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Essays 91 - 120

Biography of Eleanor of Aquitaine

In eight pages this essay presents the biography of Henry II's Queen and Richard the Lionhearted's mother. Four sources are cited...

Ophelia in Hamlet by William Shakespeare

sign of madness was, in reality, a genuine declaration of affection. Ophelia is the only character with whom Hamlet can, at least...

Pentium Microprocessors of Intel

In eight pages this paper examines the post 1993 microprocessors manufactured by Intel and includes the performance evaluations of...

Religion and Church History

In fifteen pages this paper discusses how religion and the church evolved in a consideration of John Wesley, William Carey, Isaac ...

February Revolution of Russia's Nicholas II

In sixteen pages this paper examines the infamous February Revolution that resulted in Russia's Czar Nicholas II's abdication in a...

Fides et Ratio by Pope John Paul II

have the authority to guide humanity toward the attainment of absolute truth regarding the meaning of life, on God and human desti...

William Shakespeare's Second Tetralogy, Imagery and Language Patterns

In eight pages this report examines Shakespeare's figurative language and imagery patterns featured in his second tetralogy that i...

Catholic Views Regarding Marriage Mutuality and Authority

In a paper consisting of twelve pages Ephesians 5: 21-33 is examined as it pertains to marital relationships and includes Pope Joh...

John Paul II and Leadership

powerful leader, it comes as a surprise to realize that he, like any other CEO, has a leadership style. It somehow seems that we s...

Relationships in Richard II and Richard III by William Shakespeare

he appears sincere and supportive, such as when Richard asks what one has said of him, and Buckingham replies "Nothing that I resp...

World War II's Battle of Britain

World War II's Battle of Britain and the Allied halting of the Luftwaffe are examined in 6 pages. Six sources are cited in the bi...

Overview of Great Britain's Richard II

a small population could maintain tight control over the entire political and economic system. Having been compared with the Celt...

Act I and Act II Analysis of A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare

inasmuch as social interaction implies interacting with other persons; thus, the meaning of that interaction is always to be a joi...

Two Essay Questions Examined in a Consideration of the Pseudoscience of Death and Expected Utility

the chances of drawing each color are the same. In this game, however, you are rewarded $350 if you draw a combination of a white...

Art and Music A Reflection of and an Impact to American Culture

This paper examines art like a diversity of art to discern its impact on our culture. World War II's Rosie the Riveter is explore...

Interview/Living through World War II

out. You didnt know what the future might bring, or if they would survive. "Did you get married during the war?" I asked. "No, ...

Evangelium vitae/Nos. 78-105

to freedom and responsibility" (EV 83). In this regard, he stresses the pivotal position of the Sacraments, as a means by which hu...

Hermia's Speech/Midsummer Night's Dream

to a convent or even death. The image of a snake conjures the possibly of death, and suggests that Hermia is not as brave as she...

Historian and Journalist George Washington Williams

finally relented and approved him for combat (Franklin, 1977). He received a serious injury during the war and received an honora...

Analyzing King Henry's Statement to Prince Hal in III.iii 93-96 of Henry IV, Part One by William Shakespeare

Hal was more interested in the gossip at the local taverns than he was in matters of state. Henry IVs cousin, Richard, who became...

Russia's 'Great Reforms'

for all of the changes and as the result of the changes and the rise of the populist movement there was the use of paternalist des...

Diabetes Mellitus, Type II

in the blood and is not properly transferred to the cells, the body begins to feel weak and fatigued from lack of energy (Type 2 D...

Singapore History since WWII

activities from business to entertainment to sex. The Internet is also regulated (2002). While not a dictatorship, the nation has ...

Dower's Embracing Defeat

noted that the emperor had announced defeat, which meant surrender (Dower, 2001). Yet, the woman who Dower notes on the first pag...

Orwell/1984 Overview

and the public. Party slogans exemplify doublethink, as they proclaim that war is really peace, freedom is really slavery, etc. Wh...

Patients with Diabetes and Diet

other organs, such as the heart, kidneys and eyes (Visalli, 1996). Although individuals with Type I diabetes must take insulin, d...

An Overview of the Battle of Dunkirk

had all the emotional attributes of a film where the audience is cheering for victory. Indeed, the operation did much for morale, ...

World War II Innovations and Tactics

This 3 page paper gives an overview of both radar and vaccines as technological advances during World War II. This paper includes ...

Radar's Role in World War II

the war" (Heywood, 1998; history.html). This lab was only one division of National Defense Research Committee (NDRC), for "in Jun...

Reasons why 'Virgin Queen' Elizabeth I Never Married

This paper examines why Elizabeth I never wed Spain's Philip II, Robert Dudley, or Thomas Seymour in this historical overview cons...