YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Japanese Historical Meiji Period

Essays 121 - 150

Charlemagne's Historical Importance

one of the most important legacies left by Charlemagne involved literacy. Hartman (2006) states that with his influence, "there wa...

Teachings of the Historical Jesus

are knowledgeable about one fact of Christianity that the Christian worshipper is not, there is limited historical facts to establ...

Semitic Origins of the Hyksos

the Hyksos rulers (Redmount 68). Manethos text as interpreted by Josephus describes the Hyksos rulers as "sacrilegious inv...

US and Japan Trade Conflict

In ten pages this paper discusses the contemporary historical trade conflict between Japan and the United States....

Historical Significance of Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad II

In five pages the twentieth century relevance of Heart of Darkness is considered in this historical perspective of Joseph Conrad's...

Metropolitan Greek Collection and the Rare Kouros Art

In five pages the Kouros at the Judy and Michael Steinhardt Gallery is analyzed in terms of its posture, style, historical and aes...

Canada's Sikh Community

Canada's Sikh community is examined in an historical overview consisting of 13 pages....

Paul Johnson's Modern Times

created the modern political zealot--and his crimes--so the evaporation of religious faith among the educated left a vacuum in the...

Comparison of the Declaration of Independence and Emancipation Proclamation

In five pages these two historical documents are compared. Five sources are cited in the bibliography....

Gore Vidal: “Creation”

Herodotus (Vidal). Herodotus was an actual historical figure, known as both the "father of history" and the "father of lies." Here...

The Historical Significance of Black Boy by Richard Wright

they know that to rebel would be disastrous. Then, just a short while later he begins to notice, for the very first time in his...

Anthony Kemp's D-Day and the Invasion of Normandy

was paramount to any further success in ending the Second World War. His work is primarily aimed at simply offering facts, at show...

Clothing of China

Long thought to be legendary, it has recently proven to actually have existed, but theres no information on the type of clothing w...

Simon Bolivar, Liberation and Disappointment by David Bushnell

killed. He fled to Jamaica, then later to Haiti where he was able to gather together enough rebel fighters to mount another attack...

Different Types of Sociological Research Approaches

those aspects (religion) and rather than offering alternatives, asks the subject to place religion on a sliding scale of importanc...

Traditional vs Target Costing

during the product design phase. "In Japan, the purpose of the management accounting system is to influence the behavior of a man...


efficiency, marketing, design and finance (Thompson, 2005). Protectionist policies alone will only limit the presence of foreign...

Causes of WWII/Pacific Theatre

was a republic, led by the Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek. Due to the fact that there was serious opposition to his government...

Pharr/Losing Face, Status Politics in Japan

cultural heritage of Confucianism (Pharr xiii). In Confucianism, supreme emphasis is placed on maintaining harmony, which is seen ...

Pre Meiji Japan, Literature, and Feudalism

In five pages this paper considers feudal Japan in a comparative analysis of two works of literature Donald Keene's Anthology of J...

Leadership and Cultural Comparison of the Meiji Emperor, Empress Dowager Cixi, and King Chulalongkorn

In four pages this paper compares the culture and leadership styles of these rulers from Japan, China, and Thailand. Five sources...

Gothic Cathedrals of 1100 to 1500 A.D.

a major representative example and therefore more widely reviewed. Following subsections discuss the changes in cathedral constru...

Late Medieval Literature and Art and Human Body Rediscovery

his right hand in blessing toward the Virgin, who raises both palms in what is obviously intended to be surprise. The overall ef...

1990s' American Economy

of falling prices always followed these periods of inflation associated with war, so that price levels were quite stable (PG). How...

Overview of How the Other Half Lives by Jacob Riis

In five pages this 1890 text is examined in terms of how the time period's events relate to its contents. Two sources are cited i...

Dante's 'Inferno' Explanationa and Detailed Structural Analysis

In five pages a poetic explication of Dante's poem is presented in terms of explanation of betrayal as a more punishable sin than ...

Forms of Art Technology During the Renaissance

In seven pages this paper examines the technology that was developed to create the Renaissance period's sophisticated maiolica cer...

A History of Jews in America

She corresponded with Grace Aguilar, a Jewish British theologian; Fanny Kemble, a British actress; Catherine Sedgwick, an American...

Place in Sapphira and the Slave Girl by Willa Cather

In five pages the representation of place with regards to the time period's social hierarchy is discussed and includes an explorat...

Transitions During the Enlightenment Period

secular tone ("The Enlightenment," 2006). The eighteenth century would begin the Age of Reason where there was intellectual discov...