Essays 121 - 150

Pediatric Asthma and Interventions of Public Health Peer Education

In fifteen pages this paper features the results of a Chicago case study regarding the importance of peer education for families o...

Review of Journal Articles on Education and the Involvement of Parents

In sixteen pages this report reviews journal articles featuring research regarding children's education and the importance of pare...

UK Curriculum and PE

In twelve pages this paper discusses the United Kingdom's primary schools in an examination of physical education programs and its...

The Jim Crow Laws and Black Education

essentially starting from "ground zero," educationally speaking. In the South, it was actually illegal to teach slaves how to read...

Work of John Dewey and Its Importance

be verified (Dewey, 1938). Pragmatism, then, is the application of scientific methods to areas commonly referred to as ideals and ...

US and Community College Programs in Vocational Education

vocational educational program this may seem to be the case, but in fact, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, many o...

Adult Education and Code of Ethics Framework

possibilities for ethical code violations in practically every aspect of our lives. Ethics of practice is, in fact, a pop...

Candidate Recruitment in Police Departments

within their districts, some join the FBI for which salaries commanded get close to six figures at the highest levels ("Police"). ...

A Special Education Integrative Literature Summary

The fundamental argument behind this vast sea of paperwork is that traditionally there has been distrust and fear between educator...

Early Childhood Education Politics and Policy

in making the transition from home to school. As is the case with many federal programs, however, Head Start has become bog...

UK's ECE Politics and Policy

by the family after the family attacked a hospital patient. Batty (2002) provides a timeline of child protection legislatio...

Elementary Classrooms and Bilingual Education

been linguistically successful (Safty, 1992). Eventually, and with exposure to French, the bilingual programs became known as Fren...

Ralph Thompson's 'Learning to Question'

In five pages this 1969 article regarding education and the importance of asking questions is critiqued. There are no other sourc...

School Promotion of Parental Involvement

In five pages this paper discusses the importance of parental involvement in the education of their children and what schools can ...

Eduation and Communication Management Between School Administration and Educators

In eleven pages the importance of communication in education is examined within the context of management among school administrat...

Color of Water by James McBride, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce, and Education

In a paper consisting of 5 pages education and its importance as represented in these works are discussed. There are no other sou...

Adult Education and International HR Training

In five pages this paper examines modern day training in human resources and global recognition of the importance of adult educati...

1916 Text Democracy in Education by John Dewey

the baby chick, that shortly after it hatches makes a few stabs for food, as in beak-eye coordination. Masters that concept and b...

Child Education and the Involvement of Parents

there other concerned adults who may substitute, or add to the parental role. Changing nature of parental involvement Anyone who ...

Workplace and Education

week; can that be considered necessary for good mental health, if you are a teacher in a juvenile crime facility. What is the c...


than creating automatons, passive people who have a misguided sense of reality (Freire 71). Despite Freires going somewha...

Special Education Views and Theories

these children may have to become involved on a civic level to request, require and demand accessibility to all areas of a school ...

Counseling and Values

This essay consists of two pages and discusses value systems in terms of education and counseling....


have HIV/AIDS and if they do, this isnt something they would likely share with their students), and how the topic is presented. It...

China, Korea, Japan, and Education

In nine pages the Asian system of education is examined in a contrast and comparison of structures in China, Korea, and Japan....

Article Review on Education and the Involvement of Parents

In two pages a 1995 article on children's education and the parental role is reviewed....

Education and Philosophy

In nine pages this paper examines teaching philosophies in this overview that explores the relationship between philosophy and edu...

Children's Health and the Impact of Physical Education

In fourteen pages this research paper discusses the impact of physical education on children's health and fitness....

Paul Kennedy's Preparing for the Twenty First Century

general. Kennedy does an admirable job of demonstrating how the population explosion that the world is currently experiencing is i...

Internet Education

In relationship to the pros and the cons one author notes that the student can take classes from anywhere, can take classes on sub...