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Essays 31 - 60

Aristotle's Rhetoric

In five pages this paper examines oppression and the deliberative argument as featured in Aristotle's Rhetoric. Five sources are ...

Aristotle's Contemporary Philosophical Dialogue

Some of Aristotle's most famous conclusions are disputed in the dialogue contained within this six page research paper and such to...

Aristotle's Life and Contributions to Western Civilization

negative effects. His father was named Nichomachus and he belonged to the clan or guild of the Asclepiadae (Ross 1; Randall 12)...

Organic Unity Concept of Aristotle's Poetics as Portrayed in Agamemnon and Oedipus the King

In a paper consisting of five pages ways in which organic unity serves as an important function in ths plots of these ancient Gree...

Analysis of Aristotle's Mathematical Contributions

In five pages Aristotle's mathematical contributions are analyzed in terms of its scientific advancements and logical method throu...

Logos, Pathos, and Ethos of Aristotle's Rhetoric

In five pages these rhetorical forms as devised by Aristotle are discussed along with accompanying examples and an explanation of ...

Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, Human Nature and Society

This paper examines how the human concept of virtue and its pursuit influence human nature and society within the context of the t...

Aristotle's Poetics and Oedipus

In five pages this paper examines how a tragic literary hero is defined by Aristotle in Poetics and then applied to Oedipus. One ...

Contemporary American Culture and Plato and Aristotle's Concepts of Human Nature

of human thinking and an awareness of what constitutes the basics of human nature. Their lessons and attitudes are still relevant ...

The Christian Church and Aristotle's Science and Philosophy

In ten pages this report assesses Aristotle's philosophy in terms of the impact it had on the Christian religion. Five sources ar...

The Importance of Good in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics

mean happiness, and he endeavored to prove the good for man by first considering what is perceived as being good, discussing its c...

President George W. Bush's National Cathedral Memorial Address and the Application of Aristotle's Rhetoric Theory

In a paper consisting of five pages Aristotle's three points of rhetoric are applied to the President's speech in terms of word pe...

Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics and Anger

Aristotles contention is that we are all prone to anger - it is one of the "passions" that makes up our...

Aristotle's Legal Defense of a Guilty Man

and then define the perfect solution to problems that might arise. Aristotle claimed that: "I have gained this from philosophy: I ...

Aristotle's Concept of the Tragic Hero Applied to Hamlet

remind the audience that because of his noble status, he must avenge his fathers murder not only for himself but also for the Dani...

Aristotle's Definition of a 'Tragic Hero' and the Deviation of William Shakespeare in His Play Othello

not apply. First, the tragic hero is supposed to be a combination of good and bad traits. Othello is a Moorish commander who has...

Aristotle's Concepts of Virtue and Happiness

into two intellectual worlds. Aristotle goes on to explain: " but with regard to what happiness is they differ, and the many do n...

Sophocles' Oedipus Rex and Aristotle's Table of Virtues

the King that the murderer of Laius (the previous King) must be brought to justice. Oedipus swears he will go on this quest to fin...

Critically Comparing Plato and Aristotle's Views Arete or Virtue

Conceptions of Virtue). Furthermore, it was Plato who argued that love was the essential ingredient in the good life because love...

Aristotle's Nature Study, Physics, and Analogy of Art Uses

successful in clarifying his principle of nature. In Aristotles "Physics" Book II first written in 350 B.C.E. he compare...

Democratic Government and Aristotle

In a paper consisting of eight pages writings such as Politics by Aristotle are used to examine the Athenian Constitution and its ...

Ancient Legal Codes

woman, then she was free to take back her dowry and return to her fathers house (Brians, 1998). While this sounds quite humanistic...

Man as a Political Animal According to Aristotle

equals, a share of the government- no one will say that this is a democracy" (Aristotle Book 4, Part IV, p.PG). He goes on to expl...

Aristotle/De Anima

possibly think?" (I.3). As this indicates, Aristotles perspective is grounded in observation and reality. He sees the mind as intr...

Aristotle and the Idea of the "Good Life"

it mean for a person to be functioning well-or in this case, to be functioning to his highest capability? Its more than acquiring...

Aristotle and Human Origins

was also Aristotle who determined that in a beehive there was a particular leader, though he called it a "king" (Aristotle, 2006)....

Tragic Hero Willy Loman in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman

First, is that the play should be of serious magnitude, and have an impact on many, many people (McClelland, 2001). The second fac...

The Ideal Constitution According to Aristotle

of the two or the rule of the inferior is always hurtful" (NA). In this we see an incredibly humane approach, as well as a humane ...

A Comparison of Machiavellian and Aristotelian Ideas

too saw that the people needed leadership. The general public was thought not quite capable of making the big decisions. While Mac...

Naturalistic Realism as Defended by Aristotle

In four pages Book I of Aristotle's Politics is used as the philosopher's 'natural' realism defense especially pertaining to the n...