YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Native Americans

Essays 301 - 330

Catherine Maria Sedgwick's 'Hope Leslie'

In five pages this paper considers the contents of this novel in terms of the topical issues it covers and the ways in which Nativ...

Ancestral Georgia Lands of the Cherokee

In five pages this paper considers Native American land rights in a consideration of the U.S. government forcibly removing the Geo...

Assimilation and Conflict in the Western Settlement

a progression of Indian emigration into the central plains and western regions of the country, based not only the movement of whit...

Doomed Native America

In five pages this paper examines how the relationship between Native Americans and Europeans was doomed from the beginning in a c...

The Founding of Virginia, Captain John Smith, and the American Genesis

In four pages this paper focuses upon Alden T. Vaughn's text and analyzes the depiction of Native Americans, Captain John Smith, a...

Pottery of the Mimbres Indians of North America

In ten pages this essay considers this ancient Native American tribe's lovely pottery. There are 6 sources cited in the bibliogra...

Ishi, the Last of his Tribe

This paper pertains to Ishi, the last member of the Yahi tribe, who journeyed out of the wild where he had lived alone for 35 year...

Creek and Cherokee Tribes and Traditional Southeastern Dance Decline

In six pages this paper examines the reasons why traditional Southeastern Native American dances like the stomp dance have decline...

Pacific Ocean and Totem Poles

and a change in the way of life occurred for the Indians. As a result, the ocean became the center of their way of life (Garbarino...

A Neutral Look at the Battle at Little Big Horn

This six page report analyzes this historical masacre from an objective perspective. The author carefully interweaves the perspec...

Reintroduction of the Gray Wolf

its westward expansion, the U.S. Biological Survey "declared the extermination of the wolf as the paramount objective of the gover...

Colonial America: New England and the Chesapeake

the pressure put on them by the Puritans were generally members of the larger, autonomous tribes, such as the Narragansett, the Wa...

The Bennett Scale and Milton Gordon on Assimilation and Native Populations

culture as a living culture by placing the Native American in a kind of cultural "museum." Momaday wrote: "...[the Native Americ...

Flood Stories Among the Toltec, Maya, and Navajo

(variously called Teocipactli) and Xochiquetzal survived to repopulate the earth (Leon-Portilla). In the Toltec version of ...

“Major Problems in California History”

effort in categorizing the tribes that populated the area and speculating as to their origin. He observed their subsistence patte...

Columbus, Hero or Villain?

doing so, Boorstin puts this within the context of the historical era. For example, he explains that fifteenth century sailors sta...

European Disease Brought to North America

In five pages the settlement in North America by the Europeans is examined in terms of the disease the Europeans introduced to the...

Historical Overview of the Early 19th Century Expedition of Lewis and Clark

In twenty five pages this historical overview of the Lewis and Clark expedition includes its purpose and adverse implications for ...

Contrasting and Comparing Cochise and Crazy Horse

In six pages these two influential native American leaders are compared and contrasted in terms of military action, cultural and i...

Books on America's Racism Problems

In five pages this paper examines racism in America as it pertains to the Native Americans and the Japanese during the Second Worl...

Literary Portrayal of the Aboriginal

believed that the Puritans were more organized, unified, visionary and disciplined certainly had not done a great deal of study of...

1637's Pequot and English War and its Influential Factors

In eight pages this 1637 conflict between the Pequot Native Americans and the English are examined in a consideration of the facto...

Sixteenth Century Society Critiques of Las Casas and Erasmus

that part of human behavior; however, this text is not primarily a satire, as such, but rather a complex analysis of European soci...

Social Commentary In Late Nineteenth Century White Minstrelsy by Robert Toll, The Octoroon by Dionysius Lardner Boucicault, and Widow Ranter by Aphra Behn and Indian Images

What it meant to a Native American Indian through these three stories was a time of constant suppression and overwhelming conflict...

Expansion of Europe and the Resulting Disease and War

the Native American soil, they turned into the very element of persecution from which they escaped; not only did they segregated t...

Early Culture of West Africa

This paper compares the Native American culture with the culture of West Africa in an overview of sculpture, dance, music, poetry,...

Racism, Native America, and Genocide

In two pages this paper considers how European colonists attempted to eradicate the Native American culture through practices of r...

New World Dominance of Europe

been painted by historians was simply untrue. Clearly, the Europeans took the land that belonged to the Indians. While few dispute...

Western Settlement, Jacksonian Democracy, Manifest Destiny, and the Expedition of Lewis and Clark

Lewis and Clark expedition would be on American soil right up to the point it crossed the Rocky Mountains (Fritz, 2001)....

Equality Concept, Conflicting Ideology, and Thomas Jefferson

of true equality. Interestingly, both slavery and our early relations with Native Americans had an integral connection to t...