YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Platos Allegory of the Cave and Religion

Essays 241 - 270

James Conlon's Commentary on Plato's 'Scala Amoris'

individual to the spiritual and the universe. According to the scala amoris, then, love is that which in its highest and purest se...

Republic by Plato and the 'Just City'

in order to be just. Many are familiar with the tales of Sodom and Gomorrah from the bible. They understand that many cities had ...

Plato's Works on Socrates' Death and How We Die by Sherwin Nuland

of death, as well as the mystery of death. This establishes a foundation from which we can learn, especially considering that Nula...

Sociopolitical Classes of Plato and Their Parallels

soul, as imaged by Plato, is made up of the qualities of reason, spirit and desire or appetite (Honderich, et al, 1995). The "reas...

Soul Concepts of Plato

In a type of author/character debate, Plato explores the premises of his theory by having Socrates debate them. Plato theorized ...

Divine Vies of Plato

n.d.). Plato did talk about God, in Timaeus, Plato said that if God made the world as perfect then the soul must be perfect, also ...

Plato's Examination of the Soul

In a paper that consists of eight pages Plato's interpretation of the soul and its parts are explored along with a discussion of t...

Open Mindedness and The Republic by Plato

a weapon to the hands of a madman is obviously unjust. Taylor (2003) comments on how this refutation of Cephalus position demonstr...

Plato's Apology/Capital Punishment & Academic Freedom

knew nothing and was far from wise, he sets upon a course of action to find someone wiser than himself to offer to the Oracle as r...

Culture, Education and Legislation in Plato's Laws

three characters (a stranger from Athens; Cleinias, from Crete; and Megillus, a Lacedaemonian) are discussing their various types ...

Plato: Law, War, Peace and Virtue in the "Laws"

suggest that both love and hate can be taught (Plato). We can further extrapolate from that to conclude that if a nation is in har...

Plato's Arguments for Forms, Immortality and Knowledge

the preexistence of the soul, and the separate existence of forms work together or not? Thats a lot of questions to tackle, and to...

The Republic by Plato and Poetry

like Hades and the underworld; Tiresias the blind seer; and other references to death and dying (Plato). They decide they have to...

Belief in the Gods and Plato's Practice of Open Inquiry

has many flaws. There is question as to whether or not the method really gets to the truth at all. In fact, one has to wonder whet...

“Apology” and “The Passion of Christ”

most part. He was clearly setting himself up as some sort of martyr or individual who would ultimately bring about change to the s...

How Aristotle Opposes Plato's Attack on Poetry

the lyrics in modern songs, and in essence, the poets of today are Eminem and Jay Zee and Beyonce. Lyrics to emanate from these ar...

Meno by Plato and Recollection Theory Relevance

if he has acquired the knowledge he could not have acquired it in this life, unless he has been taught geometry; for he may be mad...

Education, Arete or Virtue, and Plato

like knowledge itself, is secure. Indeed, according to Plato correct opinion is a guide to knowledge. To be correct, opinions th...

Plato's Philosophy and Criticisms

thought that the Theory of Forms was useless when it came to explaining the material world "because the connection between the two...

Diotima's Ideas on the Fairness of Love

she proved to me as I proved to him that, by my own showing, Love was neither fair nor good. " Here, the idea that love is powerfu...

Natural Law Theory Ring of Gyges

This paper discusses different parts of Plato's Republic. There is a discussion of natural law legal theory and legal positivist t...

The Theory of Forms and Parmenides' Change

In a paper of six pages, the writer looks at Plato's theories of Forms. Parmenides' views on change provide a counterpoint. Paper ...

Plato's "Crito" and "Apology"/Augustine's Confessions

This essay focuses on Plato's use of dialogue in his "Apology" and "Crito," and Augustine's use of the monologue in his "Confessio...

Plato's Gorgias and Phaedrus

This essay pertains to Plato's perception of rhetoric and the role of eros, as indicated by his texts Gorgias and Phaedrus. Five p...

Achilles and Socrates

ghost, a phantom-true, but no real breath of life" (23.122-23). This minimal survival apparently depends on the appropriate funera...

The Life of Socrates

could be products of society, but never the causes, or it would alter the objectivity of sociology as a science (Hamilton, 1995). ...

Perennialism and the Six Commonalities of Religion

The intent of this paper is to explore the so-called six commonalities that exist between religions specifically for the religions...

Business Performance and Religion

In a paper of twenty pages, the writer looks at the role of religion in business practice. The influence of religion and ethics up...

Buddhism, An Overview

This research paper presents an overview of Buddhism. The topics covered include the religion's origins, its major concepts, and p...

Doubt's Purpose in Religion

This essay discusses the role of doubt in religion as well as how different world views develop within the same religion. Three p...