YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Roman Empire and its Leaders

Essays 61 - 90

Groups Need Direction

A leader will emerge in every group. Groups and teams need direction if they are to achieve their goals. If a formal/official lead...

The Benin Empire

boxes and finger harps. Intricate jewelry, ritual items, masks and bronze work of all kinds were its main trade. Business/...

Livy's History of Rome/Heroes & Villains

king also ordered killed. They were subsequently left to die of exposure and were discovered by a she-wolf. Discovered by the king...

Edith Wharton’s Roman Fever

about, but as the tension rises, a perspective that is discussed in the section on tone within the story, the reader senses that t...

The Success of the Romans

over rough terrain. Also, with a such a large empire, they needed a very orderly system of travel with connected paths to ensure t...

Greek and Roman Theater

As such one could clearly argue that the basic design of the Epidauros influenced the design and construction of the Colosseum. Th...

Roman Society and Culture in The Twelve Caesars by Suetonius

among those of the ancient kings, and a raised couch placed in the orchestra at the Theatre....What made the Romans hate him so bi...

London's Early History

for his death (Wells, 1931, 469). In effect, Caesar was consumed with one goal: to satisfy the desires and urges of Caesar. Well...

Vindication in Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon

damned by critics as a "cowardly, furtive attack on divine truths and simple faith" (Craddock 60). Gibbons ostensible purpose in ...

Biography of Caligula

that "The soldiers used to dress him in a miniature army uniform and little army boots (or Caliga) and paraded him around the camp...

Chapters 15 and 16 of Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon

that even hostile nations "embraced, or at least respected, each others superstition" (p. 94). However, the Jews were the only peo...

Reasons for the Collapse of the Roman Empire

In five pages religious, social, and political reasons are examined in this consideration of the causes of Rome's fall. Seven sou...

Why Did the Roman Empire Fall?

life-span of cities and the formulation and decline of the empires and civilizations. The Romans themselves took many elements of...

Roman and Charlemagne's Empires

In six pages these two famous empires are contrasted and compared. There are 4 sources cited in the bibliography....

Roman Republic

primary motivator behind this move, inasmuch as the farmer-soldiers and farmer-veterans did not believe they were receiving their ...

Passion of the Christ

aids come across to the audience as decent people whom at least attempt to save Jesus from death (Cunningham, 2004). The gift of l...

Christianizing the Roman Empire by Ramsay MacMullen

This book review discusses the motivations described by MacMullen that propelled conversion to Christianity during its early centu...

The Reason for the Fall of the Roman Empire

(Elton, 1996). Then, when the Barbarians would invade, the internal problems in the Empire would see battle losses (Elton, 1996). ...

Roman War Memorials and the Roman's View of Death

original fight. When there was a positive win, the soldiers would march through the street much like they do when a baseball tea...

Leadership Evolves Over Time

network that includes a hospital, reference laboratory, and home care agency. Numerous primary care and specialty physicians pract...

Leadership Theories

people and meanings including emotions, while managers work at a lower level of emotion and do not look for meaning, focusing on t...

The Greatest Military Leader

One of the leaders who is always mentioned when discussing leaders in general and military leaders, in particular, is George S. Pa...

Nursing Leadership, an Interview

This essay presents an example paper that students can use as a guide in writing about an interview that with a nursing leader. Th...

Bennis and Nanus and Kouzes and Posner

Most academics promote the premise that one is born with leadership ability or not but management can be taught. When he discusse...

True And Genuine Leadership

The vision and commitment are not enough in the scheme of things, they have devised ways to measure progress towards the goal (Swi...

The Impact of Leadership of an Organizations Performance

For profit organizations are likely to have a number of goals, but in order to survive there will be the need to create a profit. ...


but love, as in chemistry. The authors pointed out that, in an interview with former CEO and venture capitalist Irwin Federman, Fe...

Leader-Member Exchange Theory

to as the Vertical Dyad Linkage Theory (ChangingMinds, 2010; Rothbauer-Wanish, 2009). This is a leadership theory that focuses on ...

Leaders: Controlling or Controlled?

survey of history so taking three disparate examples seems reasonable. As for whether or not leaders control events or vice versa...

Leading Diverse Groups

A leader will not be successful working with multicultural groups before he or she is aware of their own biases. These leaders nee...