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Essays 361 - 390

An Analysis on an Article About Caring and Science

lawyers, uncaring nurses and pedophile clergy is to cut back on scientific research--a tenuous conclusion at best. Where the art...

Medicare, Health Care Issues, and the Presidential Election of 2004

that gives patients more options while maintaining fewer requirements (McKelvey, 2004). It is something that should strengthen the...

Fragmented Systems and Managed Care

it actually created more problems than it solved? An Overview of Fragmentation Once upon a time, medicine was a fairly str...

Heath Care Equal Access Support

advance at the time, but it created the scenario in which those receiving health care were not those paying for health care. As c...

The Importance of Care In Nursing

the mountains in California, ride a horse in the Grand Canyon, volunteer in a cancer center, finish painting his house, attend his...

Jacobs, Marmor and Oberlander's The Political Paradox of Rationing and the State Health Plan of Oregon

subject of rationing health care. The authors look at the years 1989 through 1995 and laws which were put in place in Oregon to ad...

Future Trends in Managed Care

that MCOs develop their capacity to handle changes that are driven legislatively by congressional response to public reactions to ...

Health Care and the Internet

who are suffering from chronic ailments such as congestive heart failure, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), asthma and...

Software for Health Information Management

The Clinical Workstation Application of the 3M(tm) Care Innovation Expert Applications system focuses on providing clinicians and ...

Advanced Practice Nursing, the Self Care Deficit Model of Dorothea Orem, and Urinary Incontinence

development of nurse-operated continence centers, which provide conservative management for UI (Bernier, 2002). Continence nurses...

Health Care Governance - Three Studies

All of these studies reflect empirical studies of hospital populations in an effort to determine how changes in the healthcare env...

Health and Gender Inequality

2000). Even as recently as just a couple of decades ago, conditions such as cramps, pregnancy nausea and even labor pains were oft...

Iceland and Health Care Delivery

primarily through government funding supported by tax receipts. Icelands national health care system "receives 85% of its funding...

Questioning Health Policy

who suffer from cancer, arthritis, AIDS, multiple sclerosis or acute back pain are known to frequently turn to alternative medicin...

Questions on Health Care Delivery System in the U.S.

therefore, highly desirable to have a variety of types of LTC settings. Furthermore, alternatives to institutionalized care can o...

Adolescent Type I Diabetes Care Plan

much sugar remains in the blood and too little energy is transferred to other cells. The diabetic needs to take externally adminis...

Critical Incident Analysis in Nurse Management

and certainly health care facilities. In essence, the minimum requirements of nursing dictate that: * the nurse remain cognizant ...

Ethics Of Managed Care

of literature about biomedical ethics relative to patient autonomy. This type of autonomy is limited, at best, with managed health...

A Critique of the 2006 - 2011 Indian Health Service Strategic Plan

the management of health care programs that affect them. The 2006 - 2011 Strategic Plan not only focuses on performance of ...

The Importance of Well Written and Presented Educational Materials in Patient Wellness

health information is pivotal to the efforts of practitioners in promoting health, changing behaviors and attitudes, and preventin...

Overview of Intensive Care Nursing

a good nurse ... Id spend more time with their families. If I were a good nurse, I would ..." (Williams, 2001; p. 24ac2)....

Homeless & Mental Illness/A Vulnerable Population

necessary health-related behaviors" required for meeting "ones therapeutic self-care demand (needs)" (Hurst, et al 2005, p. 11). U...

Health Information Management

the store improving customer service quality, but it might not generate sufficient income to pay the extra costs. Coppola, Erchk...


a supplier to the industry (i.e., a third-party payor) might consider cost containment as important to quality, while the patient ...

Medicaid/Long-Term Care

why. First of all, the student researching this topic does not offer any indication of what specific "everyday life issues" were...

Health Care Pricing and Costs

The actual cost of production of the 100th package of Microsoft Word(r) certainly was not the $500 it sold for at retail in the ea...

Aspects Of Universal Health Care In U.S.

Canadians must also pay for dental and vision costs. Dental problems can lead to other health problems and diseases. The desired...

Federal And Connecticut Resident Rights: Nursing Homes And Assisted Living Facilities

?19a-490, Connecticut Department of Public Health Code ?19-13-D105 and Residential care homes ?19-13-D-6 (National Academy for Sta...

Responsible Pet Ownership

ownership, because it once again acts as a preventive measure against accidents or injuries for the animals, damaged household ite...