YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Socrates Dichotomies and Platos Apology

Essays 241 - 270

Plato and Gender

unison (Rosen, 2005). Plato (1996) writes: "Is not the community of pleasure and pain the tie that binds? The sharing, to the grea...

Culture, Education and Legislation in Plato's Laws

three characters (a stranger from Athens; Cleinias, from Crete; and Megillus, a Lacedaemonian) are discussing their various types ...

Plato: Law, War, Peace and Virtue in the "Laws"

suggest that both love and hate can be taught (Plato). We can further extrapolate from that to conclude that if a nation is in har...

Plato's Arguments for Forms, Immortality and Knowledge

the preexistence of the soul, and the separate existence of forms work together or not? Thats a lot of questions to tackle, and to...

Elements in Plato's Republic

fundamental importance in the Republic of the metaphor of descent and its connection to the two great themes of birth and death, a...

How Aristotle Opposes Plato's Attack on Poetry

the lyrics in modern songs, and in essence, the poets of today are Eminem and Jay Zee and Beyonce. Lyrics to emanate from these ar...

Plato's Philosophy and Criticisms

thought that the Theory of Forms was useless when it came to explaining the material world "because the connection between the two...

Diotima's Ideas on the Fairness of Love

she proved to me as I proved to him that, by my own showing, Love was neither fair nor good. " Here, the idea that love is powerfu...

Education, Arete or Virtue, and Plato

like knowledge itself, is secure. Indeed, according to Plato correct opinion is a guide to knowledge. To be correct, opinions th...

Personal Knowledge and Plato's "Allegory of the Cave"

of his text The Republic, Plato presents one of Western civilizations most accurate conceptualizations of the tremendous influence...

Plato's Gorgias and Phaedrus

This essay pertains to Plato's perception of rhetoric and the role of eros, as indicated by his texts Gorgias and Phaedrus. Five p...

The Theory of Forms and Parmenides' Change

In a paper of six pages, the writer looks at Plato's theories of Forms. Parmenides' views on change provide a counterpoint. Paper ...

Natural Law Theory Ring of Gyges

This paper discusses different parts of Plato's Republic. There is a discussion of natural law legal theory and legal positivist t...

Female Characters and Ancient Texts

is clear that each of them has some wish in his mind that he cant articulate; instead, like an oracle, he half-grasps what he want...

Did Plato Influence St. Augustine

truly understand Gods word: "I ask Thee, my God: pardon my sins, and as Thou didst grant to Thy servant to speak those words, gran...

Plato's Allegory of the Cave: A Metaphysical View

would be literally nothing but the shadows of the images" (Plato, 1969. p. 409). He then likens the philosopher to a prisoner who ...

Psychology and Philosophy

for the student of psychology to develop a well-rounded and complete understanding of the discipline, it is necessary to study bot...

'On the Standard of Taste' by David Hume

would be clearly dependent upon the eye of the beholder. Therefore, the conclusions were not judgments, per se, but were response...

Ethics, the Soul, and 'Allegory of the Cave' in the A. Bloom Translation of Plato's The Republic

he had dragged him out into the light of the sun" he would be distressed. For Socrates, the world above ground represents the othe...

Book VII of The Republic by Plato and Its 'Allegory of the Cave'

much like ourselves. As this suggests, Socrates means to make it clear that this allegory has relevance to the realities of everyd...

Plato's Views on the Ethics of Healthcare

living" (Plato Crito 18-19). II. ABORTION To reach true happiness, Plato believed people must strive for a contentment tha...

True Love in Symposium by Plato

senate dinner, or basically a drinking party after the meal. Though it is certain that Plato took literary license with the dialog...

Critical Analysis of the Meaning of Plato's 'Allegory of the Cave'

know what they, themselves, look like. One day, one of the people breaks free from the chains and makes it back to the outside o...

Democracy Theories

on this subject might want to explore various opinions on democracy and society. Socrates claimed that democracy--because it is ...

Consequences of Morality in The Republic by Plato

concepts that are far beyond his level of comprehension, only to ultimately be able to process the information. To reach true m...

Evaluation of an Article on Plato's Republic and Communist Concepts

is a case for communism at least for the lower classes. The supporting premises for that conclusion have already been noted and ge...

Justice Theory of Plato

a humans body. It sought to find pleasure and to find sustenance. "These appetites should not be allowed, to enslave the other ele...

Man's Greatest Good and Values

philosophical thought begs to differ. In the pre-Plato period, for example, the prevailing belief was that pleasure was immediate ...

Incorrect Soul Division and Plato's 3 Fold Model

change and that personality stays the same. In order to comprehend why this is not the case, and understand the thesis which also ...

True Knowledge Concept of Plato

have merit, they are essentially inapplicable to our contemporary concerns regarding knowledge. In other words, while knowledge m...