YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Friendship and Marriage According to Barbara Whitehead and Aristotle

Essays 211 - 240

Aristotle's 'Tragic Hero' and Sophocles' Oedipus Rex

individual would grow up, kill his father, and marry his mother. In reality, few people would ever find themselves in such a circu...

Virtue Ethics Case Analysis

half weeks pay. Sheila leaves a message on Wandas machine saying that she will pick up the dolls that evening, and a check for her...

Physical World View of Dante

Aristotle. The sky is of course something that perhaps is significant in esoteric matters. After all, the sky is quite provocativ...

The Concept of 'Freedom' of Choice as Perceived by Epictetus, Epicurus, and Aristotle

be regarded as involuntary because it is not externally rooted in another person; but it is irrational and therefore not represent...

The Mind in De Anima by Aristotle

a longer period of time, which serves to dilute the effectiveness of presence and the experiences intensity. With the sensation o...

A Comparison of Machiavellian and Aristotelian Ideas

too saw that the people needed leadership. The general public was thought not quite capable of making the big decisions. While Mac...

Aristotle's Perspectives on Evil

originally? Even if it is passed on to future generations, or victims, it has to come form somewhere. While some say it is origina...

Aristotle's Concepts of Excellence and Happiness

being within society: "the proper excellence or virtue of man will be the habit or trained faculty that makes a man good and makes...

Posterior Analytics by Aristotle and Rationalism

According to Aristotle (1997), "Reasoning is demonstration when it proceeds from premises which are true and primary or of such a ...

Happiness, Stoics, Epicureans, and Aristotle

not likely to live a pleasant life unless you practice moderation; the Epicurean philosophy was an argument for a traditionally mo...

Aristotle and Plato Critiquing Education

as people do want to know things and understand (1995). Both theorists do view education as important and place a particular empha...

How Aristotle Defines the Good Life

philosopher, would aid in curtailing discord while broadening the trust that must exist between peoples. Using the Myth of ...

The Political Ideas of Aristotle

does seem that Aristotle aligned his thought about political order with the spiritual more than the practical. His ideas about the...

An Ethical Argument on the Abortion Issue

that school. He points out that the insight that Aristotle provides in "On the Soul" and "On the Generation of Animals" serves as...

Is Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman a Tragedy?

In six pages this essay evaluates Miller's play based upon Aristotle's tragic components to conclude that Death of a Salesman is i...

Tragic Form of Aristotle and Contemporary Cinema

had erred so completely, even though he did so unknowingly, his only recourse was to take his own life. In Fight Club, then, th...

Not So Tragic Death of a Salesman

("Introduction"). An example of this might be the concept of the senseless murder. Some suggest that this is an oxymoron. After al...

Aristotle's Rhetoric Theory and President Bush's September 20, 2001 Speech to Congress

are not connected by the bonds of being anything but themselves" (Babyak, 1995). His contention was that inasmuch as words were v...

Source Credibility and Communications

(2005) notes, if the audience considers that the source is speaking from an objective standpoint or from motives of altruism, then...

History of Rasselas by Samuel Johnson

only one who is not happy. It is not as if the reader has to identify with him in order to understand the point, which is that no ...

Aristotle, Avenue Q, Joe Turner's Come and Gone

Thought is Aristotles third category. McManus (1999) speculates that this category can be associated with what modern critics woul...

Happiness Concept of Aristotle

explains that most men identify good, or happiness, with mere pleasure and that is the first type of life. Many are familiar with ...

Developing a Position Argument for an Academic Audience A position argument for an academic audience

should also be noted that persuasion is not synonymous with dogmatism: the speaker must acknowledge that opposing viewpoints exist...

Happiness As Defined by Aristotle, Is It Still Relevant?

achieve this level of human excellence by adhering to the fourteen axioms acts of Nicomachean Ethics, which included gentility, ho...

Aquinas, Aristotle and Mil's Views on the Law

John Stuart Mill presented his take on the law in On Liberty. This paper contrasts his view with Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics an...

Aristotle's Perspectives on Genetic Engineering's Ethics

In four pages Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics are applied to an examination of genetic engineering. Two sources are cited in the b...

Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle

In four pages Chapter 4 of Nicomachean Ethics' Book II is examined in terms of developing an argument supporting Aristotle's conte...

Books I, II, and III of Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle

In a paper consisting of five pages the concepts of human good, the 'doctrine of the mean,' and 'phronesis' as presented in Books ...

Aristotle's Life and Contributions to Western Civilization

negative effects. His father was named Nichomachus and he belonged to the clan or guild of the Asclepiadae (Ross 1; Randall 12)...

Tragic Heroes King Oedipus and King Lear

In five pages Aristotle's definition of a tragic hero is applied to these two literary monarchs. One source is cited in the bibli...