YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :How Nationalism In Balkans Contributed to First World War

Essays 271 - 300

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

In eight pages this paper analyzes this classic American novel and its confrontation of post First World War truths about the Amer...

Biography of Poet Siegfried Sassoon

In five pages this paper discusses the life of poet Siegfried Sassoon with his experiences in the First World War among the topics...

U.S. Foreign Policy 1945 to 1970 and Anti Communism

In a paper consisting of eight pages two theories regarding American foreign policy and the role of anti Communism are examined wi...

Second World War Newsreels

In five pages the Second World War's black and white newsreels are examined in terms of their historical importance and also discu...

1941 through 1951 America's Changing Decade A Decade of Change

and done, there were good feelings in the United States. The fifties would soon erupt with its newfound innocence and vigor. Kore...

The Second World War and U.S. Prisoners of War

In a paper consisting of five pages American prisoner of war camps and the treatment of these prisoners during the Second World Wa...

Early Cold War, the KGB, and the CIA

In seven pages this paper examines the pre Second World War Cold War period in a consideration of CIA and KGB successes with the K...

The Great War and Modern Memory by Paul Fussell

In five pages this report examines the book by Paul Fussell in terms of the impact of the First World War upon attitudes and human...

Painting's Verbal Aspects

deeply personal, but they are the product of a lively mind (http://members One of these visual exp...

The Impact of Perspective on Memories of World War II

This 5 page paper discusses current accounts of the Second World War coming out of Japan, Russia and Poland. The writer argues tha...

Chaos and Political Movements Following the Treaty of Versailles

In five pages this paper considers how the treaty after the First World War resulted in much chaos throughout Europe and was respo...

Second World War and Vietnam War on Film

In six pages this paper examines how the Second World War and Vietnam War are portrayed in the films Sands of Iwo Jima, Hamburger ...

Unification Development and Expansion of Europe

In five pages this paper's first part considers the development of Europe since Ancient Roman times, its unification development, ...

Bolshevik and Stalin Economic Policies and the Impact of the Second World War

In ten pages the impact of the Second World War on the economic policies of the former Soviet Union first established by the Bolsh...

All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque

In five pages this First World War novel focusing on a young boy's innocence lost as the result of combat is examined. There is n...

Eighteenth to Twentieth Century Puerto Rican History Essays

In eleven pages various essays regarding the history of Puerto Rico and its Caribbean role, coffee's eighteenth century economic i...

A Historical Overview of the Cold War

A four page overview of this interesting time in world history. The writer oulines the societal factors in play and historical un...

The Impact of World War I on the Middle East

This 6 page paper explores the impact of the First World War on society in general and particularly on the Middle East. The writer...

Red Tail Angels of the Second World War

The Second World War's Red Tail Angels, also known as the Tuskegee Airmen, are examined in an overview of their courage despite ra...

War Stories of Edith Wharton

In six pages the ways in which Edith Wharton drew upon her experiences living in France at the start of the First World War as ins...

Important Factors Regarding 1750 to 1914 British Industrialization, Population, and Relations

In six pages this paper discusses England's industrial development up to the First World War with important events including the C...

Experimental Avant Garde Cinema and Theater

In five pages the post First World War avant garde genre and its influence upon theater and cinema are examined in a consideration...

Elie Wiesel's Night and Albert Camus' The Plague

In seven pages these stories are compared in terms of their similar messages regarding the Second World War's harsh realities. Th...

When Your Number's Up by Desmond Morton

In five pages this book that considers the Canadian involvement in the First World War is discussed. There are no other sources l...

Wright Brothers and Glenn Curtiss

but it had awakened the curiosity of dozens of would-be inventors. No one questioned that the Wright Brothers were the original d...

Battle Cry by Leon Uris

This paper consists of five pages and presents a book review on the author's stirring account of the U.S. Marine Corps during the ...

Warfare and Changes Resulting from the Nuclear Arms Race

In five pages this paper examines changes in the nature of war since the Second World War in a consideration of the evolution of t...

The Activities and Crimes of Adolf Karl Eichmann

In five pages Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann, his activities during the Second World War, escape, capture and subsequent trial a...

Second World War's Nazi Death Camps

need at the front lines. The special death squads were responsible for killing about two million people (Weiss, 1996). Because ...

A French Historical Turning Point

In this paper containing foru pages the effects of World War I as an influential defining moment in French history after 1919 are ...