YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Performance of the NHS

Essays 31 - 60

Meeting the Access Target

per week, which is a strategy designed to improve access to care and achieving NHS target goals. The NHS has established HNAs as a...

Challenges to Pathology in the NHS

Overall, the provision of pathology services account for approximately 4% of the total NHS budget (Lord Carter, 2006). It is u...

Case Study of the United Kingdom's National Health Service Direct and Mental Health Provision

the telephone as well as the Internet and walk in centres, to answer queries form patients in the effort to reduce the number of v...

Research Issues and Actor Network Theory

contribute in practice to the understanding of implementation of the electronic patient record. To undertake this there will be a...

National Health Service Information System Implementation Methodology

this thesis makes use of the Actor Network Theory it is appropriate to use a research paradigm that may be seen as able to cope wi...

United Kingdom's National Health Service and Technology

In five pages this paper examines the NHS of the UK in terms of the impacts that have resulted from technological developments wit...

National Health Service and Health Care Marketing

And, in truth, the world of industry, all industries, is expected to only become more complex and more competitive. Without proper...

Patient Care, Team Approaches, Evaluations, and the Process of Nursing

call for compliance with standardized procedures, health codes, and licensing requirements, all of which have been initiated to su...

Great Britain's National Health Service Plan

have been seen as requiring restructuring within the health service. For example, the public research which was conducted in the e...

United Kingdom's National Health Service and the Importance of Strong Leadership

framework was based ion research of 150 Chief Executives or Directors already working within the NHS (NHS, 2002). This is a framew...

Function of HRM within Health Services Organizations

when we look more carefully there is a consistent factor that indicates an alignment of HRM with modern management techniques and ...

NHS Appraisal Procedures

Care Trust (1998), amongst others, conduct official performance appraisals only once a year. It would seem, therefore, that any su...

National Health Service Recruitment Overseas

out that the increased globalisation of nursing and the possibilities of better opportunities outside the UK means that the curren...

UK's National Health Services and Decision Making

This position is acknowledged by the government in its document The Expert Patient (DoH, 2002). However, Powers (2002) also points...

Care Barriers

in a Scottish farmhouse that is more than 10 miles from the nearest village and more than 50 miles from the nearest hospital. Jame...

National Health Service and Complementary Medicine

homeopathic medicine and complementary therapies have been in Englands NHS (Evidence Influencing British Health Authorities Decisi...

Primary Health Care Trusts and Environmental Factors

personnel needs of the PCT and develop a strategic development plan so that the needs of the PCT are met with the ultimate aim of ...

Recruitment and Retention Strategy Development

be limited to only ten questions to ensure that it is not a chore to complete. To make the most of this...

National Health Service and Change Management

the way change should be managed and resistance overcome. 2. Pressures for Change Where change its to occur there have be...

UK's National Health Service, Health Care Assistants and Their Professional Development

single assessment process will allow, with Gladyss permission, for information to be shared between the different professionals th...

The Failure of Health Issues of the Homeless to Be Addressed by NHS Policies

The homeless population in the UK suffer a high level of inequality in terms of quality and access to healthcare services. The pap...

Great Britain's NHS

time, war-torn Britain was used to rationing and poverty, and most of the population welcomed the idea of a national health servic...

The NHS as a Model of Healthcare

by many the local and national government ought to have a more important role in the healthcare of the nations. As early as 1900 t...

Aligning Project Performance with Key Performance Indicators in the Public Sector

the community, with the role being fulfilled with integrity, sound judgement and common sense (Anonymous, 1996, p.xii). The role...

Performance Related Pay and Workplace Performance Management

the employee should be motivated to perform to a higher standard. Before we consider the impact that this has on motivation and ...

Enhancing Performance in the Workplace Through Performance Appraisals

In twelve pages this paper argues that relationships between managers and employees as well as productivity and performance by wor...

Performance Management through Clinical Supervision of Nurses in the NHS; Professional, Legal and Ethical Perspectives

Furthermore they state that is a strategic approach which relates to all aspects of an organization within the context the culture...

Employee Performance Improvement Through Performance Pay

most individuals believe there is a large gap between pay and performance (Bradley, 1996). Given this, its Bradleys belief that bu...

2 Case Studies on Organizational Performance and Performance Metrics Compared

Not having something upon which to fall back that offers substantial support in trying circumstances proves considerably more thre...

Public Sector; Management and the Measurement of Efficiency

resources that can be utilised to satisfy the needs. There is little doubt that the pubic sector cannot satisfy all needs. However...