YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :The First Amendment is the Most Important

Essays 391 - 420

Law and Due Process

In ten pages the law's due process applications to the 5th and 14th Amendments are examined as they exist under Gideon and Miranda...

Examination of the U.S. Constitution's 2nd and 4th Amendments

in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated and no Warrants s...

US Constitution's 4th Amendment

In five pages this paper analyzes the 4th Amendment of the US Constitution as it pertains to privacy rights and 'search and seizur...

Women's Suffrage and the 19th Amendment

In five pages this paper examines the women's suffrage debate both in support and opposition and how the movement eventually led t...

Arguments Favoring the Demise of Hate Speech

In ten pages this research paper advocates an abridgement to the 1st Amendment that would prohibit hate speech in the U.S. with a ...

Constitutional Change and the Influence of Abraham Lincoln

critics considered Lincoln far too moderate, Lincoln clearly addressed the major issues of the day, working towards a free America...

Teachers and Their Constitutional Rights

In ten pages this research paper examines the 1st, 4th and 14th U.S. Constitution Amendments in terms of how they pertain to educa...

Students, Constitutional Rights, and Tinker v. Des Moines School District

In five pages this paper discusses students 1st Amendment rights to protest were violated in this consideration of this Supreme Co...

Unfulfilled Promises of Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendment to the Civil Rights Act of 1964

In five pages this paper examines how education programs at the elementary and secondary levels often violate Title IX of the Educ...

Sexual Conduct and Privacy Rights

In eight pages this research paper discusses sexual behavior and argues that privacy rights are guaranteed in the U.S. Constitutio...

'The Noble Experiment' of Alcohol Prohibition in the United States

In a paper consisting of five pages the many problems caused by the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution are examined. There ...

Impact of the ERA

This paper consists of five pages and assesses the support and opposition for the Equal Rights Amendment. Five sources are cited ...

Joe Camel Cigarette Advertising and Legal Opposition

In six pages this paper discusses the case against R.J. Reynolds regarding its advertising campaign featuring 'Joe Camel' in a con...

Company Rights and Alcohol Advertising

This paper contains twelve pages that support an argument that 1st Amendment rights are being violated by the restrictions and ban...

Extreme Laws and Workplace Sexual Harassment IV

In five pages this paper discusses how interference with the 1st Amendment as it pertains to workplace sexual harassment laws. Si...

Balancing Act of Budget Balancing 4

In a research paper that consists of seven pages the failed amendment to balance the budget and its surrounding issues are discuss...

Banking Industry and Balanced Budget Amendment

In a report consisting of eight pages a rural bank CEO's perspective is adopted regarding issues of 1998 through 2002 economic pro...

1st Amendment Rights and Paparazzi

In seven pages this paper argues in favor of the paparazzi profession because its prohibition would be a violation of freedom of e...

Overview of the Budget Deficit

In three pages the budget deficit is examined in terms of its past and future economic effects and impact with the Balanced Budget...

Argumentative Essay on Gun Control

There are currently more than 20,000 gun laws on the books in this country as of 1994. (Cottrol 11) Simultaneously 40 states assur...

Gun Control an the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution

argue, the amendment is no longer necessary--we have won our civil war. To them, the amendment represents a guarantee to form mil...

2nd Amendment 'Right to Bear Arms' of the US Constitution

"The right to keep and bear arms originated in the common law right of self-defense."3 The Common Law was established to give men ...

Establishment Clause, the 1st Amendment, and School Prayer

The reasons that have been purported in favor of re instituting school prayer are numerous. One of the primary arguments for schoo...

13th Amendment and Equality

well but there might be a reason for black men to have more idle time and not be as well dressed than white men in the same age ca...

Civil Rights in the Late Nineteenth Century and the Abandonment of the Freed Men

The Compromise of 1877 is the focus of this six page research paper that involved a close election in which Republican Rutherford ...

April 1963 Civil Rights Protest in Birmingham, Alabama

had defended his presence in Birmingham as an apostle of non-violence and justice, and appealed persuasively to America to grant r...

1989 Case of Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397, 109 S.Ct. 2533, 105 L.Ed.2d 242

In eight pages this paper features a legal brief involving protections of the 1st Amendment, federal and state laws regarding free...

Amicus Curae Brief Filing, the 1st Amendment, and School Prayer

This report consists of twelve pages and considers issues pertaining to the Establishment Clause and the U.S. Constitution's 1st A...

Freedom and Rock Star Marilyn Manson

In eight pages this paper examines the freedoms guaranteed in the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution in a consideration of how...

Free Expression and Obscenity

In eight pages this paper discusses the rulings on obscenity and their impact upon the guaranteed free speech of the 1st Amendment...