Essays 271 - 300

England and the Tobacco Industry from 1700 to 1800

In ten pages this paper discusses the tobacco industry's impact on England and the rest of Europe during this time period. Seven ...

Research and Treatment of Muscular Dystrophy

In five pages this paper examines muscular dystrophy in a consideration of research and such treatments as Lorenzo's Oil. Four so...

1996's Oil Spill Off Rhode Island's Coast

seas forced the oil barge "North Cape" into Rhode Islands Nebraska Shoal at Moonstone Beach near South Kingston, Rhode Island, an ...

U.S. Textile Industry Analyzed

In fifteen pages the trends pertaining to the textile industry in the United States are analyzed and include a consideration of th...

Recent History of the Textile Industry in America

This paper presents an overview of the American textile industry's recent history in twelve pages with innovations and future plan...

Auto Industry Comparisons of the United States and Japan

In fifteen pages these two countries are compared in terms of their auto industries' differences and similarities. Twenty sources...

Antitrust Law and Sacony-Vacuum Oil Company

In ten pages this report discusses the court rulings regarding the Sacony Vacuum Oil antitrust case of the 1930s. Five sources are...

Pollutants and Oil Refineries

spring of 1999, older industrial plants exempted for decades from Texas air--pollution standards were granted voluntary complianc...

Gabon and Economic Theory

In nine pages Gabon, Africa is examined in terms of its economic background with applications of Keynesian and Monetarist theories...

History of Standard Oil and Its Breakup

In seven pages this paper examines Standard Oil in an overview of its history, the government's contributions to its breakup, and ...

Post 1973 OPEC Oil Embargo and Its Economic Impact Upon Botswana, Norway, and the United Kingdom

In ten pages this paper discusses how economic and social policies of these areas were affected by the OPEC oil embargo. Eight so...

Oxford, HMOs and the Health Care Industry

types of bonuses that doctors can be paid for cutting costs (Eastman & Eastman, 1997). While they have a point, if regulators will...

Gas Pricing and Cenex Case Study

cents a gallon. This tax is paid directly by the consumer, and producers have few choices available to them in efforts to maintai...

BP Oil Changes

In five pages British Petroleum oil is discussed in terms of the important corporate changes that took place in order to save the ...

U.S. Production of Oil

In five pages this paper discusses U.S. oil production in a consideration of economics, environment, extent, evolution, and effici...

Microsoft and Applicability of Antitrust Laws

that could serve the governments purpose. Roosevelt was committed to big government and providing it with the role of protector o...

Middle East Success of Bahrain

In a paper consisting of five pages Bahrain's economic success is compared to the Middle East and world in terms of diversificatio...

Oil Prices and the Impact of OPEC

In six pages this paper discusses OPEC's impact upon oil prices with the effects of globalization also considered. Six sources ar...

The Cattle Industry of Argentina

months ago resulted in several of Argentinas promising industrial players exiting the country to move to lower-cost Brazil (Anonym...

Life and Character of John D. Rockefeller

In five pages John D. Rockefeller's life and the oil tycoon's character are examined. Seven sources are cited in the bibliography...

Patents of Major Oil Companies

In six pages this paper considers a time period of up until July of 2000 in a discussion of major oil company registered patents. ...

Nippon-Mitsubishi Oil and Corporate Culture

In eight pages this paper discusses the organizational culture resulting from the merger between Nippon Oil and Mitsubishi. Seve...

Contemporary Business and IT

In ten pages Shell Oil is featured in a case study of internet technology communications in a consideration of contemporary commer...

Oil Production Agreements and OPEC

In twenty pages this paper discusses the supply and demand influence on the production of oil in a consideration of increased agre...

Construction Industry and Robotics

In six pages this paper discusses the construction industry and its use of robotics in mid level and high rise buildings with indu...

The Use of Lasers to Drill Gas and Oil Wells

comparison. In traditional drilling the process is slow and much of the time used is with support services to help and facilita...

Schlosser: "Fast Food Nation"

Perris, California or Paris, France. Buying fast food has become so routine that we no longer think about it. If we really did sto...

Wine Businesses and Customer Relationship Marketing

is that they are most willing to purchase. Buttle (2004) states that relationship marketing is CRM without the technology c...

Velazquez/Los Borrachos

the figure of the mythological god. Bacchus is looking away from the young man in front of him, his eyes shifted to the side, with...

Changes in the Personal Computer Industry

radical growth was between 1995 and 2000 (Canter, 2005). The surge in entry occurred much earlier between 1974 and 1984 (Canter, 2...