YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Medicinal Marijuana Legalization

Essays 31 - 60

Defense of Marijuana Legalization

grasp the notion that continuing to prosecute marijuana users is doing nothing to ease the problem. "As demonstrated, the current...

Discussion of U.S. Supreme Court Cases with Controversial Issues

This single, historic decision brought forth a great many opportunities for each state to recognize the importance of allowing peo...

Arguing in Favor of the Legalization of Marijuana

In five pages this paper argues that freedom of choice is reinforced through the legalization of marijuana. Five sources are cite...

Argument in Favor of U.S. Legalization of Marijuana

Medical Marijuana initiative was passed in California in 1996 (Annas 435). Annas said, "The law allows physicians to recommend ma...

Marijuana Legalization Argument and Criticism

and on, with each person having the slightest bit different perspective, a different variation on the theme. Any proposal, any "s...

Legalizing Drugs

In ten pages this paper examines various perspective regarding the legalization of drugs in the US. Twelve sources are cited in t...

Legalization of Marijuana

wrestles with a myriad of questions about substance use and abuse. First, there are good reasons why marijuana should be legali...

Economic Benefits of Marijuana Legalization

Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana Touted). The spokesman for Nevadans for Responsible Law Enforcement, Billy Rogers, stated "We are...

Canada and Marijuana Legalization

stated that both the political and public attitude towards the legalization of marijuana is greatly "skewed" (NORML). One Cons...

Criminal Justice VI

initiated by the police, who have more freedom and a wider range of choices in how to proceed when dealing with a juvenile than wi...

An Argumentative Essay on Using Marijuana

argument against marijuana legalization. Califano specifically focuses on the issue of marijuana as a gateway drug and cites sta...

Should The United States Legalize Medical Marijuana Use?

of such states as Montana (Anonymous, 2005), Rhode Island (Roman, 2006) as well as Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Ne...

Opposition to Marijuana Legalization

mean that certain professionals could legally take a smoke break and then go into surgery to perform delicate operations (Harbath,...

Legalization of Marijuana for Medical Purposes

In six pages this paper supports the legalization of marijuana sale by prescription in the U.S. for serious medical conditions wit...

Economic and Social Benefits of Marijuana Legalization

to make changes to the society. this becomes more evident when we note that "While the number of offenders in each major offense c...

Argument Against Legalization of Marijuana

could be a prescribed drug, similar to what is done with morphine" (Marijuana - the Pros and Cons of Legalization, 2003). Clear...

Medical Legalization of Marijuana

not want to see this step being the first of many that would, as they see it, ultimately endanger society through the legalization...

Annotated Bibliography, Followed by Paper on Medical Marijuana Use

This research paper, first of all, presents a ten-item annotated bibliography that pertain to the legalization and use of medical ...

Marijuana Policy

This research paper/essay presents an overview of the issues pertaining to current marijuana policy, both in the US and aboard. Th...

Can Marijuana Rescue California’s Economy?

United States Department of Agriculture statistics (Stateman, 2009). Marijuana Policy Project California policy director Aaron Sm...

Various Psychology Assignments

several European universities have parapsychology departments that investigate ESP, 96 percent of the scientists of the US Nationa...

Issues Surrounding Legalization Of Marijuana

life instead of being the stronger aspects inherent to sizable social forces and requirements. Being deprived of a sound ed...

Juveniles and Marijuana Addiction

This research paper focuses on the role of peer pressure in regards to adolescent use of marijuana. Whether or not marijuana shoul...

All About Marijuana

of marijuana, 2001). The use of the drug in various forms continues to spread through the Middle East and in the 1300s, Arab trade...

Benefits of Marijuana Legalization

that has always been associated with the civilization of a society. Yet, it appears that once a society is considered civilized it...

Pros and Cons of Marijuana Legalization

in and of itself, and as such should not be legalized. Now, this argument can vary greatly. Some may argue that we already have al...

Issues Involved in Marijuana Legalization

type of medical risks or impairments of which the general public should be aware before purchase. In the event that marijuana leg...

Legalizing Drugs: The Benefits

such groups turn to drug use as a way to mitigate the pressure and stressors of living in such a fundamentally fragmented and unju...

Florida and Destination Casinos

This essay offers an overview of the Florida debate over legalization of destination resort casinos. The writer argues in favor of...

Marijuana Bills Introduced by Reps. Blumenauer and Farr

This paper reports the history of the use of marijuana as a medical intervention and when it became illegal in this country. It po...