YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :The Concepts of Justice and Truth in Cervantes Don Quixote

Essays 151 - 180

Barbara Walters and a Theoretical TV Symposium on Women

In three pages this paper discusses a theoretical TV symposium regarded on the presentation of women in literature and thoughts on...

Distributive Justice and Savage Inequalities by Jonathan Kozol

This paper consists eight pages and examines the concept of liberal distributive justice in a consideration of Jonathan Kozol's Sa...

The Visit by Friedrich Duerrenmatt

In six pages this play and its challenges to free will of the individual and the concept of justice are analyzed. There are no ot...

Overview of Criminology

In six pages criminology is explored in terms of its differences with the concept of criminal justice and how modern society benef...

Human Nature as it Relates to Education and Justice According to Aristotle

In a research paper consisting of eight pages Aristotle's concept of human nature is examined along with the roles education and j...

Divine Justice in the Book of Job

In five pages this paper provides and overview of the discourse that took place between Job and his friends in this biblical text ...

The 'Many' Virtues of Protagoras by Plato

In three pages this paper considers how Plato's text reveals virtue to be not a single entity but rather deeply connected to other...

Commonwealth of Cicero

In six pages Cicero's concepts of justice and political stability are compared with the views of Aristotle and Plato. Six sources...

Justice in 'The Odyssey' by Homer

In six pages this paper compares Homer's concept of justice with contemporary perspectives as it relates to 'The Odyssey.' There ...

Book 4 of Plato's Republic, 'Justice of the City'

what it is that you "can do," and then doing that for the good of the group - in this case the city. The unification of the virtu...

Book of Job, Sophocles, Plato, and Aristophanes on Justice

In six pages The Book of Job from the Old Testament, Antigone by Sophocles, Crito and Apology by Plato, and The Clouds by Aristoph...

Colombia and Justice

In six pages this paper examines the concept of justice with regard to Colombia in a consideration of its constitution, judicial s...

Henry the Fifth and Kingship

In six pages this research paper examines the concept of kingship as represented in the historical play Henry V by William Shakesp...

Justice, Human Rights, and I, Rigoberta Menchu, An Indian Woman in Guatemala

In ten pages this paper considers justice and human rights concepts within the harrowing context of Roberta Menchu's testimony. T...

Justice and Due Process

Social and cultural constructs are, in effect, the framework and the foundation which a society uses to develop the systems...

Forms, Justice, and Plato's Philosophy

texts The Republic and Crito, Plato learned his lessons well. In both works, Plato theorizes what justice is through deductive re...

The Lesson by Toni Cade Bambera, Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King Jr., A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O'Connor, and Justice

story, "The Lesson," educates readers on the dual meaning of justice in American society, and how it is affected by income and edu...

British Law and Criminal Justice System and the Offender as a Victim

In forty five pages this paper discusses the British system of criminal justice in an assessment of the 'offender as victim' conce...

'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,' Justice and Mercy

In 7 pages this paper examines the concepts of justice and mercy as they are portrayed in this anonymous poem of the 14th century....

Mersault's Trial in The Stranger by Albert Camus

In this paper consisting of five pages the relevance of the evidence presented to the jury and how the concept of justice is shape...

Ethics and Piety According to Socrates

In five pages Socrates' concepts of ethics, piety, and justice are discussed as they are represented in Plato's Crito and Euthyp...

Comparison of Social Ideals

In ten pages this student provided paper considers social justice and ideals as addressed in the concepts of William Ryan, Michael...

Life and Morality

role in this respect. Plato held that the key agent in any sort of behavior but especially ethical or moral behavior (or lack of t...

Limited Liability and Justifying It Philosophically

Rawlsian justice is concerned with the idea of justice being fair and good, and it has a hope that social institutions do not give...

Freedom, Liberty, and Justice According to Martin Luther King Jr., Cicero, and John Stuart Mill

what the concept of rights truly meant to the populace as a whole, with his general consensus reflecting the respect for and appre...

Duty, Morality, and Immanuel Kant

critics contending that dialogue apart from justice is nothing more than a veiled continuation of social domination. Distin...

Herodotus and Plato on Gyges of Lydia

about him, without the veil of nicety associated with polite conversation. Platos Gyges discovered the ring during a supern...

Aeschylus and Plato on Justice

works into three central periods: namely, early, middle and late and the Republic is generally regarded as a middle period work (W...

Divine Justice and Fate Reflected in The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio and Inferno by Dante Alighieri

poem makes it clear that the human soul can only enjoy a happy eternity by pledging complete faith and allegiance in God, Boccacci...

Criminal Justice and Parole

the observance of special restrictions (1999). In other words, they are not free to come and go. They have their rights truncated...