Essays 31 - 60

USA Patriot Act Advantages and Disadvantages

federal government to investigate suspected terrorists quickly and without going through time-consuming bureaucratic channels. Th...

Creating Paranoia Post-September 11, 2001: The U.S.A. Patriot Act

Within 3 pages, the U.S.A. Patriot Act is analyzed for the reassurance it is supposed to provide to the American people and the su...

The Patriot Act Needed Protection of Constitutional Degradation?

The Patriot Act, H.R. 3162 ENR, is one of the most controversial laws ever imposed on Americans. Passed by the House...

The Fourth Amendment and Airport Searches

Abstract This paper examines some of the impacts the Patriot Act has had on our rights as US citizens....


really doing anything about it. Certainly, Sales notes, information sharing means intelligence members can do a better job of conn...

Patriot Act and New Department

The Department of Homeland Security was signed into law in 2002, a year after the 9/11 attacks on America. Prior to that, the Patr...

Korematsu v. United States and an Assessment of the Patriot Act

them to the most rigid scrutiny. Pressing public necessity may sometimes justify the existence of such restrictions; racial antago...

Overview of the 2005 USA Patriot and Terrorism Prevention Reauthorization Act

overseas where our troops are battling terrorists each and every day. This legislation will go a long way towards strengthening o...

A Summary of Five Acts

was the Great Depression and other conditions at the time that mandated the creation of social and economic programs. One has to r...

Safeguards and Penalties for Improper Use of Data and U.S. Law

to criminal issues were not sufficient to address computer fraud. To an extent, wire and mail fraud issues were addressed in the p...


U.S. governments ability to examine terrorism financing and money laundering as well as allowing the government to closely examine...

Changes to the Bank Secrecy Act

altered since the terrorist attacks. The BSA has many provision, mostly related to money laundering. To sum up the gist of the act...

The Application of the Miranda Rule

in the Supreme Court case of Miranda v. Arizona resulted in directives for the treatment of suspects I the criminal justice system...

The Potential Clash of Alignment of Civil Liberties and Security Controls

and the rights of privacy prevented a more proactive actions being taken to find these threats. This is a core element of the argu...

Sacrificing Liberty for Security, 9/11 Restrictions

This argumentative essay states a position against the restrictions imposed under the Patriot Act due to 9/11. At the end of the e...

Homeland Security and the Unintended Consequences of their Polices and Practices

Any official policy or practice will have both intended and unintended consequences. This paper looks at some of the ways in which...

Impacts to Law Enforcement

security. Others, however, condemn the Act because of its impact to American civil rights. Along with that condemnation has been...

Prosecutorial Misconduct?

was turned over to North Carolinas attorney general (Seattle Times, 2007). The Duke rape made national headlines and could ...

Due Process and the Definition and Delineation of Individual Rights

Due process has had a definitive impact on the delineation and definition of the rights of American citizens. Interestingly, howe...

Challenges to Criminal Justice

liberties that are guaranteed to Americans in the Constitution are not lost in the process of addressing this problem. Commentator...

Historical Significance of The Third Reich

This paper discusses the Holocaust, The Third Reich, and the concept of history repeating itself if people do not stay vigilant. ...

Criminal Justice VII

would be that such a thing would never happen in the US without great public outcry, but that was before passage of the Patriot Ac...

Surveillance Panopticon Issues

The essay discussed three distinct topics. The first topic discussed Foucault’s report on the Panopticon, a surveillance machine u...

Super Bowl Coverage: Print And Broadcast

response is directly related to how well the reporter can convey the necessary emotion in but a few critical paragraphs, a challen...

'The Play's the Thing': Analyzing Six Passages from William Shakespeare's Plays

Analysis of William Shakespeare's Hamlet (Act V, Scene ii), As You Like It (Act II, Scene vii), Richard III (Act I, Scene ii), The...

The Beginnin of Antitrust Laws

This essay briefly discusses some of the Antitrust Acts, e.g., Sherman Antitrust Act, Clayton Antitrust Act, the Robinson-Patman A...

Labor Strikes and the Workplace Fairness Act

( .HTM). The "Workplace Fairness Act," recently renamed the "Cesar Chavez Workplace Fairness Act" i...

ObamaCare For and Against

This essay discusses the Health Reform Act of 2010, the Patient Protection And Affordable Health Care Act. The essay identifies th...

Alternatives and Assessment in a Judicial Review Case

and potential use of judicial review, and then at how it can be applied as well as the potential defences that may be cited by the...