Essays 241 - 270

Ethics In Nonprofit Organizations

there is no singular set of ethical disciplines that are adhered to by all sectors. Distinguishing these moral and ethical action...

Medical Futility And Ethics

2000). Here is an example: A young person is in an accident and has been in a persistent vegetative state for months. The family...

Business Ethics and Ethical Theory

ethical theory, utilitarianism and deontology often enter the picture. Mill (2001) for example, who is a utilitarian, claims that ...

Organisational Behaviour

be seen as the embodiment of the norms, values and beliefs. These may be seen as isolated within the company, or reflections of th...

Ethics for Business Research

to be research subjects; the difference was that in this case they were aware of the risks and the processes they would be subject...

Ethics for Business Research

sure treatment is safe before administering it has also restricted the way those suffering may be helped for example AIDs patients...

Ethics and Laws/Healthcare Organizations

informed consent as one would with other patients, who are not of this culture. Such questions that address the role of the law ...

Ethical Leadership: Article Comparison

the primary location where policy is derived. There are myriad ethical considerations in the daily world of business, and each on...

Place Of Religious Experience In Lawrence Kohlberg's Ideas Of Human Development

social order that refuses to acknowledge the elements of good and bad. Correspondingly, Fontana (2003) points out how the good "a...

Business and Ethical Practices

Probably not. The same is true for Enron management. We know now that Enron gave itself over to greed and arrogance in its busin...

Wal Mart's Ethical Business Practices

of ethics or if you face an ethical dilemma; cooperate with any investigation of a possible ethics violation and report ethics vio...

Article Analysis and Practical Applications of Ethics

or private practice, we agree and understand that our ethical conduct overrides all other considerations" (p. 4). While this may s...

Nursing Ethics Issues

in death is a wise safeguard. In the early part of the twentieth century, rationalizations abounded in medical literature that def...

Personal Ethics and Cultural Values Research Study Proposal

culture. Personal ethics will enter the picture and will depend upon the individual. Of course, ethics in the business world are r...

Two Articles on Ethics in Nursing Reviewed

ethics are a part of the concern. The hospital should not accept a patient load that it cannot handle. Another example of an issue...

Ethics Code, Progressive Discipline, and Conduct Code

code goes beyond mere regulations. There are many actions that are legal but that are not moral. As an extreme example, the use of...

Looking at Ethics Personally

thirdly the contemplative" life" (Aristotle, 350 B.C.E.). Here, Aristotle divides life into types. Such a typology is applicable t...

Justice and Ethics VI

addressed below in Point 3. Point 1 Mr. Hoozgows recent decision to place microphones in common areas and meeting rooms of ...

Management of Sentencing, Corrections, and Probation

of what he chooses to do in life. Psychologists likely would say that Loser harbors immense hatred for women in that he chooses t...

Restaurant and Hotel Management and Ethics

In twenty pages the hospitality industry is investigated in terms of its use of ethics, how they can be improved, reactive and pro...

Ethics According to Thomas Aquinas and Aristotle

In five pages these philosophers' views on ethics are contrasted and compared as represented by Aristotle in Nicomachean Ethics an...

Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton

to feel the calling to a religious life. Decides to become a Catholic, then decides to be a priest. Part Three has 4 chapters th...

Client and Therapist Sexual Attraction

In five pages this paper discusses the relationship between a therapist and client and sexual attraction between them from a profe...

Business Ethics and the Lawyer's Role

In eight pages this paper examines business ethics' issues and the lawyer or solicitor's role with various conflicts and laws cons...

Ethics and HR Professionals

In eighteen pages this paper examines ethics from a human resources perspective in a consideration of issues including responsibil...

Anger and Friendship in Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle

instrumental in acknowledging the fact that universal law of good will can only exist if what is right for one person is also exte...

Ethics and Business Law

In a paper consisting of four pages the gap that has long existed between business ethics and the law is considered with a suggest...

Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle

In four pages Chapter 4 of Nicomachean Ethics' Book II is examined in terms of developing an argument supporting Aristotle's conte...

Teaching Police Ethics

In thirty five pages various philosophers such as Pythagoras, Plato, John Stuart Mill, and Immanuel Kant are incorporated into an ...

Informed Consent and Issues of Medical Ethics

physicians, theologians, and lawyers in founding journals, research centers, hospital and medical school committees, departments, ...