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Essays 211 - 240

A Hamlet Soliloquy Analysis

This paper consists of five pages and considers how the five soliloquies contained in Shakespeare's tragedy reveal the Prince's se...

The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare and Elizabethan Usury

In five pages this paper examines the customs of moneylending that existed during Elizabethan times in this consideration of a let...

Act I, Scene iii Analysis The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare Lines 183-228

In five pages these lines are analyzed in terms of assessing Shakespeare's choices, his use of such literary techniques such as rh...

Character Analysis of Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

The character of Mercutio and his significance to Shakespeare's tragedy is analyzed in this paper consisting of eight pages. Six ...

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare and Fencing

In seven pages Elizabethan style fencing as it is featured in Shakespeare's romantic tragedy is considered. Six sources are cited...

King Lear, Disguise and Deception

In a paper consisting of 6 pages the themes of deception and disguise as they manifest themselves in Shakespeare's play are consid...

A Midsummer Night's Dream and the Prologue of Peter Quince

In eleven pages this prologue that closes Shakespeare's comedy is analyzed for its political and sociological message that is cont...

Henry the Fourth, Part I by William Shakespeare and Prince Hal

In ten pages this paper presents a character analysis of Prince Hal as featured in William Shakespeare's historical play within th...

Orlando Character in As You Like It by William Shakespeare

is off to university, but Oliver has deprived Orlando of schooling and keeps him living and working on the family, actually Oliver...

Thematic Comparison of Othello and Hamlet

In a paper consisting of 5 pages the theme of betrayal as it is depicted in William Shakespeare's Othello and Hamlet is discussed....

Othello by William Shakespeare, Direct Prose, and Dramatic Poetry

In a paper consisting of 7 pages Shakespeare's uses of iambic pentameter in his 'good' characters and spoken prose by the 'evil' c...

Shakespeare's Hamlet and Iago As Icons of Madness

that evil, corruption, guilt, lust, and avarice can all cloud the mind of a good man. Consider another of Shakespeares characters...

Imagery in William Shakespeare's Hamlet

meant that the two had a kindred relationship. Hamlet responded under his breath that the relationship was "A little more than ki...

Plot Analysis, Main Characters, and Staging Ideas for William Shakespeare's Play, Romeo and Juliet

In five pages this paper analyzes Shakespeare's play and also discusses some effective production ideas. Two sources are cited in...

Othello and Emilia's Statement 'Thou hast not half the power to do me harm/As I have to be hurt'

skitters to the old event with a new trigger. It does not matter that it is a new person, a new time, or a new love. The memory...

Personal and Political Themes in Henry V by William Shakespeare

he is being facetious, not serious. In fact, the manner in which he plans to "thank him" is by taking France from its king....

Analyzing Twelfth Night's Act V

The multiple plot resolutions featured in the final act of Shakespeare's play are the focus of this five page paper and includes t...

William Shakespeare's Hamlet and the Personality Theory of Sigmund Freud

In five pages this paper examines Shakespeare's tragedy within the context of the personality theory of Sigmund Freud. Four sourc...

The Element of Tragedy as Presented in Literature

in his society. Sometimes he is one who has been displaced from it, sometimes one who seeks to attain it for the first time, but ...

Henry the Fourth Part One by William Shakespeare and the Characters of King Henry and Hotspur

In 5 pages these warrior characters are contrasted and compared within the context of Shakespeare's play in terms of their speeche...

Comparing Laurence Olivier's and William Shakespeare's Interpretations of King Lear

In a paper consisting of five pages Olivier's TV interpretation of Shakespeare's play is compared and contrasted with the original...

King Lear by William Shakespeare and Natural Law

In 5 pages this paper examines how the Elizabethans perceived natural law in a consideration of how it is represented in William S...

Othello by William Shakespeare and Characterization

well lead him into trouble. He is not a particularly observant man, nor an introspective one. He can be very imaginative and highl...

Historical English Plays and Marginalization

In five pages this paper considers marginalization as featured in English plays William Shakespeare's Othello and Aphra Behn's The...

Psychotic Discourse Framing Analysis

were a child answering her mother (Ribeiro 80). The great playwright William Shakespeare was a keen observer of human behavior, ...

Hamlet and the Film Adaptations by Laurence Olivier and Kenneth Branagh

In six pages this paper contrasts and compares these 1948 and 1996 film interpretations of William Shakespeare's tragedy with the ...

Lesson Plans For Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

more than 350 years ago still receives such attention. In other words . . . whats the big deal? Why is "Julius Caesar" relevant t...

Leontes in A Winter's Tale by William Shakespeare

In five pages Sicilia's King Leontes is analyzed in terms of his character's functions in Shakespeare's tragedy. Five sources are...

Macbeth's Dagger Soliloquy

This paper examines Macbeth's soliloquy in Act II, Scene I of Shakespeare's play. This five page paper has no additional sources ...

Ian McKellan's Film 'Richard III' and Evil

In six pages this paper examines how evil is portrayed in this cinematic interpretation of William Shakespeare's 'Richard III' wit...