YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Robert Leroy Johnson

Essays 181 - 210

Feminism According to Allan Johnson

A paper containing five pages considers how within the pages of The Gender Knot Johnson defines feminism. There are no other bibl...

Great Society of President Lyndon Baines Johnson

In five pages this paper discusses the ambitious 'Great Society' domestic agenda of President Lyndon Johnson in an assessment of t...

Various Philosophical Perspectives on Vice

In seven pages this research paper considers the views of Butler, Johnson, Abelard, Saint Augustine, and Plutarch on vice. Six so...

U.S. History from 1960 to the Present Time

a long way. It is difficult to be entirely objective, when one remembers the Rodney King beating or the OJ trial. According to D...

Twilight of the Presidency by George Reedy

power because he placed himself above the law in authorizing the Watergate break-in. The tapes from the Nixon White House show a m...

Six Questions on Nursing Theory Models

general systems model serves as an example. Nursing research formerly was purely quantitative in design, and any qualitativ...

Questions on Nursing Theory

to health care. Many of the same questions that can apply to assessing the validity of qualitative research can be used to ...

Vietnam War and Individual Actions

the accomplishments of the American military forces were tremendous, in fact the Viet Cong were destroyed after the Tet offensive ...

Patient Stress Reduction According to Theories King, Johnson, and Neuman

on education and prevention, and on how individual and social systems work together in the "society" of the health care industry. ...

Working Against the Odds The Story of Anna Johnson Pell Wheeler

originated within themselves. In present-day language, some would have been considered "nerds," because they did not necessarily e...

Analyzing the Barbarians at the Gate Film

ethics or lack thereof, surrounding the mystique of Wall Street. Although takeovers are not in themselves unethical, the methods ...

U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara

eventually threaten the security of the West and that US could prevent this with a limited military role that would only provide t...

Imagination in Development of Character and Plot

imagination. In offering the reader such a look into the individual the reader is made to see the beauty of imagination as it rela...

Gilmer v. Interstate/Johnson Lane Corporation

law and made arbitration significantly stronger. In an interpretation, the ADR Institute explains the effect of Gilmer this way: ...

Research Methods for Managers (Chapter Summaries)

the ultimate value of the research7. Here, the authors devote time to addressing a myriad of issues concerning the quality of a re...

Johnson Controls: Auto Systems Group

develop new, green products that will help those people who are trying to reduce their "footprint." The key issues for the compa...

Who Moved My Cheese? (Book Report)

case that things change tremendously and people must adapt to the change or become obsolete. Some of the individuals will sail thr...

LBJ and His Foreign Policy by Alan Schwartz

the Vietnam debacle, and, consequently overlook Johnsons achievements in Europe, which Schwartz feels "deserve consideration as on...

British Literature of the Seventeenth Century Examined

and women to enjoy each other. The Philosophical Viewpoints We want to relate the conflict and the writings to various philosop...

Media and the Administration of President Lyndon B. Johnson

war because he already knew that once a troop commitment had been made - no matter how small - it would become difficult not to be...

Post 1960 Public Speaking Changes

It is an acknowledged fact that conversational styles and communication skills vary between cultures and genders (Nelton, 1995). ...

Literature, Poetry, and Identity Themes

an exploration of what it means to be an American. "A mountain-born, country-bred,homegrown jibara child,up from the shtetl, a Ca...

Johnson: Who Moved My Cheese

the nature of ones goals (the cheese) and the role it plays in a persons life. The contrast, of course, is between...

Mid Twentieth Century Sierra Leone Decolonization and Nationalism

became the elite of the country, marginalizing the remaining portions of the population. And while the freed slaves constituted t...

Departures vs. Emergency, Similar Themes

mothers feelings. Nevertheless, he never rectifies this error and remains increasingly more aloof from human concerns and true car...

Literature Review on Change, Environment, and Culture

forces (Lewin, 1951). The position of an organisation, in this model, is always under some form of pressure to change. The way in ...

Economics and Lasting Influences of U.S. Presidents

the second of what would become fairly regular Fireside Chats, FDR (1933) went directly to the American people via radio to outlin...

Nursing Theories of Dorothy E. Johnson

model of nursing is predicated upon the call for an interdisciplinary approach in the creation and establishment of appropriate an...

Wartime US Presidents

authority in this area. While they are technically supposed to get Congressional approval to declare war, the facts show that over...

A History of the Dictionary

in that language, and the world was well on its way toward the development of dictionaries as we know them today. In 1603, Robert...