Essays 31 - 60

Loss of Sovereignty in Education

I tried reading in a very soft voice" (631). In this we note that he is young boy who feels incredibly distanced from reading. He ...

A Review of Finding Forrester

Finding Forrester Jamal is the primary character in this story. He is from a family that consists of his mother, who is single d...

Charles Dickens Bleak House and Elements of Mystery

Carstone, to attempt to solve the generations-long Chancery suit of Jarndyce and Jarndyce (Dickens). There is little that is myste...

Richard Wright and Alice Munro's Perspectives on Women

contrasted against the life of her sister, Nora, who is not as down-to-earth as Clara and considered the prettier of the two. Nor...

Female Protagonist in Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf

his own resulting suicide because he believes his life is not worth living (which, in many ways, parallels Clarissas own ambivalen...

Case Involving Alger Hiss

gained notoriety and made headlines when Whittaker Chambers, a former member of the Communist Party, appeared before Senator Josep...

A Review of The Life of James Madison

encyclopedias are not used. But, considering the lack of information on Hunt, we present a brief citation from the Columbia Encycl...

Selfish Gene Theory v. Heterozygote Superiority Theory

views on heterozygote superiority, we first must consider the views of Richard Dawkins. Dawkins The Selfish Gene articulates his ...

Impact and Culture of the !Kung and Ju/'hoansi Tribal Peoples

constraints. These people have been put into a position of having to cooperate with their society in order to accomplish the som...

Overview of Great Britain's Richard II

a small population could maintain tight control over the entire political and economic system. Having been compared with the Celt...

Capitalism and Globalization Questions Answered

through their reproductive years, the greater the chance to increase the population (164). For instance, in a culture where the li...

Analysis of Richard Nixon's Six Crises

long self-justification for everything and anything that Nixon felt he had to do and accomplish. Each "crisis" represented...

Richard Wright's 'The Man Who Lived Underground'

student to determine what their perspective is in relationship to the various characters discovery or pursuit of meaning. Our f...

Post Second World War Presidential Assessment

He wanted to get the country moving again in terms of the economy and in other ways as well (Past Presidents: John F. Kennedy, 20...

Setting as Portrayed in Works by Richard Shelton and Leslie Marmon Silko

visit time and again, or which makes the reader have a strange sense of foreboding for the characters as the story unravels. Autho...

Richard III England's Black Legend by Desmond Seward and The Daughter of Time by Josephine Tey

particular emphasis upon Richard III. A relevant phrase within the literary world that relates to the overall concept of good and...

3 Cinematic Interpretations of William Shakespeare's Richard III

most notably, but not really missed, were Queen Margaret, and Edward IV. Some of the lengthy dialogue was taken out without detrac...

Significant Events in American History between the late 1950s and 2002

in the world, the nation that had not been directly or severely attacked by a foreign enemy since its founding was attacked (The H...

Tragic Hero Analysis of William Shakespeare's Richard the Second and Prince Hamlet

which we, the reader or viewer, can relate to. We see them as noble individuals who demonstrate weakness, yet still battle against...

Short Fiction's Depiction of Families

judgements about his surroundings came as naturally as breathing, yet he was raised with a cultural model that stressed that child...

Benjamin Franklin and Jonathan Edwards

on that he believes in the Presbyterian concept of Predestination -- "From my childhood up, my mind had been wont to be full of ob...

Eighteenth Century Societal Perspecitves

ignorant -- country heroine. Likewise, Sheridan paints a similar, if more exaggerated picture, of aristocratic arrogance when he s...

Corrosion of Character by Richard Sennett

Chapter 2?Routine Two competing views of routine are presented?Diderots Encyclopedia pictured routine was instructive; Smiths Wea...

Bard's Personality as Reflected in His Plays

were specifically constructed to entertain royalty, it was the impassioned actions of his characters that leave little doubt that ...

Technology and Leadership

their life or the life of those around them? A leader has the "capacity to create or catch vision." In other words a leader has ...

Biography of Eleanor of Aquitaine

In eight pages this essay presents the biography of Henry II's Queen and Richard the Lionhearted's mother. Four sources are cited...

Three Authors on Nonconformity

In five pages this essay considers nonconformity and conformity as it is depicted in Girl by Jamaica Kincaid, Black Boy by Richard...

Rhetoric Perspectives of Aristotle and Richard Weaver

In five pages this paper contrasts and compares past and present rhetoric perspectives of Aristotle's pathos, logos, and ethos and...

Richard J. Daley, Mayor of Chicago

In seven pages the tenure of Richard J. Daley's rule as mayor of Chicago from 1955 to 1976 is discussed. Four sources are cited i...

Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman by Richard Feynman

In five pages this book report tutorial focuses upon 4 chapters of this autobiography by Richard Feynman. There are no other sour...