YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Controversial Mel Gibson Film The Passion of the Christ

Essays 121 - 150

14th Congressional District - Florida

of himself with his wife and children in his latest campaign; yet he is now divorced and is allegedly linked romantically with Con...

Cradle Will Rock

water from a fire hydrant. The street scene also emphasizes the desperation of the era. A man stands next to a car that is covered...

Dogma, Reflection on a Film

Jesus" (Blake, 1999, p. 20). Glicks idea is that the crucifix is too depressing as a symbol. He says, "Christ didnt come to earth ...

Fat Head, Super Size Me

This research paper focuses on the films "Fat Head" and "Super Size Me" and discusses them in terms of the nutritional subjects br...

Chef, A Movie Review

This essay is a movie review of "Chef," a 2014 film directed by Jon Favreau. The film tells the tory of Cal Casper, a chef, who lo...

Film Review/Toy Story 3

as "jolly, slapstick comedy," but also criticizes it for lacking the "almost eerie humanity that infused" the earlier movies, writ...

Film Portrayal of Schizophrenia

show the director she can be seductive. When he kisses her, she bites him. His anticipation for further sexual intimacy is never r...

Small Group Communication, The Hurt Locker

by Kathryn Bigelow, written by Mark Boal, 2009) offers a detailed study of the life of an Army bomb squad, Bravo Company, statione...

Development of Theology of Christology

First Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church was held at Nicea (also referred to as Nicaea) in 325 in order to address the topi...

Once We Were Warriors/Postcolonial Theory

a different "historical memory of the Maori," as they remember "fierce fighters who battled against British colonizers for decades...

Accuracy in the Film "Frida"

draw and paint, which is a "direct expression" of "her interior life" (Young 29). When she is finally able to walk again, she visi...

Analysis of Raqing Bull

earning him an Academy Award (Raging Bull, 19950. De Niro made Jakes decline more believable by gaining 60 pounds over the course ...

Kubrick/The Shining

one in which Danny Torrance, the seven-year-son of Wendy and Jack, has a vision of blood engulfing a hotel hallway in torrential w...

Much Ado About Nothing, Twelfth Night/On Film

a take on the play that is patterned after the screwball comedies of the 1930s, as "Beatrice and Benedick are surely the prototype...

Birth of a Nation/Cinematic History

history of the Civil War and the Reconstruction. In essence, Griffith is recounting the tales told to him by his father, who was a...

Cinematography in “Hero”

a "master swordsman," arriving at the Emperors fortress. Nameless explains to the Emperor how he vanquished "three deadly assassin...

Hamlet Interpreted Three Ways

films of the play and specifically, the "To be or not to be," "Get thee to a nunnery" and "Now might I do it pat" speeches from th...

Working with the Deaf-Blind and "The Miracle Worker"

This essay offers analysis and discussion of "The Miracle Worker" by William Gibson. The writer relates this material to current d...

Frida/Accuracy of Recent Film

Frida, as a young teen, sneaking into an auditorium to watch Diego painting a mural. Diegos wife Lupe appears and confronts Diego ...

Science Fiction and Gender

In eight pages this paper examines how gender influences science fiction tastes in terms of male and female preferences with a dis...

The Miracle Worker Play by William Gibson

In five pages this paper examines The Miracle Worker by William Gibson and includes 4 classroom activities based upon this play. ...

Three Science Fiction Novels and Intelligent Machines

In five pages this paper analyzes how intelligent machines are featured in Galatea by Richard Powers, Neuromancer by William Gibso...

Comparing Works by Richard Wright and Jo Ann G. Robinson

In five pages this research paper examines these authors' refusal to accept African American second class citizenship in a segrega...

America After Vietnam and Books by Gibson and Englehardt

In five pages this paper discusses Warrior Dreams by Gibson and The End of the Victory Culture by Englehardt in a consideration of...

'Oedipus the King' and 'Chinatown'

no longer walks the Chinatown beat, ever since he was promoted to lieutenant (Dirks chin.html). Chinatown is regarded as a punish...

A Comparison of The Green Berets and Casualties of War

days on the battlefield seemed to be but a dim memory. The Korean War was Americas first unpopular war where there were no victor...

Early Film Industry and Economics

In fourteen pages this research paper considers the film industry in terms of the economic issues it struggled with during its fir...

Movie Versions and the Original Play Othello by William Shakespeare

In eight pages this paper discusses the theatrical portrayals of Othello, Desdemona, and Iago in comparison with the films by Well...

Charles Chaplin's The Gold Rush

In a paper consisting of 1 page what many regard as one of Chaplin's finest films is reviewed....

Gandhi Film Review

This film starring Ben Kingsley is discussed in an overview and reviewed in three pages....