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Essays 211 - 240

Affordability of Health Insurance Letter to U.S. Senator Bill Frist

approach to health care for themselves and all Americans. Demographics of The Most Needy...

Saudi Arabia and Health Care

to improving standards of public health, noting that the infant mortality rate was reduced significantly between 1980 and 1993, an...

Sam Case Study

From this perspective, we can see...

Health and Gender Inequality

2000). Even as recently as just a couple of decades ago, conditions such as cramps, pregnancy nausea and even labor pains were oft...

Reflective Learning Document on Safety and Health Policy Formation Information

party where contact may result in exposure of a risk. For a small company with no employees the lessons of the health...

Jacobs, Marmor and Oberlander's The Political Paradox of Rationing and the State Health Plan of Oregon

subject of rationing health care. The authors look at the years 1989 through 1995 and laws which were put in place in Oregon to ad...

Five Questions on Public Health Nursing

the term public health nurses" (JWA - Lillian Wald, n.d.). The public health nurses at the turn of the 20th century visited...

Public Health Advertising v. Direct to Consumer Advertising

2004). As this indicates, disease education in the EU is allowed, but American-style DTC advertising is prohibited. Consequently...

Questioning Health Policy

who suffer from cancer, arthritis, AIDS, multiple sclerosis or acute back pain are known to frequently turn to alternative medicin...

Working Conditions Can Impact Quality of Life

This paper has two sections: psychosocial factors that affect health and an appraisal of two journal articles. The first section p...

Effects of Social Factors on Health

This 3 page paper explains how psychosocial influences have a major effect on health. This paper illustrates the influence of vari...

Break Addiction to Tobacco

This paper continues on in the quit smoking program in a mental health hospital. The paper reports a simple revenue and expense bu...

Survey of a New Jersey Neighborhood

This 8 page paper discusses the findings of a survey done to assess the health and conditions of a New Jersey neighborhood. This p...

Gary, Indiana, An Overview

This research paper focuses on the economic, demographic and health profiles of Gary, Indiana. The writer offers conclusions was t...

Introducing Technology - Smoking Cessation Program

This is a followup paper to a proposal to implement a smoking cessation program in a mental health hospital. In this essay, a heal...

Young Adult, History and Health Screening

This research paper presents the client's biographical background, his past health history and a well young adult behavior al heal...

Health Inequalities and Vulnerable Populations

This research paper discusses health disparities among African Americans from a public health perspective. Three pages in length, ...

The Elderly and Mental Health

This essay presents a discussion on mental health practice and the elderly, focusing on the biases of the student as a mental heal...

Aspects of Healthy Nutrition

This paper pertains to healthy nutrition and descries the topic not only in terms of how it pertains to physical health, but menta...

Exploring Health Promotion Services

This research paper begins by defining health promotions. It then offers discussions of the purposes associated with health promot...

Health Communication Messages

This research paper describes the characteristics of an effective health communication campaign designed to promote public health ...

Important Factors in Health Communications

This essay pertains to important factors in health communications, such as cultural competency, choosing the right medium to conve...

Entertainment Public Health Education

This research paper pertains to entertainment education in public health education campaigns. This terms refer to public health me...

Health Outcomes and SES

This research paper describes research findings that indicate the relationship between health outcomes and low socioeconomic statu...

Health Care Teams

This research paper addresses the unique challenges that are associated with delivery of health care services by teams of professi...

Community Obesity and Health Promotion

his ideal weight yet less than that which takes his BMI past the boundary for obesity (Fontanarosa, 1998). Either condition is a ...

UK Electronic Health Records' Implementation

by Actor Network Theory (ANT), therefore, it becomes not only the technical issue of using and discarding information as well as i...

Mental Health Clients and Increasing Independence

to adulthood or general maturation processes. In an institutionalised environment, this can be a difficult transition, yet in a co...

Review of an Article on Nursing Research

to examine whether womens social roles mediate the impact of heart surgery on their psychological well-being" (Plach and Heidrich,...