YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Realist Perspectives on the Iraq War

Essays 211 - 240

The Civil War

fought to keep independence on the other. The American Civil War, from the perspective of the North and President Lincoln, was f...

Healing after the Vietnam Experience

Healing in the Aftermath of War Research Compiled for The Paper Store, Enterprises Inc. by Janice Vincent, 4/27/10...

The Korean War and The Cold War

first and second worlds, or the free world and the communist bloc. Many equated the U.S. as a major force of the first world and...

The Causes of the Second World War

The writer argues that the basic cause of World War II was World War I. The paper also argues that the Great Depression did not ca...

Terrorism and Globalization

and Iraq today definitely constitutes a terrorist threat and a major challenge to the war on terrorism. Of course, it should be ...

Germany During World War II

began long before 1939, it began in Germany turning German against German. Hitler, however, offered hope, perhaps even after he be...

The Cold War: Causes and Ongoing Tensions

that agreement. The Conference at Yalta was the last meeting the United States, Great Britain and Russia would have under...

Comparing the Gulf War and Vietnam

2006, p. 413). These conditions were met, leading President Bush (I) to say that the "Vietnam syndrome had ... been kicked" (Young...

The Nature of War: The Iliad, Herodotus’ Histories, and Thucydides Peloponnesian War

ultimately started the war, Priam, his father and the king of Troy, and Hector, the other son of Priam. While there are other impo...

World War II A Chronological History

and all important rights related to that (1997). The second was the "Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor," which outl...

World War I A Chronological History

Berlin sought to exploit the opportunity to rise to world-power status after the assassination (1996). Also, Austria was forced i...

U.S. Wars and Artillery Uses

materiel that were used during each war. The first war to be fought by Americans, and on American soil was the American...

War and Escalation of Violence Such as Rape

committed with the intent to destroy a particular group, in this case the Tutsi. The Akayesu is interesting as well because it ha...

The Causes of the Second World War

was a large-scale economic collapse throughout the world following World War I, which led to the rise of fascism throughout Europe...

The Specific Causes of the Two World Wars

fueled by a rising tide of nationalism. The traditions and problems dated back so many years that it would be nearly impossible to...

Answering Cold War Questions

arms in Germany, which appeared to Stalin that the US was rearming that country. He was enraged at this perceived betrayal (Vidal...

Hesse's Novel Demian

religion being interpreted, or misinterpreted, by human beings that they were no longer valid....

Warfare Technological Change and Sociological Impacts

There are many points of comparison between wars. This is certainly true of the Jacobin phase of the French...

A World War II Submarines History

crushing power of the round balls had no match in the newly designed projectile typesii, the rapid revolution in this area could b...

Reasons for the American Civil War by Bruce Levin

saw slavery as absolutely essential to their economy, Levine argues that American workers viewed the institution of slavery as con...

Economic Stimulation of War

period of three or four years after each of these short wars, despite the fact that millions of women were unemployed after World ...

3 Points Pertaining to a 'Limited' Nuclear War

In six pages this paper argues in support of a 'limited' nuclear war in a consideration of its major points such as environmental ...

United States Special Forces History and Uses

In ten pages the history of the US Special Forces and the development of its various uses during the Second World War, the Korean ...

Second World War's Mythological Nature

In four pages this paper examines the myths associated with the Second World War in an analysis of Michael C.C. Adams' The Best Wa...

Overview of the Austro Prussian or 7 Week War

In six pages this paper discusses the Austro Prussian or 7 Week War as considered in the text The Austro Prussian War Austria's W...

Ambiguities Throughout the History of Politics

In six pages this paper discusses the political ambiguities represented by the Second World War, the Cold War's rise and fall, and...

The War of 1812 As America's Second War of Independence

This paper contains five pages and discusses how the War of 1812, also the Napoleonic Wars, was relatively minor and that its limi...

The Causes and Results of World War I

began when Austria-Hungary believed that the newly enlarged, Russian-backed, Serbia was a paramount threat to its security. This w...

A Modern History of Relations Between Israelis and Arabs

A comprehensive consideration of the complex relationship and tensions between Arabs and Israelis from the 1948 to the present are...

Pacifist Manifesto All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque

in six pages this research paper argues that this novel featuring soldiers during First World War combat is a pacifist work that e...