Essays 211 - 240

Adams's Essay 'Should God Create Good?'

In five pages the arguments presented in this essay in terms of God's and man's obligations to potential life are compared to soci...

God's Existence According to Rene Descartes

In five pages this report examines Descartes' First Philosophy regarding nature and God's existence as featured in his First Medit...

'Reasonable' Belief in God?

In seven pages this paper examines whether or not the human belief in God's existence is reasonable. Eight sources are cited in t...

God's Existence and the Argument of Saint Anselm

In five pages the eleventh century argument of Anselm regarding God's existence is examined as presented in Monologium. One sourc...

God Question As Approached by Howard Thurman

In five pages this paper examines how African American author Howard Thurman deals with questions regarding God's nature and exist...

Belief in God in Hinduism and Buddhism

reverence that can only be achieved through understanding the esoteric aspects of the three worlds. "The experiential and devotio...

God and Saint Augustine

In a paper that consists of five pages St. Augustine's concept of God is explored along with a consideration of its rationale in o...

Analogical Language, Aquinas, and Adler

In a paper containing 5 pages the usefulness of analogical language in theological inquiries is evaluated by incorporating the the...

Great Literary Works, Experiences, Lessons, and Hope

In 10 pages this paper examines the shared theme of the determinants of one's identity as revealed within 'God's Pocket,' 'Tumblin...

God's Goodness Philosophically Examined

Plato's Euthyphro is employed in this paper consisting of eight pages in order to explore the roots of godly piety and this tutori...

Aristotle's Original Theories

coined until Aristotle contributed to it, the concepts were there in the past. Thus, in such concerns, one might say that Aristotl...

Comparison of Spinoza and Hume

was that pleasure was immediate gratification but the greater good would be realized by a life lived based on principles as the go...

Gender Roles and African Women in African and French Literature

This paper examines the depiction of African Women in Camara Laye's The Dark Child and Ousmane Sembene's God's Bits of Wood in fiv...

'Paradiso' of Dante

across other he knows as well ads many mythical and historical figures, each one can be seen representing a particular virtue or f...

Ephesians and the Gentiles' Adoption

deal with the removal of the Jewish-Gentile barrier, also carry within them the promise for the removal of other barriers which ke...

Book of Daniel Analysis

In a paper consisting of twenty five pages the Old Testament's Book of Daniel is extensively analyzed and presents the argument su...

Maya Angelou and Malcolm X, No Comparison?

For many, a comparison of the gentle grace of Maya Angelou's poetry with the fiery prose of Malcolm X would be difficult. Yet, as ...

Teleology and Proving God's Existence Through Reason

thought and action are connected, bringing to mind the view of science and how it demonstrated the same evidence. Character...

God's Existence and 3 Arguments

In nine pages this report examines argument from design, ontological and cosmological arguments regarding God's existence. Seven ...

A Review of Breaking the Surface by Greg Louganis and Eric Marcus

A 5 page essay illustrating the theme of human diversity. This theme is contrasted to All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes by ...

Philosophy Q and A

While Hume appears down to Earth and logical, he is, in a very general sense, a skeptic. He notes that there is a battle between r...

Hebrew History and Yahweh

This will be my name forever; it has always been my name, and it will be used throughout all generations" (Exodus 3:15). "God rep...

Canonization Process

Canonization (Canonization Information, 2002). This step is key because this is what often distinguishes a mere "accident" from a...

2 Interpretations of Gender in Islam

come from western society and not conform to the lifestyle of the Muslims there. Not wearing veils was seen as immoral (1969). If ...

David Hume and Thomas Aquinas on God's Existence

that any passage outside our sensitive impressions was not possible and as such "there is no metaphysics: we know nothing of God, ...

Existence of God Arguments

the universe and the cells of life on the planet, it was assumed that this enormous and highly intricate mechanism had a designer ...

Philosophical Concepts

of the most important philosophers when talking about knowledge and where it comes from. His explanation suggests that there is a ...

God's Existence Belief

at the bottom of the ladder, and humanity at the top, by virtue of the faculty of reason (Augustine of Hippo, 2001). After carefu...

Concept of Divinity of God

that there is "within the human mind, and indeed by natural instinct, an awareness of divinity," that "God himself has implanted i...

God According to David Hume

He asserted that evidence that God exists in a singular or plural context because it has become universally accepted as truth (135...