Essays 61 - 90

Historical Overview of the NRA

arms. The NRA recognizes that the issues surround the right of American citizens to bear arms are heating up on a daily bas...

Gun Control and 5 Issues Identified

right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed". Buckley (2002) points out that "opponents of comprehensive gun...

Expressing Gun Control Support

the question becomes: Is it a constitutional right for children and adolescents to bear arms? Indeed not, however, law enforcemen...

Twenty First Century Gun Control

gun control is that the existence, or presence, of guns in a private citizens home leads to more violence. Statistics have often i...

Government and its Purpose

and the death penalty should be outlawed and that murdering animals should also be against the law. These are really the only conc...

Texas and California on Gun Control

an even harder time controlling the situation. Clearly, the government cannot control the influx of guns in general, but it can co...

In Support of Gun Control

would indeed reduce the number of deaths due to guns and would eliminate much of the violence in this country. In order to fully ...

Gunpowder's Invention and Historical Impact

and explosives has ranked among the top three most important elements of modern civilization along with printing and the Protestan...

American Constitution, the Second Amendment, and the National Rifle Association

the Second Amendment, bears proof that the right to bear arms has consistently been, and should still be, construed as an individu...

Gun Control

news is that the presidential and other candidates want their potential electors to know their stance on this issue that is import...

Just Say No to Gun Control Legislation

In five pages this paper argues that gun control legislation restricting firearms' ownership is not the answer to increased violen...

Gun Control and the Policy of the Government

murders that occur in that area. The warnings are part of a federal experiment labeled "Project Exile" (Ragavan 18). The e...

Explosive Issue of Gun Control

In three pages the explosive arguments for and against gun control are examined in a consideration of advocacy and a protection of...

Federal and Georgia State Constitutions Compared

In eight pages the Federal Constitution and Georgia State Constitution are compared on three issues of abortion, capital punishmen...

The Obvious Choice of Al Gore for President in 2000

In five pages this paper supports Al Gore's presidential candidacy over Republican opponent George W. Bush by contrasting politica...

George W. Bush's and Albert Gore Jr.'s Philosophies on Gun Control

In five pages this paper contrasts and compares the radically different gun control views of presidential candidates Texas Gov. Ge...

Thomas Hobbes and Sigmund Freud on Gun Control

In five pages this paper examines what Sigmund Freud and Thomas Hobbes would have to say about gun control in light of the tragic ...

Shootings at Schools and Their Causes

In five pages this paper opposes an article that blames the media and social narcissism for causing shootings at schools and advoc...

Arguing Against Gun Control

In six pages the gun control issue is examined from both sides in an argument that ultimately opposes it. Four sources are cited ...

Gun Control Essays and Rank's Persuasion Model

where it happens" (Snyder PG) is the crux of his thesis. In a sense, he uses the tactic of diversion because he essentially blames...

Homicide Deterrence and the Ineffectiveness of Gun Control

In eight pages this paper argues that gun control ineffectiveness is responsible for the rates of homicides in the United States a...

Political Environment of Gun Control

In six pages this paper discusses gun control in terms of legislation and politics with the positions of 2000 presidential candida...

Projections on Gun Control

In six pages this tutorial examines how to answer forecasting questions with the issue of gun control the focus in terms of change...

Analysis of the Debates Between 2000 Presidential Candidates George W. Bush and Al Gore

In five pages this paper analyzes the debates in terms of candidate philosophy, style, and stances on gun control and health care ...

Individuals and the Impact of Trends

In five page this research paper examines abortion, gun control, communication privacy, and gay marriage issues in a consideration...

Part II Gun Control Policy Response

In five pages a gun control policy response is offered and explained in terms of its feasibility both economic and political, prac...

Unresolved Issue of Gun Control

In seven pages a historical perspective is taken regarding the unresolved gun control issue in an examination of governmental legi...

Gun Control an the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution

argue, the amendment is no longer necessary--we have won our civil war. To them, the amendment represents a guarantee to form mil...

Why it is Necessary to Have Gun Control

This paper consists of four pages and argues that gun control is necessary because firearms must be restricted as a social and pub...

Arguing Against New Jersey Gun Control Laws

In five pages this paper cites several statistics and cases in this argument which opposes gun control legislation for the state o...