YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :The Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln

Essays 31 - 60

Critique of James G. Hollandsworth Jr.’s The Louisiana Native Guards: The Black Military Experience During the Civil War

alike despite their willingness to risk their lives in combat. But as the text illustrates, racial discrimination was unfortunate...

African American Military Regiments During the US Civil War

In eight pages this report discusses the nearly 200,000 African American soldiers that fought during the US Civil War after Presid...

Reconstruction Policies Following the U.S. Civil War

In twelve pages this paper discusses the Reconstruction policies of Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson for after the Ci...

Declaration of Independence and Abraham Lincoln

In five pages this paper argues that Abraham Lincoln cannot be regarded as a great U.S. President if internal truths are represent...

U.S. Civil War Reconstruction

when he suspended individual liberties, and closed down anti-war and anti-administration newspapers (24). Not only did he do that,...

Civil Rights and Abraham Lincoln

In five pages this paper imagines what might have been had President Abraham Lincoln lived and directed the U.S. Reconstruction ef...

Secession For and Against Arguments

This paper consists of five pages and addresses newly elected U.S. President Abraham Lincoln on the issue of secession and recomme...

Civil War Reconstruction and What if It Had Been Overseen by Abraham Lincoln

hold up to the demand. Each time the demand grew so did the number of black farmers who toiled the land. Cotton was not the only...

Leadership Styles of Six U.S. Presidents Compared

that charmed his audiences was John F. Kennedy. Even though his presentation was not as fluid as that of Reagans, nonetheless, Ke...

Lincoln and Jackson

an unjustified slur on his wife Rachel" (the White House [2], 2009). Later in his time as President he was prone to outbursts it s...

The Kennedy Conspiracies

alone. We remember Kennedy in two very different lights, first as a great man, a great politician who had the interest of t...

The Reconstruction Period of American History from 1865 until 1877

the emancipation of slaves (Burkart, n.d.). * Radical Republicans had another idea, those 11 states should be reverted to territor...

Overcoming Slavery in the 1870s

This paper reviews key historical writings like Alexis de Tocqueville, Abraham Lincoln's campaign speeches and the 1848 Declaratio...

Lincoln on Government

Presidency of the United States of America on March 4, 1861, seven southern slave states had already succeeded from the Union form...

Inaugural Addresses of Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln

judge not, that we be not judged" (Abraham Lincoln: Second Inaugural Address (1865)). In this we sense a sort of equality and a ba...

How Abraham Lincoln Overcame Social and Political Obstacles in the Elimination of Slavery and Preservation of the Union

great impact on the national notions and approach to freedom and civil equality. From as early as his Inaugural Address, Pr...

US Civil War's Purpose

In six pages this paper assesses the Civil War's purpose within the context of Abraham Lincoln's observation 'I claim not to have ...

Kenneth M. Stampp's And the War Came

only truths that earlier history books illustrated, and in Stampps book we get an even clear picture of the actual circumstances a...

Civil War and Vietnam War 'Necessities'

In five pages this essay explores the meaning behind Abraham Lincoln's observations on 'necessities of war' by examining the Civil...

Lincoln and/or Johnson

swearing-in as Vice President" ( In truth, this does not appear to be the actions or thoughts of a man wh...

Was John F. Kennedy's Murder a Tragedy or a Conspiracy?

lone nut just happen to have ties to violent, subversive groups like the Cuban revolutionaries, the K.G.B. and F.B.I.? Wasnt it co...

Lincoln and His Odd Cabinet

The writer discusses Doris Kearns Goodwin’s book “Team of Rivals,” which describes President Lincoln’s cabinet. It was unusual in ...

First World War and Franz Ferdinand's Assassination

joined the crowd lining the Archdukes route to City Hall" and were successful in killing not only Franz but his wife Sofia, who wa...

Lincoln's Addresses, An Analysis

This essay pertains to Lincoln's First and Second Inaugural Addresses and the Gettysburg Address and what these three speeches tel...

Abraham Lincoln - Personality Development

hire on other farms (The History Place, 1996). The same year his sister died, he and a friend, Allen Gentry took a flatboat of pr...

Abraham and God's Covenant

This essay consists of five pages and focuses on the Chapters 13, 15, and 17 as they relate to Abraham's covenant with God and how...

Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Historical Context

1852.5 Stowes portrayal of the cruelty of slavery generated "horror in the North and outrage in the South," as Southerners perceiv...

Why the South Lost the Civil War

have any solid answer. The following paper examines reasons why the South lost, and focuses on the fact that it likely lost due to...

Myth and Reality: Abraham Lincoln

against injustice and for the downtrodden. One author notes that, "However successful he may have been, Lincoln the young attorney...

Lincoln and the Second Revolution

the north prior to and during the war, the political shift in power with the south remaining weak in the national forum for decade...