YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Public Health Issues

Essays 61 - 90

Community Health Project/Diabetes Among Hispanics

in the US. Likewise, diabetes-associated nephropathy, a progressive disorder of the kidney, is the leading cause of end stage rena...

Ethical Issues in Mental Health Care Practice

This research team selected homeless adolescents as the focus for their study. While, in general, the concept that informed parent...

Sample of a Community Health Assessment

As well, a full seventy-five percent of low-income citizens lack even the most basic of medical screenings, having typically gone ...

Projections for the Universal Health Care System in Canada

7 pages and six sources used. This paper considers the existing status of the universal or national health care system in Canada ...

Media and Environmental Issues

any news interest in the first place: The scientific conviction that global warming is happening and is being caused by man incre...

Questions/Public Relations in Schools

both the "organization and society" (9). Which is least desirable? This is the "One-way asymmetrical" model, as this PR model is...

Issues in Public Administration

ought to address and then addressing them, the science of administration is needed. The purpose of public administration is to aid...

Coffee Fair Trade

There are two different but related topics explained in this essay. The paper begins by explaining Mills' concept of private troub...

Multiculturalism and the Curriculum

demands that change should take place in order for all students, regardless of ethnic or racial background, to feel that they are ...

Ghetto School Creation, Education Politics, and Public Education

In eight pages this paper examines public policy where it concerns public education social issues with theoretical perspectives on...

Ethical Considerations

This paper pertains to ethical issues that have to do with public health programs. Three pages in length, three sources are cited....

Drug- Resistant Gonorrhea, An Overview

This research paper pertains to the public health problem of drug-resistant gonorrhea and relevant issues are described. Five page...

Public Health and Bureaucracy

In five pages this paper discusses the bureaucracy's power as it involves public health with an examination of the issue from both...

Pregnancy among Central Illinois Adolescents

study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in human populations and the application of this stu...

Case Study Analysis (Tuberculosis)

Also, the kind of level or evidence presented by the quote is limited. There are merely charges shown, but no proof or evidence is...

Social Security, Health Care Reform, and Public Policy

success; yet each time they faced defeat. The evolution of these efforts and the reasons for their failure make for an intriguing...

Public Policy Issues as State and Local Levels

have stayed essentially the same for decades and that single mothers are most often poverty-stricken. Social Welfare programs, ...

Public Policy Analyses of Various Issues

The writer provides essays on various public issues such as increasing the driving age or providing health care for the homeless. ...

Overcrowding in Prisons

fewer than 200,000 inmates (Golembeski and Fullilove, 2005). The Washington Post reported on December 1, 2006 that the U.S. prison...

Training Results Improvement and Action Research

sustainability movements reveals that addressing stakeholder needs can enhance the departments effectiveness. Laszlo (2003) write...

Public Health Aspects of Food Safety

and as such, material has been surprisingly difficult to find. Repeated searches using parameters such as "food borne illness + pu...

Chlamydia Treatment and Prevention and the Role of Public Health Nurses

In five pages this illness is examined in terms of the role played by the public health nurse regarding issues of treatment and pr...

Adolescent Suicide

nature of both the emotional and the physical changes that are a natural part of adolescence ("Teen," 2003). Annually, close to 5,...

Public and Private Health Care's Rise

no knowledge of the world of bacteria; viruses were unheard of; biochemistry had not been considered at all. In short, there was ...

Nuclear Energy and its Disadvantages

However, the information must be presented in a way that is both persuasive and clearly well researched. The threat of fossil fuel...

U.S. Public Places and a Smoking Ban

So great is the health dangers ETS represents, the United States Environmental Protection Agency classifies ETS as "a group A carc...

Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use in Canada

This research paper pertains to the growing utilization of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies by the Canadian ...

Pennsylvania Public Health Law

This research paper provides an overview of two provisions of Pennsylvania's Disease Prevention and Control Law of 1955 and descr...

American Public Policies

The rate with which healthcare technology has evolved has coupled with demographic changes to result in an extremely taxed system....

Strategy Assignments

by 2010 (About Healthy People, n.d.). It has survived four presidents and several changes in congressional leadership based on pa...