marital Therapy

In twelve pages various types of family and marital techniques including behavioral family therapy, transgenerational family thera...

How Are Decisions Made in Family Companies?

When family businesses have decisions to make there are potential more influences that may impact on the decision making process w...

Changing Family Structures and Family Health

will have on the population of Victoria. To undertake this there need to be an assessment of the way in which the family structure...

Are Same-Sex Couples with Children Families

In 2006, for instance, surveys reflected that 30 percent of respondents stated that pets would count as family but gay couples did...

Family Concepts Defined

In five pages sociological and cultural definitions of the family concept are examined with the traditional Indian culture compare...

Family Therapy Approaches

In five pages Bowen's reciprocal relationship concepts, Milan's systemic theories, and cognitive and behavioral approaches are app...

Children, New Family Structures and Their Impact

In five pages this paper examines 1990s' family research in a discussion of how children are being affected by families and the re...

Family Diversification and Structure Study

In five pages this paper applies theory to the changing family structure and argues that its diversification makes the concept 'no...

No Such Concept as a 'Normal Family'

This paper argues in five pages that a 'normal family' concept does not exist as a result of family diversification and changes. ...

Family and Okonkwo in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

the end. What the story explains is that when a man leaves his community and the community changes while the man does not, the two...

Family Health Nursing

the "niche were multiple members encounter and respond to disease and illness across the life course" (Denham, 2003, p. 143). Nurs...